10 years later

I thought it would be appropiate to post a memorial tribute to the Columbine school shooting victims of Littleton CO. The tenth anniversary of this tragedy is tomorrow.

Cassie Bernal is one of my heores. She admitted to being a Christian while facing death. That is one thing I applaud her for. In the book, Jesus Freaks by dcTalk the very first story is about Cassie.

“She was 17 years old. He stood glaring at her, his weapon before her face.
“do you believe in God?”
She paused. It was a life or death question. “Yes, I believe in God.”
“Why?” asked her executioner. But he never gave her the chance to respond.
The teenage girl lay dead at his feet. “

Cassie may not have been able to answer, but she has had a HUGE impact on millions of people. If it weren’t for her people would not have had the courage to stand up against attackers. Her proclaimation of her love of God can one day unite the world. I hope that someday our world never has to hear about school shootings, war, poverty, hunger, dieases, and all the bad stuff that happens in our world.

Rest in Peace Cassie and all the others who lost their lives at Columbine High School on April 20, 1999.

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