Another Monday. Another Meet Me on Monday with Java.
1. I keep putting off _vacuuming our bedroom________
2. What is your current weather?
It is a little cool. It is supposed to get really cold tonight and tomorrow night. Where is the 70 and 80 degree weather we had last week?
3. What is the nicest room in your house?
IMO it will be our bathroom when we get the basement done. I am doing a beach theme for it and I can’t wait to get started on it. Also our bedroom is going to be pretty awesome too. For that we are painting the walls the same color we have now and using light blues and maybe some reds. I haven’t decided really on that.
(Just a couple of ideas of what I want to do with our bathroom)
4. What jewelry do you never take off?
My necklace and earrings. I take my engagement ring off only to shower. Other than that it is always on.
5. Do you eat a snack before bed?