While watching Amanda’s, from Where There is Love There is Life, Stop and Smell the Roses video today I got an idea to do a post about my blankie. She was talking about how hers is all holey and falling apart. Her mother in law also told her that it was gross and she needed a new one. So Amanda went and bought a new one from the baby section of the store. She now sleeps with both of the blankies.
Anyways, she gave me the idea to share my blankie with you. (Thanks Amanda!)
I have had my blankie since I was a baby. My grandma made it for me when Momma was pregnant with me. It has a clown, a little bear (I think) and three balloons on it. The balloons have my name, Momma’s name, and Daddy’s name quilted in to them. The doctor told my mom that I was a boy. Up until five minutes before I was born. My grandma refused to believe that and had already quilted my name into the balloon. Grandma said that she did not have grandsons. She had granddaughters. Well, Grandma was right. I was not a boy.

I think my blankie is in pretty good shape for being almost 30 years old. (I turn 30 in July.) The coloring has faded a bit and it is getting a little thin, but other than that it is still in great shape. The weird thing about having the clown on my blankie is that this is the only clown that does not scare me. Any other clown scares me to death. I think it may be that I have seen this clown almost every day of my life. (I say almost because when I moved to Georgia with Nathan and his family, my blankie was packed away for three years. When we moved to another house I found it when we were unpacking things and it has been on our bed ever since.)
I also sleep with a teddy bear. I have never not slept with one. The current one that I sleep with is Purple Bear.
I call him Purple Bear because he is purple. Obviously right? Mr. RCGG got him for me for our second Christmas together. I have slept with him ever since. That was 11 years ago. Does anyone else talk to their stuffed animals or is it just me?
I hope you have enjoyed seeing my blankie and teddy bear!
Thanks again Amanda for the post idea.
Awww, so cute!!! I’m so glad I inspired you to share about your blankie. How sweet! 🙂 xoxo