31 Days of Happy Day 4

My two best friends are the most awesome girls in the world! We may not have seen each other in quite a few years, but we can always get back to right where we left off like we hadn’t been apart! That’s what best friends are all about! They are the friends that are there for you when you need them!

I have had these two awesome girls in my life for 10+ years and I wouldn’t have it any other way! We have had some hardships as all best friends do, but it has made our friendship stronger in the end!

This is Caryn:

We have been best friends since she moved to my hometown after her dad became the pastor of my church. We met in the basement of our youth leader! She lives in Chicago now and is still always there for me if I need her!

This is Sarah:

We have been friends since fifth grade and best friends since sixth grade! She will probably kill me for using this picture of us because of her weight, but it is the only one I have of us together! Sorry Nae! =) During our sophomore year of high school she moved away and it was the hardest year of my life! Things are much better for us now and we just recently got back in touch through Facebook! Isn’t it amazing that you can find people on Facebook that have had a great influence in your life and get back in touch with them even after so long? She lives in Texas now!

These girls have always been there for me and I know that they always will be! Just like I hope they know that I will always be there for them as well! Do you have best friends like this?



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