Hi Mommy’s blog friends. It’s Chester. I’m sad. A couple weeks ago Mommy, Daddy and I went to Savannah so I could go to the doctor. When we got back on Monday evening we opened the bedroom door and my big sister didn’t come running to meet us like she usually does when we come home. She was laying peacefully on her blanket on the floor. She had passed away while we were gone. =(
Daddy thinks she may have passed on Saturday night or very early Sunday morning. Mommy says that Ollie came down and told her to come play. She was greeted by all the other pets of the family and Ollie introduced her to some others!

Mommy and Daddy took her to be cremated and after a few days Peachy was back home. It has been different at home without her running around. Mommy says that she can still hear Peachy’s bell and her running around upstairs. I miss coming in from outside and cleaning up the treats that she has left for me.
Peachy taught me that it is okay to curl up on the pillows and take a nap. She taught me that sometimes it is fun to push Mommy’s buttons! Haha! She said that even when we annoy Mommy she will still love us! Peachy was the best big sister! For my gotcha day on 11-9-20 she got me a lizard toy! It is my favorite toy! I sleep with it every night now!
I miss you Peachy! I know you are watching me from kitty cat Heaven! I may have only been with you for just a year but I love you! You were my best friend.
We lost our Peachy cat on 11-14 or 11-15-2020. We are completely heartbroken on this loss. We weren’t with her when she passed and that is what is killing us! She was running around playing and eating her treats the day before we left for Savannah and even when we were getting the last things ready so we could leave. We aren’t sure when exactly she passed but she looked peaceful and like she just laid down to take a nap. We have her ashes back now and it has been a little quiet this past week without her running around. She isn’t running down the stairs to greet Mr. RCGG when he comes home from work or curling up on my pillows for bed.
We miss you Peachy and will always love you baby girl!