HOO Are You 9/20/11

I haven’t done a Hoo Are You in awhile. So here is this week’s questions.

1. What are your favorite 3 things about fall?

Caramel Apple Pops
I love these so much.  I wish they were out all year instead of just around Halloween.  I also love the smell of burning leaves.  If Yankee Candle made a burning leaves scented candle I would buy it and burn it all year.  I guess the third thing I love about fall is the weather starts to turn cooler and I can make soup and chili for dinner. 
2. Are you a football fan and if so who is your favorite team?
I am still figuring out football.  I will watch it with N, but it is not my favorite sport.  I like the Colts and he likes the Panthers.  It doesn’t look like either team is going to have a good season this year.
3. What is your favorite fall scent?
Haha!  I answered this in the first question.  I will say again though that the smell of burning leaves is my favorite fall scent.
4. So you have seasonal allergies?
I don’t think so, but I do have a stuffed up nose when I wake up so I take an allergy pill and everything is fine after that.
5. Have you started Christmas shopping yet?
I haven’t started shopping yet, but I have started deciding what I want to make for people. 
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