National Scrapbook Day 2010

Today is National Scrapbook Day. Probably by the time you read this I will have been to Archiver’s. I will be putting up some pictures of my Archiver’s trip later today, but more than likely tomorrow. I am hoping we get there in time for some make and takes.

This layout was part of the album I made for my mom. It started out as her 2008 Christmas present. I didn’t have it done by then so it turned into a Mother’s Day present. Guess What? It wasn’t done for that either. I finally finished it about a week before N and I went up to visit my parents last year. I can officially say that she loved it.

I hadn’t taken on a scrapbook this big before. It was my first time making one as a gift. I have so many pages that are just random. I am sure that will change once N and I get married and have children though. Right now, my layouts are just random and mostly of the cats.

I will have more pictures up later of National Scrapbook Day.


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