Kaitlyn changed up the format of Cara Box this time and it is now a three month format instead of every month! If you would like to join in the fun next time head over to her blog to check it out!
Anyways, this time I was paired with two of the most awesome ladies! Carly from The Pinot Project and Jamie from You Gotta Have Hart! These two have been so much fun to get to know and I can’t wait to get to know them even better outside of Cara Box! I will totally be blog stalking both of you!
I sent to Carly and we talked about everything from what we like about fall to what the weather is like in our different parts of the country! She blogs about anything and everything! She has a bit of a potty mouth on her, but I looked past that since she is so funny! I had such a blast getting to know Carly and shopping for her!
Jamie was such a blast to get to know! We exchanged emails throughout the entire two months and are still exchanging them right now! You can check out what I sent Carly by going to her blog!
I wasn’t able to get pictures this time because I have been a little under the weather the past few days and I apologize for this being a little late .
Anyways, Jamie sent me a jar of candy corn salt scrub that smells so good! Also some nail polishes, kitchen towels, an oven mitt, a solar clock thing that is so cute. She collects them and sent a hula girl one to me! There are a bunch of other things that I know I am forgetting right now and I totally blame this illness for that! Please forgive me for this really bad Cara Box link up post!