Bullet Journal-Shares

On weekends I usually take time to spend with Mr. RCGG! So I will be doing short posts with some pictures or links from other bullet journalers! Some may be from a Facebook group I recently found and some may be from Pinterest!

For today I am going to share some pictures from Kristin Pearson! Kristin is also pretty new to bullet journaling. Here is what she says about why she keeps a bullet journal.

My bullet journal took my obsession with planners and paired it with my need to create things. I’ve always loved to write and draw (although I’m not that good). Now that I’m 27 with a career and life goals, my bullet journal is keeping me organized and inspiring me to reach my goals. My bujo helps me stay accountable for everything from reading to habits to cleaning my apartment.



How cool are Kristin’s pages? I don’t believe that she is new to this form of planning! Haha!

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One Response to Bullet Journal-Shares

  1. joymcd305716439 says:

    Those are really cool spreads! I am amazed by what people come up with.. not sure I can be that creative! xx

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