Hot! Hot! Hot!

It is HOT!   It is 8:00 p.m. and it is still 93 degrees outside!  Our A/C went out yesterday.  Why did it have to be the Fourth of July weekend when it is HOT and the repair shops are closed for the holiday weekend?  Oh well, N and I have a portable A/C unit on our room. 
Anyways,  are you doing fireworks this weekend?  We did some last night, but have a bunch more for Monday night.  We are going to watch the fireworks in town and then come home and do our own.

N and I will be at the beach in two weeks!!  I can’t wait.  I love the sound of the ocean waves coming in and crashing onto the beach.  This year we are also going to be going to St. Simon’s Island as well as Jekyll Island.  I have this list of places to go shopping. attractions, and places to eat.  It keeps getting longer and longer, but I don’t think N and I can fit everything into just a weekend.  Haha!  I love Jekyll Island.

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One Response to Hot! Hot! Hot!

  1. Renee says:

    ack Im with you, Im gonna melt.
    Here with it being so dry no one is allowed to shoot off fore works..
    OOF a couple days ago son,and I was in this heat pulling fencing in a pasture…

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