Crafty Tuesday

Well, it is that time again. What time you ask? It is time for another CRAFTY TUESDAY!! YAY!!!!!

I saw this on Martha Stewart last month.

Homemade Sidewalk Chalk

Tools and Materials

•Cardboard tube (saved from center of paper towels, toilet paper, wrapping papers, tinfoil, etc.)
•Duct tape
•Freezer paper
•32-ounce plastic containers (saved yogurt containers work great)
•Tempera paint in a variety of colors
•1 cup water
•Mixing spoon
•1 1/2 cups Plaster of Paris
•Rubber spatula
•Cooling rack
Tip: Silicone baking trays also make great chalk molds, and come in fun shapes such as stars and hearts.

Sidewalk Chalk How-To
1. If necessary, cut cardboard tube to about 5 1/2-inch lengths (the size of half a paper towel tube). Other sizes can be used as well. Use duct tape to tape off one side of each tube.

2. Insert a sheet of freezer paper, cut to size (with paper inside the tube).

3. In a plastic container, mix 2 to 4 tablespoons (depending on color desired) of paint into the cup of water. Continue mixing while slowly adding the Plaster of Paris to the water, until completely combined. The mixture should be about the texture of frosting.

4. Fill prepared tube with mixture, assisting with a rubber spatula. Tap tube on work surface to release air bubbles.

5. The plaster will set in about a half hour, and can be removed from tube after about one hour (check for hardness by gently squeezing tube). Once chalk is removed from tube, place on a cooling rack and let dry completely (at least 24 hours) before using.

From The Martha Stewart Show, April 2010

To watch the video please click the link. Martha had Brendan Fraser as a guest. He helped make the sidewalk chalk and was so funny!!

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