Fall Season Cara Box

Kaitlyn changed up the format of Cara Box this time and it is now a three month format instead of every month! If you would like to join in the fun next time head over to her blog to check it out!

Anyways, this time I was paired with two of the most awesome ladies! Carly from The Pinot Project and Jamie from You Gotta Have Hart! These two have been so much fun to get to know and I can’t wait to get to know them even better outside of Cara Box! I will totally be blog stalking both of you!

I sent to Carly and we talked about everything from what we like about fall to what the weather is like in our different parts of the country! She blogs about anything and everything! She has a bit of a potty mouth on her, but I looked past that since she is so funny! I had such a blast getting to know Carly and shopping for her!


Jamie was such a blast to get to know! We exchanged emails throughout the entire two months and are still exchanging them right now! You can check out what I sent Carly by going to her blog!

I wasn’t able to get pictures this time because I have been a little under the weather the past few days and I apologize for this being a little late .

Anyways, Jamie sent me a jar of candy corn salt scrub that smells so good! Also some nail polishes, kitchen towels, an oven mitt, a solar clock thing that is so cute. She collects them and sent a hula girl one to me! There are a bunch of other things that I know I am forgetting right now and I totally blame this illness for that! Please forgive me for this really bad Cara Box link up post!

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Happy Birthday Mr. RCGG

I promise this is the last Happy Birthday post this week!  Today is my husband’s birthday! It makes me so happy that I get to spend every day with him and that he works so hard at his job!  He always takes time to spoil me in whatever way he can!


230555_18681066912_705686912_232277_816_n 010 I could go on and on about what I love about him, but that would make a really, really, really long post! So, I will just say that I love Mr. RCGG more and more every day!



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Happy Birthday Daddy

Today is my daddy’s birthday!


36734_410738799254_1513064_nThis is Daddy and me smelling a rose when I was a baby! It is one of my favorite pictures of us!


Daddy and me at my wedding


Random facts about Daddy:

  1. He hates peanut butter because he is afraid of it sticking to the roof of his mouth.
  2. He enters money on Where’s George to see where it goes after he spends it!
  3. He wears a size 18 shoe.
  4. His favorite movie is Dead Poets’ Society.
  5. He is 6’8″
  6. He loves presidential trivia.
  7. Especially Lincoln trivia since he grew up in the Springfield IL area.
  8. He has gone to Costa Rica on a mission trip.
  9. His favorite color is blue.


Some of his favorite sayings:

  1. If it isn’t gushing you don’t need a band-aid.
  2. And squeezing it to make it bleed more doesn’t count as gushing.
  3. Jose, You’re cruising! (He always said this when I would back talk)
  4. Jose (He calls me Jose because every other daughter is Princess or Kitten)
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Happy Birthday Grandma Emily

Today would have been my dad’s mother’s 93rd birthday! I remember going up to visit her a few months before she died. She was sitting in her wheelchair in her nursing home room watching the agility dog shows on animal planet! She had an orange butterfly clip in her hair and looked so happy!

After she passed we went to stay with my aunt and uncle for her funeral. We were going through her stuff and my uncle came across a little orange butterfly clip. He was going to put it in the throw away pile, but I said NO!!! I saved it from being thrown away and I still have it somewhere! (Also when I see dog agility shows on animal planet I think of her!)



She had great grandchildren that were older than me, but I was the youngest grandchild! (And the favorite, but don’t tell the other grandchildren that!!  Haha! Kidding! I really have no idea if I was her favorite or not!)  My grandma a Texas girl so I always think of her when I see yellow roses! yellow-rosesHappy birthday Grandma Emily! I love you and miss you!

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Holiday Series Coming Soon

Every year, I do a holiday series. I have done baked goods, decorating ideas, gift ideas, and printables. This year, I wanted to do something a little different, so I have asked other bloggers to help me out with a holiday guest post series! Starting on the day after Thanksgiving I will be having guest posters share their favorite holiday recipes, decorations, and family traditions.

If you would like to participate in this holiday series please email me at cmhutchison22@gmail.com and I will work out the details with you! I am looking forward to working with you this holiday season!


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So What Wednesday

I haven’t participated in So What Wednesday in a looooonnnnngggggg time so I thought that today would be a great day to get back in to saying so what!

So What if I am already listening to Christmas music! It helps me to think about what is coming up for the holidays and puts me in a GREAT mood!

So What that I have absolutely no idea on what I want to do for my holiday series this year! I usually have somewhat of an idea by now, but this year I am having some trouble deciding! Time to search Pinterest!

So what if I could eat a whole bag of Oreos right now! I don’t get them that often and I’m excited to get the candy cane ones when they come out for the season!

So what if my So What Wednesday has become all about Christmas! I’m excited about it and always want it to be the best! I don’t ignore Thanksgiving though! I love it just as much as I love Christmas and don’t really start doing my decorating until the weekend after!

What has you saying so what today? Join us over at Life After I Dew and let us know!

Life After I Dew

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Keeping Thanksgiving in Your Heart

Free printable! Right click to save to your computer

Free printable! Right click to save to your computer

Thanksgiving sometimes gets overlooked because everybody instantly goes into Christmas mode right after Halloween! I know I do as a crafter but I always take some time to thank God for what He had given me in my life! Don’t get me wrong! I thank God every day for the blessings He has given me in my thirty-one years, but in November I always take time to thank Him a little more for things!

I hope you take time to keep the meaning of this time of year in your heart! God has blessed us all with something in our lives! This time of year tends to get a little chaotic but it all ends with family and that is what is important!

I hope you take time to thank God for what you have!

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Days Are Shorter!

As the colder weather creeps in the days are getting shorter! Today it started getting dark here by 5:30! I could see the pretty colors in the sky at the time and thought it was too early for the sun to be setting! Can you believe that next week we start November? Where has this year gone?

Don’t forget to set your clocks back an hour on November 3rd!

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Random Life

This past weekend my sister in law and her family were visiting! I love spending time with Mr. RCGG’s family! His sister was my matron of honor in our wedding and I love FINALLY having sisters! (Siblings in general since my husband has three sisters and two brothers.)

Anyways, they got here on Friday evening and stayed until early this morning! My niece asked my brother in law to do her senior pictures so all weekend the two of them were running around town and the house taking pictures! They turned out so great!

We went to the auction on Saturday and I got an old porcelain doll! Every time there is any kind of doll we try to get it because I have always loved dolls. I will eventually have then displayed somewhere, but right now they are all still packed away in the basement!

Sunday was more picture taking for my niece and brother in law! They finished that up on Monday and ended up with about 450 pictures!

I am going to be getting back into the every day blogging! I usually take breaks over the weekend, but sometimes that ends up being longer than I wanted it to be!

I’m looking for a blog designer! Who did you use? Did you like them?

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Our Travel Bucket List

Mr. RCGG and I have been talking about where we want to travel next year!

Of course, my suggestions are always anywhere that has beaches!

Here’s where we are talking about MAYBE going sometime in the future!

Philadelphia, PA

Philadelphia, PA

Boston MA

Boston MA

New York City

New York City

Gettysburg PA

Gettysburg PA

We have already been to Gettysburg, but there is so much to see that we didn’t have a chance to see everything!

What are some of your favorite places to travel? Do you like to go to places where there is a lot of history or things to do or do you go somewhere just to get away and relax?

When we go somewhere we usually like to do both! We will go out and do something during the day, but then when we get back to our hotel we like to relax! If we go to the beach we like to go down to the ocean and watch the waves or ships that have anchored.

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