Hoo Are You 10-4-11

I know I have said for the past month that I will be starting Crafty Tuesday again.  Things have still been busy around here lately.  We recently moved into a new house and are still unpacking things and starting on finishing the basement.  So please bear with me if you have been having Crafty Tuesday withdrawls.  I will for sure have them back by Thanksgiving.

Now, on to this week’s Hoo Are You.

1. Do you sleep with the tv or music on?

We sleep with the TV on.  I am afraid of the dark so it gives a little bit of light for me.
2. What is your favorite technology device that you own?
I would have to say my phone is my favorite.  Or my Kindle.
3. Do you shop the ads for groceries?
N does most of our grocery shopping with his mom. So they do a lot of on Wednesdays because of senior citizen discounts.
4. What are you favorite pair of shoes?
I hate wearing shoes.  So I don’t have a favorite pair.

5. Have you done any fun fall activities yet?
Well, not as of yet.  We are planning on taking the munchkin to a pumpkin patch this year to pick out pumpkins to carve.

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