We got home yesterday(7/4) around 6:00 p.m. I had so much fun on vacation. We went to Savannah, GA, Tybee Island, GA, and Hilton Head,SC. I saw the ocean for the first time. It was amazing. You could see for miles. Friday, Nathan and I went to Tybee Island and I found so many shells from the ocean. It was fun trying to catch them when the tide went back out. We also went to the lighthouse. We didn’t go up in the lighthouse because it was way too high for me. We did take pictures of it though. On our way back to Savannah we went to Fort Pulaski. It is a Civil War fort that started out as a Confederate fort, but the Union took it later in the war. It has a moat around it complete with ALLIGATORS!!

We also went to the Juliette Gordon Low house in Savannah. She was the founder of the Girl Scouts. I don’t have any pictures to upload because pictures were not allowed to be taken inside the house. I do have pictures of the garden and the front of the house though. It is so beautiful inside the house. There were paintings that were there when the Gordon family lived there and were donated by the family. It was so amazing to be standing in a spot where she was standing.