Meet Me on Monday 11-21-11

Here is this week’s Meet Me on Monday:


1. I wish I had more time to _________?
I wish I had mroe time to craft.  Since we moved into a new house and are working on finishing the basement I don’t have anywhere to do crafts.  That may or may not be is the reason I have been slacking on Craft Tuesday.

2. What is your favorite kind of soup?
I prefer chili to soup, but if you are making me choose a soup I have to choose potato soup.  There is just something about it that makes me feel all warm and cozy.

3. Where will you eat Thanksgiving dinner?
Well growing up we always went to my aunt and uncle’s farm for Thanksgiving.  Then we stopped.  I don’t know why.  After that we started going to my grandma’s house.  Since my poppy died and my grandma moved we had all holidays at my parents house which is my grandma’s old house.  NOW, since I moved out and moved to Georgia with N and his family we have Thanksgiving and all holidays at our house.

4. What is your favorite time of day?

Plain and simple.  BEDTIME!

5. Did you start Christmas shopping yet?
As a matter of fact, I am almost done with my Christmas shopping.  I have a few little things that I still need to pick up for stocking stuffers and the stuff to make puppy chow and my grandma’s banana bread basket.  Other than that I am almost done.

I have been having problems with the codes not wanting to work right so you can link up here.

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One Response to Meet Me on Monday 11-21-11

  1. ArtyMarti says:

    Visiting from MMOM. Enjoyed your post. Maybe you will end up with a craft room. I enjoy having a space for my things that I can shut the door on, and not have to worry about putting projects away. Drop by for a visit. Happy Thanksgiving.

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