DIY Extraordinary Flip Flops

Hello all of you Georgia Girl readers! I am so happy to be guest posting on Cate’s blog! I am Kami, from Sweet Charli Boutique & Blog, where you can find many tutorials, ideas, and recipes! I am married to my high school sweetie, we have been married 4 1/2 years! And I am a mother to my Sweet Charli girl! She is such a joy and inspiration to me. Ever since I was in high school and read the book (and saw the movie) ‘Charly’, I knew I had to name my girl after her. If you haven’t read or seen the movie, you MUST! Anyway, I absolutely love to craft! It is a fun hobby of mine that I love to share with all of you! I enjoy being able to see all the projects that my readers try making from my blog! It’s so much fun to share talents! I have even been able to share some of my projects on a local morning show a few times! Come on over and check things out: – but I believe Cate has one of my tutorials for you right now!! Here it is:

Flip Flops: from ordinary to extraordinary in 5 minutes and under 5$!!
Yep, you heard me!
I needed black flip flops but hate wearing plain ones. I needed somewhat dressy but didn’t want to pay the price.

Ordinary Flip Flops – old or new.
(Old Navy Flip Flops are on sale right now 2 for $5. JoAnn’s also has cheap ones, 2 for $5)
Embellished Ribbon – you can find these in JoAnn’s, you buy them by the yard and they have endless possibilities
(or you can use your own ribbon and make your own ruffle)
Glue – I used Gorilla Glue
Flower Embellishment

I measured the straps on my flip flops and each strap was about 6 inches. I got 12 inches of ruffled embellished ribbon, and 12 inches of plain velvet ribbon.

Cut your ribbons to the size of your straps, and glue on with your glue.

Clamp the ribbon down (I just used hair clips) and let dry. (okay, without the glue drying part these flip flops take 5 minutes!) Gorilla glue takes about 2-3 hours to fully dry. I just let them sit over-night.

I made my own flower embellishments from polyester material. Cut out circles, then burn around the edges. Stick on top of each other and glue. Then stick jewels or beads in the middle. I just hot glued the flowers to the ribbon on the flip flops:

And here’s the finished product!!

Hope you all have fun making yourself some cheap, but adorable flips!!

Thanks so much for letting me share!!


**I hope you enjoyed this tutorial from Kami this week! I still have some flip flops that I am waiting to try this with. Thanks Kami for letting me feature your awesome idea and I am looking forward to doing more awesome tutorials like this one.

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