Hoo Are You 7/5/11

I haven’t done a Hoo Are You in a long time!


1. How did you spend the 4th of July?
Well, it was rainy all day so we kind of just stayed inside. We may or may not have been those annoying people in the neighborhood that set off fireworks late at night. It stopped raining.

2. What was a couple of your favorite things you ate for the 4th of July?
A Jimmy Dean sausage, egg, and cheese biscuit.  As good as our dinner of porkchops, macaroni salad, and baked beans could have been I don’t really like any of that stuff.  I ate the porkchops because I will eat those.  I won’t eat macaroni salad and baked beans.

3. Did you watch fireworks?
Just the ones we may or may not have set off late at night after the rain stopped.

4. What is your favorite firework?
I like the ones that spark and scream.

5. How hot was it where you were for the 4th?
Well, it started out hot, but then when it started to rain it cooled off a lot.

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