Yesterday was my 27th birthday. This is a picture I took just after the time I was born. I was born at 12:22 AM. This was the first picture of me as a 27 year old. I had such a great birthday. 
Unfortunaltly this is how my birthday started. I had to do my least favorite household chore. I hate folding laundry so much.

This is all my wonderful gifts. I got two very cute little bears, a purse, wallet, stickers, a magazine, lots of yarn, a pair of american eagle jeans, two shirts, two cricut cutting mats, a new cell phone, and a cute night gown.
Wayne Knight from Seinfeld fame lives in Cartersville and the Khol’s here has these shirts.
a tank top with my zodiac sign
a close up of my jeans, stickers, wallet, magazine and new phone.
My new Cricut cutting mats
A new magazine subscription.
a cute little night gown

So as you can see, I had quite a great birthday. It isn’t done yet though. N and I are going to visit my parents in Illinois this weekend and I still have Christmas presents up there as well as birthday presents.
My mom is having a get together of friends and family for me while we are there. I will definitly take pictures of that while we are there and put those up.