Hoo Are You 8/30/11

I didn’t even realize it was Tuesday until now.  For some reason I thought it was Monday.  Anyways,  Here is the Hoo Are You for this week:

1. What are some of your pet peeves?
I have a few.  One is when N’s mom crushes an empty water bottle.  I HATE the sound.  It gives me chills down my back.  Another one is kind of hard to explain.  I hate when someone’s shirt sleeve or bottom is turned up to where you can see the stitching on the inside.

2. Do you have a favorite or lucky number?
22.  I have been number 22 evey year I played softball except for one.

3. What is one of your family traditions?
When I still lived at home we would NEVER put Christmas presents under the tree until Christmas Eve day. After Christmas Eve service at church we would go to my grandma’s house and sing very loud and obnoxiously Rudoplh the Red Nosed Reindeer complete with chorus line.   We also opened our stockings first thing Christmas morning. I am going to do the stockings again this year since my mom made us some last year. N’s family watches Christmas story continusly on Christmas Eve/Christmas Day. 

4. Is there anything you are OC about?
Holiday decorating.  I love it to where it has to be perfect.

5. What is your favorite kind of food?
I love mexican food.

I hope you enjoyed my answers. 

I will be resuming Crafty Tuesday and Wednesday dinner after Labor day.  Tomorrow N and I are going to a baseball game.  I can’t wait.  We haven’t been since May.

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One Response to Hoo Are You 8/30/11

  1. Tonya says:

    I hear you on the holiday decor. Everything has a specific place. My husband and son decorate the tree and I try not to go as far as rearranging the tree decor but it is hard not to sometimes…

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