Adornit Blog Hop

I love Summer so much. I don’t love the heat, but I love the feeling of not having to worry about anything. You can be so carefree. I had never been to the ocean until this year. Over the fourth of July weekend N and I went to Hilton Head, SC, Tybee Island, GA, and Savannah, GA. Some more pictures can be found at this link. ^ I love the ocean. As I said before, I had never been to the ocean before. It was such a fun experience that I can’t wait to go again. My birthday is also in the summer. I have always loved my birthday. I love being able to do something that I want to do and with people I love.
This week I am participating in the Adornit Blog Hop. The layout I made is of my first time seeing the ocean. N and I went to Hilton Head, SC over the fourth of July weekend. It is just a simple layout, but I think it is cute.

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