Halloween and upcoming RCGG events

 Halloween is coming up very fast.  It is almost October which means almost time to decorate!  I was looking for some ideas to decorate and came across this adorable little guy.  You can put him by your door or in your yard.  Here is the directions to make this little guy. 

I am going to be making a couple of wreaths in the next few days and putting up a tutorial for them. 

I will post them as soon as I have them done.  I will also be starting on the treat bags soon and have those up soon too.  After Halloween I am going to start a countdown to Christmas.  I will be starting to work on Christmas gifts so I thought I would share some of the gifts I make.  Only a couple of them will be able to be posted because of the fact that most of the stuff is for family that looks at my blog. 

Another upcoming event on Random Crafty Georgia Girl will be my first giveaway!!  I will be posting more about that later.  I think that this is it for now.  Have a great week!! 

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