Halloween Planner Stickers Review

I received these planner stickers from Cohzii for free in exchange for my review.

I love using my planner to fill out what I have going on or what i need to do for the week! With Halloween coming up I wanted some planner stickers that would make Halloween week fun and festive! When Jet wanted reviews on her planner sticker business I knew that I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to help a fellow planner.

The Halloween stickers are adorable! There’s several different designs that you will get with your purchase. All designs are an instant download. This means that you will not receive a product shipped to you! It will come to your email address provided at checkout! You will cut them out and use your adhesive of choice to put them into your planner!

Cutting them out can be a little bit of a challenge, but that is normal of anything you would cut out. Some of them were a little big for my planner so I didn’t use those stickers.

I love how the stickers look on my Halloween week layout! It was so much fun to put this layout together. The stickers really make it look like Halloween with the cute days of the week, the bunting, the owl, and etc.

Thanks o much to Jet for giving me the opportunity to review these stickers for you! They are fantastic and I give the two thumbs way up!

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Making Your Apartment Home- Rugs

Does your apartment have carpet? What do you do when you don’t like the color of your carpet? A rug is a great way to cover it up. Continue reading

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Making Your Apartment Home- Pantry

Stocking your pantry is probably a good idea. You need food and that’s usually a great place to keep it! Our pantry isn’t very organized right now, but I’m hoping to get to that very soon.

Something I want to do to organize our pantry is put all the food items together. Like all the cans together organized into categories like vegetable, meat, sauce, etc. I’d also like to put the pastas together, the snacks together, and just keep the different foods together in general.

The Happy Housie has some great inspirations to organize your pantry! I saw several that I love and can’t wait to use!

Do you have an organized system in your pantry I’d love to see it! Show me on the Random Crafty Georgia Girl Facebook page!

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Making Your Apartment Home- Family Items

There’s some things that you just can’t part with. Things that have been in your family for years and you always remember them being in a special relative’s home.

That’s how I feel about these plaster cats.
dscn2987These cats were my grandma’s. Over the years she collected them from her friends as they started to pass away. I loved these cats when I was little and was always moving them around her house. It was always an unspoken agreement that I would get these cats at some point in my life and my mom gave them to me for either my 30th birthday or as a wedding gift! Not exactly sure since they are just one day apart! Haha!

They had been packed in a box in the basement until we moved and when I saw our kitchen I knew I wanted to put them on top of the cabinet. So my plaster cats live on top of our kitchen cabinets.

Do you have any special family items displayed in your home? I’d love to see it! Show me on the Random Crafty Georgia Girl Facebook page!

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Making your Apartment Home- Throw Pillows

When deciding what pops of color you want in your home using throw pillows is a great way to bring those colors into a room. Throw pillows are usually decorative pillows that sit on your couch and don’t get used. There’s several ways to use them that don’t involve your couch.

A Beautiful Mess shares a tour of their home and the there’s throw pillows not only on the couch but also other places! Making Your Apartment Home Throw Pillows Random Crafty Georgia Girl

We don’t have a fireplace, but I love the way The Frugal Homemaker used throw pillows to decorate her hearth for Fall. Making Your Apartment Home- Throw PillowsWhat are some ways that you use throw pillows? Share your pictures on the Random Crafty Georgia Girl Facebook page. Have you signed up for my newsletter? Sign up in the right side bar and you will receive all my newest posts.


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Making Your Apartment Home- Baskets for Organization

Do you some places that you need a little organization? Baskets are perfect for that! Making Your Apartment home baskets I bought a set of three baskets from Bed Bath and Beyond that I used in three different places in our apartment. The smallest one is on my dresser and has my perfumes and body sprays in it. The medium sized one is in our linen closet and the large one has my cookbooks in it! I’ll show that one later in the month.

Do you use baskets to organize things in your home? I’d love to see it! Show me on the Random Crafty Georgia Girl Facebook page!

Would you like to see my posts as they are posted? You can sign up for my newsletter in the right side bar!


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Making Your Apartment Home- Flower Arrangements

A flower arrangement can add some personality to your new home! There’s so many different types of flowers. I love daisies and sunflowers, so I usually lean towards those. Continue reading

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Making your Apartment Home- Curtains

Everyone has windows! Curtains can give your windows a bit of a pop of color and personality. Continue reading

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Making Your Apartment Home- Entryway

We don’t have much of an entryway in our apartment so for today a blog bestie, Pam from Hodge Podge Moments, is sharing a great way to use crates in organizing your entryway!

The entry way often overlooked in an apartment or house when it comes to decorating and organizing. It really shouldn’t be overlooked though. In fact, I would say that your entry way should be towards the top of your list. After all, it is the first room that you and your guests will see when they walk into your home. Don’t you want people to be greeted with a cute, organized space?

It doesn’t take much to organize your entry space. In fact, it can be done with just a few wooden crates and baskets. Today, I’m bringing you a few organizing tips and possible arrangements that you can use in your entry way to make it cute and organized.

Let’s start with the basic steps for creating this organized space.

Start by buying four wooden crates.
You can find these at your local craft store. Some Walmarts and Targets are also starting to carry these crates. If you’re super crafty or handy you could even create them yourself. I recommend using sale coupons to get them cheaper. I bought ours one at a time and used the weekly 40% off coupon on Michaels. It saved us a lot of mine!

Establish how the shelf will be used.
Take a moment to think about your daily routine. What are the first things you do when you walk through the door? Many people like to take off their shoes and deposit their belongings somewhere. For this reason, I recommend leaving space along the bottom of your shelf for your shoes. I also recommend using baskets as a spot for keys, cell phones, and other small items that may need a temporary home.

Pick an arrangement for your shelf.
By using four separate crates, you can create a variety of looks in your small space. Keep in mind how the shelf will be used when you’re making decisions about how to arrange it. For example, I tend to wear a lot of boots so I would want a taller shelf close to the ground for them. I’ve provided four sample arrangements but there’s a lot more that you can create from just four crates!




Decorate around the purposeful spaces.
Now that you have your shelf in place and you’ve established where your important items are going, it’s time to decorate! I recommend keeping things simple with flowers, picture frames, and maybe something seasonal. You don’t want to over clutter a small space after all!

Do you have an entry way in your home? How have you used the space? I’d love to hear about it in the comments below!


Pam is a military spouse who currently lives with her husband and their dog in Michigan. They’re expecting their first son in February of 2017. You can find her at Hodge Podge Moments and The Coastie Couple, where she shares advice, tips, and more for women looking to be happy and organized. She loves meeting new people on the Internet and hopes you’ll stop by with a friendly message!



Thank you so much for helping me out with today’s post Pam!
Do you use crates in your decor? I’d love to see it! Show me on the Random Crafty Georgia Girl Facebook page!

Would you like to see my posts as they are posted? Sign up for my email list in my right side bar or in my newsletter tab!

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Making Your Apartment Home- Calendars

A calendar is a great way to keep track of what is going on in your lives. There’s so many calendars to chose from these days and the 2017 calendars are starting to come out as well!

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