My Oscar fashion recap

I thought I would give my recap of the Oscar gowns from last night. I didn’t think the show itself was that exciting. I thought it was kinda boring. It was funny however that the best director award went to James Cameron’s EX WIFE!! HAHA!
Queen Latifah looked so beautiful in this simple pink dress. It made her look like she lost some weight. It was my favorite dress of the night.

What was Charlize Theron thinking when she picked this dress? That is all I have to say about her.

I thought Miley looked very pretty in this dress, but it would look better on her if she was about ten years older. Also when she was presenting with that girl with the way too short hair she needed to stand up straight. It looks bad when you are standing with your hips sticking out like that in a fancy gown.

Jennifer Lopez looked like she was wrapped in bubble wrap. It would have been a prettier gown if it didn’t have that huge ruffly thing going down the side of it.
The men didn’t have too many crazy fashions. There were some weirdos wearing big colorful bow ties that just looked stupid. George Clooney could have worn jeans and a t-shirt and still looked HOT!
Who in the world was that woman in purple that interrupted the guy’s acceptance speech? What is with people storming the stage and interrupting acceptance speeches anyways? It makes you look like an idiot!

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