Inspiring Woman

Yesterday the world lost a very inspiring woman! Dr. Maya Angelou went to be with our Lord. She has had so many famous quotes in her life as a poet and author. This one is one of my favorite quotes.

Dr. Maya Angelou an inspiring woman

One of my favorite quotes

She was an exceptional speaker! Dr. Angelou showed women that they can overcome a hard life and become what they want to be. Not what society wants them to be. The above is my favorite quote by Dr. Angelou. I think it is perfect for this time. We can forget  people and forget what they say to us, but we will never forget how they make us feel.



Rest in Peace Dr. Angelou! You were a beautiful woman and I know you are watching down on us as you bless as from above!

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The Southern Special 8

Hey y’all! I hope you had a great long weekend! It;s time to get back to work and make this the best week of The Southern Special ever! Here’s my features from last week’s link up:

Dr. Pepper BBQ from What’s Cooking in the Burbs

Spicy Dr. Pepper BBQ Pork Chops

click on photo to go to post

Red White and Blue Tablescape from Feeding Big

click on photo to go to post

click on photo to go to post

Corkboard to Chalkboard from Oh the Fun of It!

click on photo to go to post

click on photo to go to post

That’s my features for the past week! Now Let’s get ready for this week’s party!


Follow your hosts on their social medias!
Cate: Blog Facebook Twitter Pinterest
Mandy: Blog Facebook Twitter Pinterest
Dawn: Blog Facebook Twitter Pinterest

Link your posts back to the blog you linked up with. This means if you linked up on Random Crafty Georgia Girl please add a link back to this post!
Link up to three posts
Visit at least two other posts
Above everything else HAVE FUN!!

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Baby Eagle Lift Off

Do you remember when I talked about the Berry College Eagles?  Well on Thursday the baby eagle made lift off! She took her first flight! For the next couple weeks she will practice flying and fly with her parents to learn how to hunt on her own! Then she will be gone!

These pictures are from Melanie Abney who was lucky enough to be on nest site when baby eagle took her flight!

Courtesy of Melanie Abney

Courtesy of Melanie Abney


Courtesy of Melanie Abney


Courtesy of Melanie Abney


courtesy of Melanie Abney

courtesy of Melanie Abney


Thanks so much Melanie for letting me use your BEAUTIFUL pictures of our beloved B3! It has been so exciting to watch her grow up! I can’t wait to see if these parents return to nest on the Berry College campus again next year.

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The Southern Special 7

Thanks so much for joining us again for The Southern Special! Last week we had over 50 posts linked up! That is AWESOME! I am so excited that this little link up has gone from just a thought in my head to something so successful! I had no idea that it would take off the way it did. I actually thought it would be a huge fail! It wasn’t and I thank you all for everything you have put into this to make it the great link up it is!

 I’m looking for guest bloggers for the summer. If you would like to help please email me at cmhutchison @ gmail .com (no spaces) with your name, blog url, and your email and I will send you the information! Thanks again so much for making this past week the best week of The Southern Special!

So let’s get started and show off my favorite posts from last week’s party!
These jalapeno popper cheeseburgers look AMAZING!


click on photo to go to post


click on photo to go to post

I also loved this burlap flower tutorial!


Are you ready for The Southern Special 7? I’m excited to see what you share this week!

 Don’t forget the rules:

Follow your hosts on their social medias!

Link your posts back to the blog you linked up with. This means if you linked up on Random Crafty Georgia Girl please add a link back to this post! If you do not link your post back to the blog you linked up with I WILL NOT CONSIDER YOUR POST FOR FEATURES!!

Random Crafty Georgia Girl: Facebook Twitter Pinterest

Spatulas on ParadeFacebook  Twitter  Pinterest

The Household Hero: Facebook Twitter Pinterest

Link up to three posts

Visit at least two other posts

Above everything else HAVE FUN!!

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Posted in Features | 2 Comments

The Southern Special 6

Hey y’all! I hope you have had a great week so far!! I am doing things a little different this time. Instead of doing my features on Fridays I’m going to post them with the link up!

Nail Polish Gifts

Simple-DIY-Fabric-Flip-FlopsFabric Flip Flops

  1. Follow your hosts on their social medias!

  2. Link your posts back to the blog you linked up with. This means if you linked up on Random Crafty Georgia Girl please add a link back to this post!

  3. Link up to three posts

  4. Visit at least two other posts

  5. Above everything else HAVE FUN!!

Random Crafty Georgia Girl




Google +

Spatulas on Parade:





The Household Hero:






 Are you ready for some more link up fun? I know I am! Here’s this week’s link up! Remember to link your post back to the blog you linked up on!





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Posted in Features | 2 Comments

Mothers Day

Last year, I wrote this for my mom’s Mothers Day gift. This year I am a horrible daughter and haven’t gotten her gift even made yet. So, Momma, PLEASE forgive me for being the worst child in the world. I have your card if that counts for anything.

A Mother’s Love is a Beautiful Thing

A mother’s love is a beautiful thing.

A mother is a child’s first friend.

Love from a mother has no end.

A child’s love for a mother has no end.

A mother is a child’s first friend.

All the happy moments

in a child’s life

a mother is there.

All the bad moments

in a child’s life

a mother is there.

A mother is there through it all.

A mother’s love is a beautiful thing.

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The Southern Special 5

Hey y’all! It’s Tuesday again and that means it is time for another edition of The Southern Special! I want to start out by saying that I still so excited that this link up is such a success! I look forward to seeing your links every week and learning what has been going on in your lives!

This past week I started doing a fitness challenge with my blog friend Jen from The JVKom Chronicles. You can check out the 20×31 button on my side bar for more info. Basically you do 20 minutes of exercise for the 31 days through the month of May! So far I have been doing pretty good. I took Saturday and Sunday off, but I’m back in full force.

So now, here’s the link up y’all are here for instead of my babbling! =)


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20×31 Fitness Challenge 1

How do you find time to get a workout in during a busy day? It’s a challenge that you have to face sometimes. Yesterday, I started two fitness challenges to help find time to workout.

I started May out with a great workout! I did 35 minutes of Zumba followed by another 35 minutes of Cardio Kickboxing. My workouts are on our Wii system so I don’t go to a gym!

Here’s the results of what I did yesterday! I’m doing the short class of Zumba right now, but I may go up to the medium class next week!

I think this was a great start to the month! I am excited to see what the end of the month will bring! Thanks so much Jen K. and Jen D. for the challenges!


JVKom Chronicles


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The Southern Special 4

Hey ya’ll! I hope you had a great week! I have been busy getting some crafts finished and starting on some new ones. I finished these recently:


I love this initial. I wrapped a piece of canvas with a bandanna from Hobby Lobby and Mr. RCGG used the staple gun to secure it. I found the S unfinished at Michael’s and painted it a light brown color. You couldn’t tell that I had even painted it so I mixed a little gold paint into the light brown paint and it looked so much better.

I also made this with a canvas. I painted a sunrise and ocean on the canvas and then cut a heart out of craft foam. I hot glued shells from our beach trips onto the heart. I also glued some palm canes to it. i love how it turned out. The black shell in the middle has come loose though so I need to glue that back in.

I’m putting the initial into my gallery wall. I’ve been working on a post about the items I have gotten for it so far and I hope to have it up soon!

I’m having some problems getting the social media links to work! Has anyone else been having this problem?

Are you ready for The Southern Special? Link up to 2 posts, follow ALL your hosts on their linked social medias, AND YOU MUST LINK YOUR POST TO THE BLOG YOU ENTERED YOUR LINK AT! THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT IF YOU WANT TO BE FEATURED!!!


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The Southern Special 3

Hi! It’s Tuesday and that means it is time for The Southern Special 3!  I hope you had a great Easter and took some time to spend with your family this past weekend!
Easter is a very special holiday! You have the excitement of the bunny coming with your basket, hunting eggs, and candy, but there is also the reason why we celebrate the holiday!
empty-tombSome of my favorite memories of Easter are the youth lock-ins we would have at my church! The youth group would stay the night before Easter and get breakfast ready for after the sunrise service. We always had so much fun playing games and eating junk food! We would play flashlight tag, sardines, and a bunch of other games. The boys even had a lock-in tradition of couch-hopping until they got too tall for it! Our Sunday School class room had couches that we would take out into the big room to sleep on. The boys started doing this during the junior high lock-ins and it continued until we graduated from high school. It is exactly what it sounds like. They would take a running start and see who could get the most “air time”. It was a well loved tradition!
I would always try to get some sleep, but it was kind of hard with everyone yelling and having fun. A friend and I would go lay down on a couple of the pews in the sanctuary. It was always so peaceful and smelled so good because of the Easter lillies at the front. Plus being alone in the sanctuary on Easter morning knowing that Jesus had risen was just breathtaking!


Are you ready to get this party started? I know I am! I always look forward to The Southern Special!  MAKE SURE YOU LINK YOUR POST BACK TO THE BLOG YOU LINKED UP WITH! Like if you link up your post here you would link your post to the RCGG link up! If you link up with the other blogs you would link your post to their blog.


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