James Dean

Fairmount Indiana was the home of:

Me standing next to his grave. There was a rock in front of his grave that fans had signed, so I signed it too.

Me with the James Dean statue outside the James Dean Memorial MuseumThis was the high school he attended. It is in really bad condition. The roof has fallen into the building and the windows are broken. I guess since James Dean and a few other famous people attended here that it isn’t being torn down.This was the farmhouse that Dean grew up in. It is still owned by his family.
One of my favorite quotes was said by James Dean.
” Dream as if you’ll live forever. Live as if you’ll die today.”
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One Response to James Dean

  1. Christy says:

    Very neat! I had no idea he was from that area! Thanks for passing along the information. :O) P.s. I saw you bucket list….the space needle is sooooo worth going up….it doesn’t seem as high as you would think, and the brunch on Sunday is incredible!!! I blogged about it two years ago, it was fun to read your list!

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