My Birthday Girl

downsized_0918090558a l_3a20689aea53d2e42be41f37b325ad11Today is my Ollie Belle’s 14th birthday! I got her for Christmas when I was still in high school and she was so tiny she fit in the palm of my hand!My parents bought her from an animal shelter and she was the smallest of her litter. You wouldn’t even know that now!

She is my baby girl and I can’t imagine my life without her! She has always been my cuddle cat and I love when she curls up with me! She sleeps on my pillows at night and as annoying as being woke up by a cat kicking you in the head is I really wouldn’t have it any other way!

Have you ever heard a cat snore? Ollie snores and it is the cutest sound in the world! She really is my baby girl and always will be!


Happy 14th birthday Ollie Belle! Mommy and Daddy love you very very much!

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