We are already a week and a half into 2025 and I’m just now writing my 2024 review. I wasn’t that great with my blogging in 2024 but I’m putting that behind me. I’m creating posts every day and making sure I get them posted.
So what happened in the RCGG world last year? January and February came and went with winter weather. Snowy icy and cold. In March it started to warm up but was still a bit chilly. We went to Spring at the Silos at Magnolia in Waco again. I met Joanna’s sister and mom.

In April my parents came to visit. We took them to Corsicana to the cemetery where my great grandparents and great uncle are buried. My dad hadn’t been there since the early 70’s when his grandmother died. We went to Dealy Plaza in Dallas where President Kennedy was shot. My dad loves all things presidential history so it was fun seeing him experience this like a little kid in a candy store. The week they were visiting was during the eclipse so we watched the eclipse together. It was so cool to see. Mr. RCGG and I had never seen a total eclipse before and it was so cool to see the sun become completely blocked by the moon. It was like it was dusk even though it was still the middle of the afternoon. Charlie was out playing in the yard while we were out watching and when it got dark he stopped looking around like he knew he wasn’t supposed to be outside in the dark.

I have a better totality picture on my camera that I still need to upload to my computer.

My mom love Magnolia just as much as I do so obviously we went again!

After my parents left we went to see Bailey Zimmerman in concert. He puts on a great show. At one point there was someone having a medical emergency and he stopped the show to get first responders to them. Not only that he prayed for the person and those giving the medical attention.

We didn’t really do much in May. So I’ll share a couple pictures of Cami and Charlie.

In June we went to see Alanis Morrisette in Dallas. We had so much fun. She is still just as amazing as she was 20 years ago. While we were there I met up with one of my best friends from high school. We hadn’t seen each other since graduation. She lives in Oklahoma now and was down for the concert. I absolutely love Beth! She’s loud and obnoxious but in a good way! I’m so proud of everything she’s done over the past year. She is a stroke survivor!

June is also Charlie’s birthday. He turned two! He loves running around with his cat brother and playing outside. He loves carrots at bedtime and curling up with me to take a nap during the day.
In July we celebrate my birthday and our anniversary. For my birthday this year we went to a Rangers baseball game. They lost to the Orioles but it was all good because I got to see my favorite former Braves player again. Craig Kimbrel is the closer for the O’s now.

We went to the Fort Worth zoo. All the animals were so beautiful. I always love seeing the lions and tigers. I have found a new love for hippos though. It is just so much fun to see them because they look like they are floating through the water.

August was hot. I mean it is Texas after all. We did finally finish the table and chairs that we started in April though.

Over Labor Day weekend we went to South Padre Island. We loved seeing the Gulf of Mexico for the first time. The water is so blue and clear. Charlie loved running on the beach with us. He hates going out in the rain at home but was having a ball running through the puddles on the beach. We also saw the end of the road. The main road over SPI just stops.

We also went to see 3 Doors Down and Creed in September. Both bands were awesome and still rocking like they did when we were in high school!

Every October is the Moms in the Making conference. I love seeing all my MITM friends and worshipping God with other women that are going through infertility struggles. It helps me know that I am not alone. This was my third conference and my mom’s second. I love that my friends have welcomed her into our little group. They love her just as much as I do!

I love the movie Hocus Pocus. I watch it every day I can during the month of October. Mr. RCGG got us tickets to see it on a big screen at Texas Whiskey Ranch. It was so much fun!

In November we celebrated Cami’s fourth birthday. He’s become quite the little snuggle bug but on his terms. He loves running around the house and wrestling with Charlie. We also have Mr. RCGG’s birthday. I made him homemade burritos with sauce and a strawberry cake. I have been telling him for years that I was going to make him a new blanket and I finally made it. I made him a no sew tie blanket. I’ll be writing a tutorial post on it later.

It is bigger than the ones I usually make and it took a long time to make. He loved it and we have it on our bed every night.
Thanksgiving was just the two of us and Cami and Charlie. We brined out turkey again using Pioneer Woman’s brine recipe. It was so good. It always comes out juicy and full of flavor.
The holiday season was chaotic with Mr. RCGG’s job. It’s peak season for the shipping industry. We ended up having a nice quiet Christmas. Charlie loved all his toys and Cami loved his can of tuna. We get a prime rib for Christmas dinner from a BBQ stand in town. The owner happens to be our neighbor. It is always so good. I made mashed potatoes and homemade cream corn also known as Jeni’s corn in our family.