
I have been seeing Currently posts all over the blog world recently and I decided that it would be a fun bandwagon to jump on!


Currently Reading:
Sea Swept by Nora Roberts and The Duck Commander Devotional.

Currently Doing:
Researching 5Ks in my area to register for.

Currently Feeling:
The ache in my arms from moving a desk a couple days ago.

Currently Watching:
Well, last week I would have been able to say that I was watching Downton Abbey season three so that I would be ready for the season four premiere last Sunday. Mr. RCGG and I watch How I Met Your Mother on Netflix along with some other shows and movies.

Currently Working On:
Bettering my blog! I want to do so many things for the blog this year! I have so many ideas floating around in my head that I need to write down.

Currently Loving:
I bought a planner from The Polka Dot Posie Print on Etsy back in August and I STILL love it! I use it every day and I really like how simple and clean looking it is. At least is looks clean before I fill it out at the beginning of each month! Haha!

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I Hate Cold

Hey ya’ll! I don’t know about you but this cold weather makes me want to curl up under the blankets with my book! I have never like cold weather and I thought moving to the South I would be rid of it! Well, I was wrong! This is the coldest Atlanta has been in ten years!

This is our forecasted temps for today.


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2014 Blessings

Hey ya’ll! I just wanted to wish you all blessings and great joy for 2014! I hope you have a great year!


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Thank You!

I would like to thank my guest bloggers for helping me out this holiday season! I enjoyed reading your posts and I look forward to working with you all again soon! I hope you have had great holiday season! I wish you all the best in 2014! Love, Happiness, Health and Family!

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New Year

It seems like we just brought in 2013 and here we are with only days left until 2014! Where did the year go? I may not have been the best blogger during the year, but even the blogging pros have off days!

Do you make resolutions for the new year? I have made them in the past and never really stuck with them.  By the end of February I usually have given up on them. I have made a few blog resolutions though!

  • Share links on social media
  • Take more photos for tutorial posts
  • Remember to put a watermark on photos
  • Post more
  • Grow my Facebook page to 50 likes


I have also made a few personal resolutions!

  • Start training for a 5K
  • Wear something besides t-shirts and jeans every day
  • Grow my hair out longer to donate to Locks of Love again
  • Wear my bright pink lipstick at least twice a week



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A Hungarian Christmas

Update 11-19=-16:  Ivett’s blog is no longer available. The link has been removed. This post still gives a look into a Hungarian Christmas! Enjoy!

For today’s guest post I asked Ivett to share some Christmas traditions from another country! She is from Budapest Hungary! I always think it is interesting to find out how people celebrate holidays in other countries!

Overseas greetings

Hey everybody, I am Ivett, coming over from ‘Csalad lettunk’ (in english ‘We became a family’), and I am super excited to be here with you during the most wonderful time of the year! As you may realized, my blog is Hungarian, as I live in Budapest, the capital of Hungary. I met Cate on FB, with the help of Mandy (at House of Rose), and I truly hope, that you will enjoy my post about some of our family’s christmas traditions.

When I say my family is catholic , you may think, that our traditions are similar. But let me tell you, that there are HUUUUGE, and I mean really huge differences. Of course, you have to know, that the source of my knowledge about american christmas traditions are only the movies, cartoons and some great blogs 🙂 Yep.

The main differences I see:

– Santa Claus has a very different role in our winter traditions. We celebrate Saint Nicholas Day on 6th December. Children has to put their well cleaned boots on the windowsill on the evening of 5th December. By next morning ‘Mikulás’ leaves in them chocolate and gifts if they have been good, or a rod if they have been bad. It is common to get both of them, just to remind children, that there were times, when they were bad. 🙂 ‘Mikulás’ is often accompanied by the ‘Krampusz’ , the frightening helper , who looks like a little devil, and who is out to take away the bad ones. So our Santa has really NOTHING to do with Christmas. I will have to say to my little son – after seeing an american santa cartoon or movie, that the world is sooo big that Santa only arrives to the USA on 24th December. Muhaha 🙂

– As it is not Santa, our giftgiver is the little Jesus. And, he brings not only the gifts, but the Christmas tree too!!! Yeah ladies, we have no christmas tree until Christmas Eve, we have no christmas tree in every room, or so, we have THE christmas tree, which is decorated on the night (ok, on the afternoon 🙂 ) of 24th December – without the children, so it is one of the biggest surprise for them 🙂 I and my brother visited our grandma on this afternoon (like any other afternoon during the year) in every year, and when we went home, we were told, ‘ Oh my God, the little Jesus was here, while you were away….’ And there was the tree (always just as tall as the room), fully decorated, and there were gifts under it. We had to change our dress, and we had our dinner together, as quick as possible 🙂 , and after it, with christmas music on, we could open our boxes. Originally, in the childhood of my parents, little Jesus arrived during the night, and the boxes could be opened only on 25th December, but as I remember my parents never keeped this tradition – they could not wait to see our happy faces 🙂 After playing a lot together, we usually visited the midnight mass with the whole family.

– As I see, the difference with the tree, is not only the timing. For us, the most important thing about the tree, that it is not only decorated with balls and little figures…. No-no. We put little chocolates on it. Yummie 🙂 I know a lot of family, who says it does not worth putting the chocolate on the tree, as it is eaten quickly, so they put it under the tree, in a bowl, BUT for me tree is not a christmas tree without chocolate. Maybe you have not heard about it yet, but traditionally we use a special sweet on the tree, which is called “szaloncukor” (parlour candy). It is a small sweetie, chocolate outside – different tastes inside, wrapped in special form. (If you are interested in some details about it, check at wikipedia 🙂 )To be honest, me and my husband are not a huge ‘szaloncukor’ lovers, so we rather put on the tree the mini version of our favorite chocolates. 🙂

If I see those soooooooo-perfect trees, that you can find in blogland, I get the feeling, our tree is too colorful. But guess what? I love those white and gold, or any kind of colored -perfectly looking-perfectly shaped trees, but I still feel, that for me a christmas tree is not only about matching ornaments and beautifully looking white lights; a christmas tree cannot be too colorful!

– At last but not least, let me tell you a few words about our Christmas menu. The most traditional dinner on Christmas Eve is the “fisherman’s stew”, which is a very thick soup, stuffed cabbage -sauerkraut stuffed with minced pork and rice; and I myself like to make some meat filled pancakes (crepes) too. For dessert, every family have ‘beigli’- a kind of pastry roll, filled with poppy seeds or walnut. Yummie.

Well I feel like I’ve already written a shorter novel, so I don’t write down all these recipes, but if you are interested, I found a quite good page, where you can check them. ( click )

Thank you so much for reading me! I hope you have a wonderful holiday season, and I wish you a very happy and successful new year!

Hugs, Ivett


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Homemade Non Alcoholic Bailey’s

Today, Alison from Life a Little Brighter is sharing he non alcoholic Bailey’s recipe with us!




I know what you’re thinking.


Why on earth would I want my Bailey’s to be non-alcoholic?? I hear you, I swear.


But what if, say, you had pregnant relatives at your holidays festivities? *cough* sister-in-law They would be so appreciative that you thought of them! And maybe give you dibs on holding the newborn.


Plus, you can drink as much of this yummy beverage as you want any time of the day and feel quite merry. I know, I tested it out.


It’s such a simple recipe.

2 Tablespoons of Irish Cream syrup per 1 cup of vanilla almond milk



Why not regular milk? Because the vanilla flavoring adds so much more… and of course, use the sweetened variety.


For the Irish Cream kick, this syrup does the trick.



Also, good in coffee, ice cream….. you get the picture. Yum! Good stuff to have around.


Want more holiday fun? Come check out my….


Winter Beauty Tips {budget-friendly}


Pinecone Holiday Bow


Nice to meet you all! And thanks for having me, Cate!

unnamedThanks so much for sharing this recipe with us Alison! I hope you have a great holiday season! =)

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Peanut Butter Blossoms

These are one of my favorite kinds of cookies to make! I love making them as gifts because they are SO easy  and even more fun to eat!


Here’s what you need:

Hershey Kisses
3/4 cup peanut butter
1/2 cup shortening
1/3 cup packed light brown sugar
1/3 cup sugar
1 egg
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 tablespoons milk
1 1/2 cup flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
Granulated sugar for rolling

Preheat your oven to 375 degrees. Unwrap your Hershey Kisses.

In a large mixing bowl, combine shortening and peanut butter. Mix well.

Next, add both sugars to the shortening/peanut butter mixture and beat until light and fluffy. Add egg, milk, and vanilla, and mix well.

In a separate bowl, combine flour, baking soda, and salt. Slowly add the dry mixture into the peanut butter mixture and mix well.

Shape the dough into 1-inch balls and roll in granulated sugar. Place on an un-greased cookie sheet. Bake for 8-10 minutes until the edges are lightly browned.  Remove from the oven, and immediately place a Hershey Kiss in the center of each cookie. Place on wire rack to cool.

[gmc_recipe 1272]

Do you make cookies during the holidays? What are your favorites to make or eat?

Posted in Recipes | 2 Comments

Love to the Moon and back again

Hey ya’ll! I’m guest posting over at Love to the Moon and Back again! Check out my Christmas traditions!

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Mushroom Risotto

Today I asked Jeanette from Jia and the Stars to share a recipe


This is a dish that I like to make for myself , the others in the family is not fond of risotto. So I use to make this for lunch when I’m home alone and bring for lunch box to work:)

It takes under 30 min to make and it is so easy to do.


8-9 cups Vegetable broth

3 cups Risotto rice

1 shredded Onion

1-2 cup grated Cheese (your favorite cheese)

sliced Mushrooms

Do this:

Heat a sauce pan with a little oil. Add the onions inte the pan and let it fry a little bit, and then put in the mushrooms. Add the risotto rice and let it heat up.

Lower the temperature and start pour 1 cup broth in and stir and then you keep adding 1 cup broth when the rice has absorbed the broth.

When the risotto is done you can add the cheese in the end.


If you don’t like mushrooms one another combination you can do is spinach and mozzarella which is also very good.


Thank you so much for sharing this Jeanette! It looks very good!

Posted in guest bloggers, Recipes | 1 Comment