Operation Be More Crafty: Bandanna Purse Tutorial

Operation Be More Crafty has been fun so far and I have enjoyed finding new crafts to share with ya all. I hope you are enjoying it as much as I am.

I promise I will have pictures with next month’s Operation Be More Crafty post. Things kind of got a little busy for me to take pictures this month.

Anyways, I am so excited to share how I made my bandanna purse with you. So here we go:

I started by ironing out any wrinkles the bandanna may have had from being folded. Then I folded it into fourths. I wanted to have a few pockets in the middle. Make sure you are fold the wrong side out if you are using a patterned bandanna. This is to make sure your stitches are on the inside.

I then hand sewed all the sides but one up. I hand sewed it but you can use a sewing machine if you prefer. Mine just isn’t set up yet,but I am hoping it will be soon.

After you have the three sides sewn up, turn it right side out if you use a patterned bandanna. Now you are ready to sew the strap. I used a black rosette piece that I found at Hobby Lobby. All I did for this part was sew the strap to the top outside part of the purse.

That is it. I thought it was very easy and I love how mine turned out. (I have fallen in love with the damask pattern.)

Reveal post coming next week.

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