Summer Fun Roundup Part 2

After the Fourth of July is when parents everywhere start hearing the whines of MOOOOM!!! I’M BORED!!! THERE’S NOTHING TO DO!  At least I can say my parents did when I was a kid! Are you wondering just what to do with them now that summer is winding down and back to school shopping is starting?


Part 2 of the Summer Fun Round Up will help beat those summer boredom blues!






These are some great ways to get those little ones moving! Get them outside away from the electronics! Sunshine is better for them anyways!


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3 Responses to Summer Fun Roundup Part 2

  1. My son is only 18 months old so he doesn’t quite tell me he’s bored yet 😉 BUT these are some great ideas for the future!

  2. Aaaahhh I’ve always wanted to make a giant jenga!

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