Polka Dot Posie Planner Review

I’m really late on getting my 2016 planner set up! I had the first two months printed and had every intention of doing a few months at a time. Well, the last few weeks have had so much going on that I didn’t even have time to write them down in my planner because I didn’t even have my planner finished! So almost four months later here it is!

Polka Dot Posie Seasonal PlannerI decided to show April’s month layout since March is almost over!

I use a color code to determine what activity is what.  Here’s what the colors mean this year:

Purple- birthdays and holidays
Aqua blue- weekly water log (Every day I draw a little box and color it in for each bottle of water I drink)
Green- Random Crafty Georgia Girl post ideas and A Pinch of Faith contributor/guest post deadlines
Black- every day events and chores
Red- Fitness
Pink- extra activities and weekend plans and cupcake mail to be sent out. (More on cupcake mail in a later post)

I use my Tombow brush tip pens to write a verse for each week. It helps me to make time for a quick devotion.

Polka DOt Posie Seasonal Planner


I use a printable planner from an Etsy shop called The Polka Dot Posie Print.  I love everything from this shop! It is completely a digital shop so there’s no item sent through the mail to you. It is sent to your email address and all you have to do is download and print!

Jen, the owner of The Polka Dot Posie Print, includes a how to print your planner. It’s really not as hard as it looks, but I have started printing each page one by one instead of doing all the odd pages and then the even pages. I print each page in order. I start by printing the first page and flipping it to where it will print the next page on the other side. I keep doing this until I have the whole planner done. It seems like this way may take you longer, but I had through May printed in probably an hour. I have the seasonal planner so it only goes through July.

There’s so many new items in the shop now. Jen just added some print and cut stickers and also print and cute planner dividers. The print and cut stickers look like they may be a hassle to cut out, but I thought they were so simple. They look great in my planner too!

Polka Dot Posie Print and Cut stickers

There’s also a set of printable everyday stickers that include holidays and events, health and grooming, work and financing, and travel. I have the Avery 5408 stickers for these, but haven’t printed them yet. It’s next on my planner to do list!

Jen has told me a few times that I’m one of her best customers! I love everything she has done for me and I will continue to buy planners from her because they are just that AWESOME!

 The Polka Dot Posie Print and I are giving away a set of the print and cut stickers! All you have to do is enter the giveaway below!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Good Friday

Picnik collage2Jesus spoke these words as the Roman soldiers were gambling for His clothes at the bottom of the cross. As we reflect this weekend remember Easter isn’t just about a bunny, baskets, and hunting eggs. Jesus made a sacrifice for for us to be free of our sins. He knew that on the third day He would rise from the dead for us! He knew that He would be betrayed, arrested, and sentenced to die. Yet, He didn’t seem to mind. He did this for us! He loved us that much! Take time to thank God for giving us His Son!

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The Positivity Project

Today, I’d like to share a post written by a new blog friend, Brittany Michelle from Tiny Forest. I have not known her that long, but I know that she’s a great writer ans super nice! I’m looking forward to getting to know more about her very soon! Thanks for helping out Brittany Michelle!

Hello, my name is Brittany Michelle and I blog over at Tiny Forest. If you journey through my forest you will discover many branches. From fashion, to recipes, to everyday struggles; I share it all. I battle with depression and anxiety and I started blogging as a way of coping and finding beauty in everyday things. It’s also allowed me a creative outlet and been sort of a roadmap of my journey. Today I am blessed to be stepping in for Cate to share a little piece of my forest with you.



If you are over the age of 6, then you probably think life can be pretty difficult at times. She seems to be a cruel mistress at times, who enjoys kicking us when we are down (“when it rains it pours…” anyone?) So how do you stay positive when life doesn’t seem to go your way?



Life and I have a love-hate relationship. She has dealt me some difficult hands, but I found that a positive mental attitude in the face of life’s cruel jokes was the key to seeing light at the end of the tunnel. Being positive is not always easy though, so I started something in my house I call the positivity project.

At the end of each day we write out one thing we are grateful for. Sometimes they are simple things like “I’m thankful we have food to eat.” Other times they are larger things like “I am grateful for that promotion at work.” We then put all these positive thoughts into a jar.

Doing this has helped my husband and me to focus on the positive things of each day. It forces us to look at our day and find something even in the cruelest of times to be thankful for, because it changes your mindset from negative to positive. We’ve all had days where everything seems to be going wrong… you woke up late, or you got a flat a tire, or your kid is sick and everything seems to be rolling downhill at mach speed. When I say to myself “I woke up late but I got a good nights rest and I feel great today so that’s what I am putting in the positivity jar.”

The positivity jar also has an added bonus. When you are struggling with something, job loss, money issues, car trouble, or even just a bad day you can go back and read all of the things you are grateful to have. We have to go through the hard times to appreciate the good times. So the next time you are struggling with staying positive I invite you to start your own positivity project!

Thank you for letting me share with you today! I love chatting with fellow bloggers, click my links below and let me know that your visiting from Random Crafty GA Girl. Have a beautiful and blessed day!




Image Map


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It’s All About ME

Some new blog friends have started an all about me link up! I needed to find a way to get back into a steady writing schedule so I’m linking up with them this week! It’s about your beauty routines and what makes you feel beautiful this week!

What is your beauty routine?
It really depends on the day to be honest! I can be ten minutes in the shower, brush my hair, and put it in a messy bun one day. The next day I could take a shower, blow dry, straighten, add a little curl to my hair, put on some makeup and make myself look all cute for a quick night out with my husband!

What is one thing that makes you feel beautiful?
My husband always makes me feel beautiful when he comes in from work and gives me that first hug after being home from a long day!

What is one beauty item you can’t live without?
I don’t think I could live without dry shampoo! I don’t wash my hair every day because it isn’t actually  good for your hair to be stripped of the natural oils every single day. On the in between washing days, I use a dry shampoo spray. I don’t have a favorite brand yet because I’m trying to use up the samples I have gotten from Birchbox samples.

What is one thing you can’t leave home without?
Usually any kind of lip balm. I usually use Burt’s Bee’s, but I started using Savannah Bee Company lip balms also. Those go on so smooth and don’t make my lips feels sticky! I have used the Peach and Sweet Tea flavors so far and I love them!

What is your favorite lip color?
I don’t think I have a favorite lip color to be honest! I have a matted red that I have been loving recently that I got in a Birchbox. I also have a nude color that it pretty great, but I don’t think it is a favorite. I also really like wearing a bright pink that I got when I was challenged to step out of my lipstick comfort zone by Mandy from House of Rose Blog. It was bright pink, like FUCHSIA PINK! It was fun to wear! Haha!

It's All About Me

We would love for you to link up with us! It is so much fun getting to know other bloggers from around the world and what better way than an all about me link up!

Here’s next week’s questions in case you want to get a head start!
Next weeks questions:
What is your favorite way to receive self love?
Who is your biggest hero?
What life lesson have you learn lately?
Do you have a nickname?
Suggest a great movie to us. Happy or sad, one you can’t live without!

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9 Steps to A Perfectly Lettered Quote

One of my new favorite things is to hand letter. I have been doing this since October, but just recently got a set of brush pens that i have been learning to use. Lyssy from Lyssy Creates shows us how to make a beautiful work of art!

We’ve all seen the cards and posters, right? Maybe on Etsy, maybe on Instagram.
All that gorgeous lettering. Then we see it tagged handmade and think, “I could do

That’s how I got started on brush lettering. I googled, looked up YouTube videos and
tried to learn this stuff. If I was lucky, I didn’t waste yet another piece of card on an
unevenly written “Merry Christmas”.
I wanted pretty cards, why was it so hard? Digitizing required a scanner I didn’t have,
and a light box? That’s an expense I couldn’t afford!
If this is you, this tutorial is for you. I’ll be working with brush pens here, but
it doesn’t have to be brush lettering — this layout hack is for anyone working with paper
and costs under $30.
Don’t believe me?

  • Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Grid paper

  • Card paper (for your final copy)

  • Scissors

  • Washi tape

  • Glass tabletop

  • Clip on light

  • Lettering pens — that’s brush pens for me!

Let’s get down to business!
Continue reading

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So What

A blog friend of mine does a So What Wednesday post every week. She used to do a link up and I tried to participate, but usually forgot. Oh well!

Here’s what I saying SO WHAT to this week:

I haven’t posted since almost last month. I haven’t been busy like the usual excuse that bloggers give. I just really haven’t had much to write about.

I don’t watch The Bachelor. I used to watch it, but it started to get to where the contestants just wanted the fame and not the flame!

If I already watched the series finale of Downton Abbey and it isn’t even on until Sunday. Mr. RCGG gave me the DVD set of season six for Valentine’s Day and I finished it this past Sunday! If you watch the show you will love it!

I still need to print March and April of my planner. I decided to print only two months at a time this year because it is so much easier for me to keep up that way. I know that probably doesn’t make any sense, but it really does to me.

I need to clean the mirror on my dresser. It has a hand print on it from where I was walking and tripped on a cat toy. I out my hand on my mirror to catch myself instead of falling right onto my dresser.

I like watching old game shows and old cartoons! They don’t make them like that anymore.

I still sleep with the teddy bear that my husband gave me when we were dating. Purple Bear has been in my life for 14 years this past Christmas.

What do you have to say SO WHAT to this week?

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Cat Takeover 3

It’s time for us to take over Mommy’s blog again! We can’t believe it has been so long since the last time we did this! We really need to take over more often! It’s fun!

Anyways, just in case you are new around the RCGG world:

260I’m Ollie! I’m 16 years old and I love to sleep, eat treats, tuna, and lunch meat. I love playing with my birdie toy, snowball, and crinkle ball. I love running laps around the room and meow as loud as I can when Mommy and Daddy are just starting to fall asleep!

279I’m Peachy! I just turned 7 last month! One of my favorite things is to turn the bathroom light out! I love playing and eating treats just as much as my sister! My favorite toys are the laser. It goes all around the room and shines that little red dot on the walls, the ceiling, and the floor. One day I will catch that thing! I also really like my undercover mouse. It’s a little feather wand that’s under this cloth thing that moves too. I use it so much that Mommy and Daddy have to replace the batteries a lot!

Here’s what we have been up to lately:
Screenshot_2016-01-23-20-57-34I was yawning when Mommy took this of me! Look how wide my mouth is! I must have been tired!

20160123_205541I’m fast asleep with my paw sticking out of the condo!

20160121_053250I was warm under Daddy’s UGA blanket. I was sleeping with my carebear!

20151006_020724I like warm clothes!

We should do this more often! It’s fun to show Mommy’s blog readers what we have been up to! We hope you enjoyed our cat takeover! You never know when we will come back so keep watching for us!


cat takeover

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Did You Know

that I am a contributor for a blog called A Pinch of Faith?  Amanda is such a great Christian woman that strives to live modestly and as God wants us to live! She is such a strong woman and her faith in God shines! I love writing for her and sharing posts from the other contributors. My posts will be published on the last Thursday of the month!


I’m a co-host for the Blogger PJ Party? This is a fun Facebook chat that takes place every month!  Tonight is the first one of the year!! We have a trivia game to get to know your hosts. It’s going to be so much fun and I can’t wait for the rest of the year!

2016 is bringing so many exciting things to the RCGG world. I can’t wait to share them as we go through the year! I know you will love them just as much as I do!


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Blogger PJ Party Kick Off

The Blogger PJ Party is on January 27th and I’d love to see you there! It’s a Facebook chat that is always so much fun!


This month we are having a get to know your hosts trivia game! Here’s the questions and links to find the answers so you can study up! (There’s homework to do before the party? What kind of party gives you homework?) ONLY THE MOST FUN PARTY ON FACEBOOK!


Be a Warrior Queen
1. When did Raewyn start the Warrior Queen movement?

2. How many kids does Raewyn have?


The Petite Mrs

1. How long has the petite Mrs been married?

2. What other talent has Nora done the longest?


Hodge Podge Moments
1. What branch of the military is Pam’s husband in?

2. How many names has Pam’s blog had?

Random Crafty Georgia Girl

1. Where did Cate live before moving to Georgia?

2. What is Cate’s favorite TV show?


One Hoolie Mama

1. How many pets does One Hoolie Mama have?

2. How far apart are Suzanna’s boys?

We hope you will join us on the 27th and have as much fun as we are having planning everything! Looking forward to seeing you next Wednesday!

Posted in Behind the blogger | 3 Comments

Goals for 2016

writeThe big trend in the blog world is to come up with a word for the new year! My intention has always been to publish three posts a week! Well sometimes that doesn’t happen! Sometimes one post a week doesn’t even happen! This year though, I’m making a goal to post at least three times a week! It might be twice a week, but the goal is three.

In 2016, I’m also co-hosting The Blogger PJ Party! It’s a monthly facebook chat that my friend Pam from Hodge Podge Moments started a couple years ago! It’s always so much fun and we are looking forward to the new adventure this year!

10401932_10101434768254924_2169666191971755262_nJanuary’s Blogger PJ Party will be on the 27th starting at 8 PM Eastern and ending at 10 Pm Eastern!

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