Happy 2018! I hope you had a great Christmas and a Happy New Year! A new year is here and many people make resolutions! I don’t like the word resolution because it sounds like too much stress. I prefer to make goals for the month instead of a whole year. This way those resolutions seem much more attainable.
I have divided my goals up into separate categories. Having them made into lists helps me to see them individually instead of a big ball of jumbled words! Haha! I have lists for my personal life, my blog, and my business. I’m sharing my blog and business lists with you.
-Post twice a week. Possibly Tuesdays and Thursdays
-Get back to crafts, recipes, and fun random life posts
-Post more Instagram stories
-Post more pictures to Instagram
-Be consistent with blog Facebook group. Make challenges, giveaways for group
-More members
-Listings on Tuesday and Thursday
-Pictures on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
-Have 2000 listings by summer
Have you decided on your word for 2018? I had a few in mind but while I was making out my goal lists for the new year I decided that my word for the year is going to be balance. I want to find a good balance between crafts, recipes, travel and life posts for the blog. I want to find a good balance of pictures and listings for my ebay business.