10 years later

10 years ago today our nation changed.  It started out like any other day.  Only to turn into the biggest attack on US soil.  This is the flag from the World Trade Center.  It amazes me that it was not destoryed more than this.

This is the same flag that was patched with other flags.  I think this is beautiful.  This picture is from the memorial service of the little girl killed in the Arizona shooting.  She was born on 9/11/ 01

Do you remember where you were?  What you were doing? 

I had just woken up to get ready for a doctor’s appointment..  I had the TV on and saw the pentagon.  I thought oh the pentagon is on fire.  Then I closed my eyes again for a minute and the news changed back to NY.  Then the first tower fell.  I ran into my parents room and woke up my mom to tell her something bad is happening.  We watched until I had to leave.  I had a class that afternoon and instead of actually doing anything in class we just talked about what had happened. The school had TV’s everywhere.  In all the common areas.  Everyone was just watching them. No one was talking. 

10 years later we have found and tried Saddam Hussein.  He is now dead.    We have FINALLY found Bin Laden.  He is now dead.  

Thank you so much to my friends that have served my country.

Seth Clark
Nathan Moore
Greg Williams
Olin Sparks
Kerri Blum
David Kasky
Zack Beckette
Jeff Rose (husband of a friend)
Ryan Norman
Randy Frank

And the one friend that made an ultimate sacrifice for his country;
Benjamin K. Smith

Forever Nine/Eleven
by Cate Hutchison
Families always remember,
Especially in September.
Nobody gets forgotten.
Especially in September.
Firemen and police,
Remember fallen friends.
Respect in September.
Respect throughout the year.
Friends always remember,
Especially in September.
Especially in September.
Forever nine/eleven.
Families unite together,
Especially to remember.
Especially in September.
Loved ones who are gone,
Loved ones who were lost.
Everyone always remembers,
Especially in September,
I write this poem one the 1 year anniversary of 9/11.  Today being the 10 year anniversary it is even more true today that it was then.  Families unite to remember the loved ones they lost one this day 10 years ago.  Respect should be given to the families of those lost.  We should remember the fallen firemen and policemen on this day as well.  They gave their lives trying to save many people. They went into the building as others were running out.
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