My Birthday Girl

downsized_0918090558a l_3a20689aea53d2e42be41f37b325ad11Today is my Ollie Belle’s 14th birthday! I got her for Christmas when I was still in high school and she was so tiny she fit in the palm of my hand!My parents bought her from an animal shelter and she was the smallest of her litter. You wouldn’t even know that now!

She is my baby girl and I can’t imagine my life without her! She has always been my cuddle cat and I love when she curls up with me! She sleeps on my pillows at night and as annoying as being woke up by a cat kicking you in the head is I really wouldn’t have it any other way!

Have you ever heard a cat snore? Ollie snores and it is the cutest sound in the world! She really is my baby girl and always will be!


Happy 14th birthday Ollie Belle! Mommy and Daddy love you very very much!

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Auction Happy

Auction days are some of my favorite days on the month! We go to an auction house that is about ten minutes away from our house and it is so much fun! We have been going for a little over a year to this auction and the people that work there and go to buy have become some of the greatest friends!!

We have gotten some pretty cool things at auction! My favorite being the old player piano that we got at one of the first auctions we attended. It still plays, but is severely out of tune! I love it though and have been looking for piano books so I can play again!

We have also gotten a lot of civil war related items due to Mr. RCGG’s love of that era of history!

Do you go to auctions or antique stores?

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Today’s happy

I feel like I am running out of happy things to share for my 31 days of happy! I thought I would share one of my favorite quotes today!


I love Audrey Hepburn! She was such a beautiful woman!!

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Happy Happy Happy

Do you watch Duck Dynasty? It is a show on A&E about a duck hunting, gun loving, business owning, GOD LOVING, family in Louisiana!  Duck-Dynasty-11-21-12They aren’t afraid to show their faith on the show! Every episode ends with them sitting around the dinner table with a family prayer before they eat!  There is no swearing in the show and it is just good, clean, entertainment! TV needs more of that!

Duck Dynasty makes me HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY!

What is making you happy today?

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My Happy Place

You know how when something bad happens and someone tells you to go to your happy place to get your mind off of it?  Today I am going to share my happy place with you! 005Jekyll Island GA is where my mind goes when things aren’t going my way! Mr. RCGG and I have been there several times and we LOVE IT! (Check out my travel tab and you can see the various times we have been there.)

Jekyll Island is so rich with history and we haven’t even seen everything yet! We love going down to the beach and finding shells, playing in the ocean, and seeing the ships docked out to sea at night!

The first thing we always do when we get to the island after we get into our hotel is go get Red Bug Pizza! It is a little pizza place that has the BEST pizza ever!

Some of my favorite shots from Jekyll Island:

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What Makes Me Happy Catch Up

Continuing my 31 Days  topic of what makes me happy.

I started birthday shopping for my husband a couple days ago! His birthday is next month and I want to make his birthday the best one ever!  I have to guess at what to get him sometimes because he doesn’t give me any ideas! So what I usually do is get him something I know he likes! That is more than likely something to do with the Civil War or The Christmas  Story. This year though I am going a different way because I can’t find anything that he doesn’t have, but I can’t tell you because sometimes he reads my blog and that would ruin the surprise! =)



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31 Days of Happy Day 4

My two best friends are the most awesome girls in the world! We may not have seen each other in quite a few years, but we can always get back to right where we left off like we hadn’t been apart! That’s what best friends are all about! They are the friends that are there for you when you need them!

I have had these two awesome girls in my life for 10+ years and I wouldn’t have it any other way! We have had some hardships as all best friends do, but it has made our friendship stronger in the end!

This is Caryn:

We have been best friends since she moved to my hometown after her dad became the pastor of my church. We met in the basement of our youth leader! She lives in Chicago now and is still always there for me if I need her!

This is Sarah:

We have been friends since fifth grade and best friends since sixth grade! She will probably kill me for using this picture of us because of her weight, but it is the only one I have of us together! Sorry Nae! =) During our sophomore year of high school she moved away and it was the hardest year of my life! Things are much better for us now and we just recently got back in touch through Facebook! Isn’t it amazing that you can find people on Facebook that have had a great influence in your life and get back in touch with them even after so long? She lives in Texas now!

These girls have always been there for me and I know that they always will be! Just like I hope they know that I will always be there for them as well! Do you have best friends like this?


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31 Days of Happy Day 3

As I wrote this post for today my sister-in-law and her family were on their way to visit from West Virginia! They are stopping for a few days before making their way to the beach for the week!

So my happy today is family!

My momma and me before my wedding

My cousin Tina before my wedding

My momma, her sisters, my cousins, and me after my wedding

My niece, Amanda, and me after my wedding

My daddy walking me down the beach

My nephew, my husband, my sister-in-law, and me after our wedding. They were our best man and matron on honor.

Family is a big part of my life and I love spending time with them! I may not get to see them as much as I want, but when we do get together it’s always a fun time!

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31 Days of Happy Day 2

There is so much bad in the world that sometimes you need to take a few minutes to stop and think about what makes you happy! This is the reasoning behind my 31 Days topic! The world seems to have so much that happens in it that makes us realize that we need happy thought260Ollie


These two little faces make me happy! I love that their personalities are so different! Ollie loves to curl up with you and snuggle! Peachy loves to play and get pets! They are our girls and we wouldn’t have it any other way! We love them with all our hearts!

I hope you are having a great day and taking time to think about what makes you happy!

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31 Days of Happiness day 1

I wasn’t going to participate in The Nester’s 31 Days link up this year, but I after a little thought and prayer I felt as if God was telling me that I needed to write about what makes me happy every day!  This isn’t going to be 31 days of how to make yourself happy! I am concentrating on what makes ME HAPPY!


So, what makes me happy? Today would probably be the easiest out of all 31 days! My husband makes me happier that anything else in the world! I love this man with all my heart and soul!

I love spending time with him and just plain and simple being his wife! He is always’ coming up with new ways to make me laugh! I know that all wives probably say this, but MR. RCGG truly is my best friend! He has helped me through so many struggles in our life together and I know that if we got through those we can get through anything else that the devil may throw at us!


Every day I thank God for putting him into my life! He really has been a blessing to me and I am so happy to have found Mr. RCGG.

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