Braves baseball 9-12 and other things

We went to the Braves/Marlins game on 9-12.  It was a lot of fun as usual.  We had right field seats this time instead of our usual left field seats. 
I got a great picture of Kimbrel coming in from the bullpen.  I can’t wait for our next game.  I am making a shirt to wear that has his name on it.  I will put up pictures of it when I finish it.
This was after the game. I think it is cute. 
I got to see another of my favorite pitchers play.  Peter Moylan was on the DL for most of the season.  I was so excited to see him pitch again. 
The Braves lost in extra innings, but it was still a fun game.  I can’t wait to go to our next game.  It will be the last game of the season against the stupid Phillies. 
Hopefully we make it into the playoffs.  There is no doubt that we won’t but sometimes things happen. 
Have you started thinking about Halloween?  Remember I said that I was going to be Dorothy from Wizard of Oz for Halloween? 
Well, I found a pin that my best friend gave me when she worked at Payless Shoe Source in Illinois.  I thought it would be funny to be a Payless employee.  So I am going to wear a nice shirt and pants and the pin.  I will take pictures of course. 
Have you done any cute decorating for Halloween or fall in general?  Please share them and I might feature them on Crafty Tuesday.
Email your ideas to me at
Also send some of your favorite recipes for me to try on Wednesday Dinner.  I will share the recipe and a couple of pictures.
  I am making a promise to myself to blog more.  I have not being blogging as much anymore.  Things have been a little busy for the past month.  I hope to be able to share soon what kinds of things have been going on. 
Happy birthday to this little girl:

My cousin Tara (who I call Tara Butt) turns seven today.  I think she was two in this picture. It was taken at my parents house at Christmas.   She fell asleep on N with her baby brother Trent’s Christmas present from my parents. 

Happy seventh birthday Tara Butt!  I love you babygirl!
I hoe everyone has a great week and a fun weekend.
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