Spring Decor for Your Home

I love decorating for Spring almost as much as I love decorating for Christmas! I love the freshness that Spring brings to the world after the dark and cold from winter melts away. The flowers popping up through the ground gives new life to the world. It reminds me of the way Jesus gave us new life through His resurrection.

There are so many things you can do to decorate your home for Spring. I’m working on changing most of my home decor to more of a farmhouse style and I have been bringing more buffalo plaid into my style! There’s just something about it that I love!

This is one of my favorite Spring decorations. I bought it from an Etsy shop when we loved in Savannah and it was so cute across our mantle. I also got these cute carrots from a friend’s boutique in Southern Illinois. I love how they look in the basket! It needed a little color so I got some eggs from At Home and it was the perfect pop of color!

I love using flowers in my decor too. There are so many ways you can use them! I love this wreath that I made several years ago when we lived in our apartment. It is still a perfect Spring wreath for our door.

What’s your favorite was to decorate for Spring?

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Cat Takeover- C Kittens Introduction

Hi! We are the C Kittens! We thought it was about time that we introduced ourselves on Mommy’s blog! We have no idea what a blog is but we are taking it over today!

I’m Callie! I’m the smallest but don’t let that fool you! I am probably the feistiest one! I can definitely keep up with my brother and sister! I love jumping and running! My favorite thing is to jump off the bed and fly across the room!

I’m Cami! I’m a boy but at first Mommy and Daddy thought I was a girl too so that’s why my name is spelled with an i. I’m the loudest kitten! I yell at the top of my lungs. Especially when I’m in time out in the bathroom for being too rough with my sisters!

HI!!! I’m Cleo! Mommy says I am the sweetest kitten ever! I curl up with Chester and just lay with him! I do have my crazy side though! I can be just a feisty as Callie and as loud as Cami when I want!

We love Chester! At first he wasn’t too sure of us but now he’s pretty good with us! Sometimes he probably thinks that we would go back to where we came from though!

This is Chester first meeting us! He barked at us! He still barks at us but not like the day he first met us!

We had our first vet visit last week! We are going to the same vet as Chester. We are very healthy and have to go back to get our next shots next month.

Mommy and Daddy have definitely had their hands full with all of us but they wouldn’t have it any other way! They say that some of our individual personality traits remind them of Ollie and Peachy! We don’t know who they were but if we have some of the same personalities as them then we know they had to be special!

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2020- A Year to Remember and to Forget

I don’t know about you but I’m ready for 2020 to be done! There has just been so much going on that it is time to say good bye to this year and try to make the best of 2021.

2020 has had everything! A record breaking hurricane season, a global pandemic, BLM protests, whiny politicians all around no matter what party they are, etc. I KNOW I USUALLY DON’T TALK ABOUT CURRENT EVENTS ON RCGG!! I AM JUST USING THESE AS EXAMPLES. I AM SORRY IF YOU TAKE OFFENSE TO ANY OF MY EXAMPLES!

Let’s try to make the best of 2021 though! There is so much to look forward to and sometimes you need that extra push to realize it!

Now, If you have been reading blogs for a while you know that some bloggers choose a word or phrase for the new year.

My phrase for 2020 was new beginnings. At the end of 2019 we had no idea where the new year would take us. Honestly, Mr. RCGG and I were both getting burnt out on sending management applications for his job. We would send two or three at a time and he might have gotten one interview. It had gotten to the point that both of us wanted to just pick the most off the wall location that had an open management position to see what would happen. With our luck though it would have been that one we would have been offered!

God always has a plan for you though! It may be totally different than what you were aiming for though! In January we decided to take a bit of a break from the applications every week. In late January or early February Mr. RCGG put in for a couple of openings that had come up. He got an interview for both of them. He didn’t get the first job but in mid March he was offered the second one! We were both in complete shock! We had worked so hard for this moment and it had finally come!

Our next big thing was to get our house ready to rent. This was pretty much all on me! I painted bathrooms and bedrooms and basically made sure repairs were scheduled and done on time before we moved at the end of May.

So the end of May came and we had moved from Savannah back to Atlanta! This was all very new to us, but it has been such a blessing! Mr. RCGG is happier in his job.

2020 hasn’t been all roses for us though! We have had a few snags a long the way just as I’m sure you have. In November we lost our Peach cat. She passed away while we were in Savannah with Chester for a vet appointment. It has been quiet without her running around and playing but we know she is playing with all the other family pets up in Heaven! However we did add THREE kittens to the family in December! Chester has been adjusting to them and he thinks he is going to keep them! He says they are CRAZY but it’s all good!

From left to right in the above picture is Cleo, Callie, and Cami! They have grown so much since this picture was taken and we are starting to see their personalities develop. Cleo loves to stalk her sisters. She will sit back while they are playing with each other and then run up on them in a sneak attack. Callie is always the first one to the top of the condo! Cami likes to climb your leg and yell at the top of her little kitten lungs!

As with every year there are things you want to remember and things you want to forget! These are the things I want to remember for 2020!

Mr. RCGG’s move into management
Moving from Savannah back to the Atlanta area
Even though she passed away I want to remember the GREAT life Peachy had! She would have turned 12 tomorrow!
Adopting the C kittens. You can follow Chester’s adventures with them on Instagram.
Connecting more with friends. 2020 has been a year of video calls with my BFF! I have loved talking to her on a regular basis and seeing and talking with my nephew too!
New business adventures. Still growing Ollie Peach Creations and Nathan Joel Photography and looking forward to what the next year has to offer for our businesses!

So I wish you and yours a very happy 2021! May God bless you in this year and I pray you are healthy in the new year! =)

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Chester Takeover- Missing Peachy

Hi Mommy’s blog friends. It’s Chester. I’m sad. A couple weeks ago Mommy, Daddy and I went to Savannah so I could go to the doctor. When we got back on Monday evening we opened the bedroom door and my big sister didn’t come running to meet us like she usually does when we come home. She was laying peacefully on her blanket on the floor. She had passed away while we were gone. =(

Daddy thinks she may have passed on Saturday night or very early Sunday morning. Mommy says that Ollie came down and told her to come play. She was greeted by all the other pets of the family and Ollie introduced her to some others!

Mommy and Daddy took her to be cremated and after a few days Peachy was back home. It has been different at home without her running around. Mommy says that she can still hear Peachy’s bell and her running around upstairs. I miss coming in from outside and cleaning up the treats that she has left for me.

Peachy taught me that it is okay to curl up on the pillows and take a nap. She taught me that sometimes it is fun to push Mommy’s buttons! Haha! She said that even when we annoy Mommy she will still love us! Peachy was the best big sister! For my gotcha day on 11-9-20 she got me a lizard toy! It is my favorite toy! I sleep with it every night now!

I miss you Peachy! I know you are watching me from kitty cat Heaven! I may have only been with you for just a year but I love you! You were my best friend.

We lost our Peachy cat on 11-14 or 11-15-2020. We are completely heartbroken on this loss. We weren’t with her when she passed and that is what is killing us! She was running around playing and eating her treats the day before we left for Savannah and even when we were getting the last things ready so we could leave. We aren’t sure when exactly she passed but she looked peaceful and like she just laid down to take a nap. We have her ashes back now and it has been a little quiet this past week without her running around. She isn’t running down the stairs to greet Mr. RCGG when he comes home from work or curling up on my pillows for bed.

We miss you Peachy and will always love you baby girl!


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Chester’s Birthday Pupcakes

Hi Mommy’s blog friends! It’s Chester. I wanted to thank everyone for wishing me a happy birthday on October 16th! Mommy made me pupcakes. She is such a good mommy and I love her so much! She does all these little things for me that make me feel so good! She gives me cheese balls with my medicine in them every morning and every night.

Mommy found this recipe on Pinterest that used peanut butter, honey, and carrots. We didn’t have any carrots so she just left those out! I love peanut butter so I loved the pupcakes. They freeze really well too. Mommy put some in the freezer so I can have them for later too!

Here’s how to make pupcakes:

You need:
1 cup flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 cup peanut butter
1/4 cup vegetable oil
1 cup shredded carrots
1/3 cup honey
1 egg

What you do:
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line a cupcake pan with liners. Mommy has silicone cups for muffins and cupcakes so she used those but you can use paper ones too.
In a mixing bowl whisk together the flour and baking soda until there are no clumps. Set aside
In a separate bowl. beat the peanut butter and vegetable oil with an electric mixer until smooth.

Add in the carrots. (Mommy didn’t add carrots because we didn’t have any.) Add in the honey and egg. Beat. Add the flour mixture and beat until just combined. Divide into the prepared cupcake pan.

Bake for 22-25 minutes or until cooked through. Cool completely.

TO make the frosting beat 4 ounces softened cream cheese and 1/2 cup peanut butter until smooth. Top the pupcakes with a spoonfull of frosting and decorate with a small dog bone. Mommy didn’t put the frosting on my pupcakes though.

Burp! Excuse me! These are yummy! They aren’t just for dogs though! Mommy and Daddy both said that they are really good! They taste and smell like a peanut butter cookie. Thank you for making them for me Mommy! I love you and can’t wait to celebrate more birthdays with you!

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Cat Takeover- Happy birthday Chester

Hey Mommy’s blog friends! It’s Peachy! I decided to take over the blog today to wish my doggy brother a happy birthday! This is his first birthday with us since Mommy and Daddy got him in November last year! He is 11 now! Just like me!

Mommy tries to make our birthdays special! She made pupcakes for Chester today. She will post the recipe next week! We love how much she does to take care of us and in return we love her!

Chester has been a great little brother! I’m so glad that Daddy brought him home! When he came in the house for the first time I went up to sniff him. He licked my face and I looked at him and went the other way! At first I wasn’t sure about him. I kind of kept my distance from him just watching him. After a few weeks though, I accepted him as my brother and now I wouldn’t have it any other way!

He has become my best friend and sometimes Mommy and Daddy catch us laying beside each other!

I really don’t know what I would do without him now!

Happy birthday Chesterton Cheese!! We love you so much!

Thanks so much for the sweet post wishing your brother a happy birthday Peachy Cat! He loves you very much!

Today, 10-16-2020, is our Chester man’s 11th birthday! It has been quite a year with him! He has moved from Savannah to Atlanta and visited Memphis TN. He loves going on trips with us! Especially to the beach and Grandma’s house! Grandma may give him all the chicky nuggies and he loves that! He loves treats and bedtime ice cream. His most favorite thing is cheese though!

Chester loves to watch Moonpie Starbox videos and Crusoe the Celebrity Dachshund on You Tube. His favorite of the two is Moonpie though!

Happy birthday my baby boy! Mommy and Daddy love you very much and can’t wait to celebrate with you today! I’ll post video and pictures of him eating his pupcake on the Random Crafty Georgia Girl Facebook page!

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Fall and Halloween DIY Home Decor- round up

Fall is one of my favorite seasons to decorate for. I love the colors of fall and the feelings that come with the season! The coolness in the air, the smells of the leaves, the rustle sound they make as you walk through them!

There are so many ways to decorate for fall and Halloween! You can use pumpkins, scarecrows, hay bales, flowers, ghosts, vampires, etc. There is no limit!

I’m sharing some fall and Halloween decor with your from around the blog world in a round up! There are so many other talented crafters out there!


I have loved all of these ideas! I can’t wait to see if you try them! If you make any of these I would love to see them! Share on my Facebook page.

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31 Days of Children’s Literature- Fairy Tales

I finished the children’s literature class on Friday 10-9! I learned so much about what makes these stories timeless. There are so many lessons that we can take out of them when we actually read between the lines.

In fairy tales I learned that there are usually three different themes. Courage, Love, and Restoration. In Beauty and the Beast you see all three of these. In the beginning, Beauty’s father is made into the Beast’s prisoner. He begs to be let go but the beast says that one of his daughter’s must take his place. Beauty shows her undying love for her father and takes his place. She also shows courage in this moment to go to a place where she doesn’t know what is going to happen or even where she is going.

Throughout the story we see Beauty adjust to her new surroundings. We see her stand up to the beast in some situations. We also see her start to realize how she feels about the beast. She starts to fall in love with him, but doesn’t realize it until it is almost too late when the beast is dying.

Beauty and the Beast is a story about restoration more than love and courage though. Beast has to restore himself back to human form. He must learn to love himself in order to do this though. As he is dying, he realizes that Beauty has helped him learn to love himself. She realizes that she loves him as well and her tears shed while he dies breaks the spell. He is restored back into a human.

As adults we tend to think that oh this is just a story for kids. We don’t think that we need to hear the lessons that are scattered in children’s literature. Adults can learn something from fairy tales just as much as kids can learn from them. Adults don’t think about how a simple lesson of loving yourself and helping others to learn to love themselves can make on impact on them.

These types of lessons are learned throughout all children’s literature.

Tomorrow, I am starting the Shakespeare lessons. I will have more posts about what I learn from that course I’m sure! Haha! =)

Check out what else I learned about imagination vs. moral imagination here.

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Write 31 Days of Children’s Literature

Usually in October I participate in a Write 31 Days challenge. Last year was the last time for it but I always enjoyed it! Even if I didn’t finish sometimes. I felt accomplished the couple years that I did finish the whole month! I wanted to continue the Write 31 Days challenge this year. My topic is 31 things I have learned from the Children’s literature classes I’m taking.

I have been taking a children’s literature class from Hillsdale College. I will be taking other literature courses and will be discussing them as well this month. There are video lectures and discussion boards. The first two lectures were about imagination and the moral imagination. These were more of an introduction to children’s literature and what we these stories can teach children. It also made sure to point out that it is okay for adults to read children’s literature. Some of the classic stories, like The Lord of the Rings series, were actually intended for adults, but have entertained children as well. Children’s literature is a chance for children to see life in a different way, see things that have happened in history, but also things that didn’t happen.

We mostly think about fairy tales when we think of children’s literature! The stories that start out with a “Once Upon A Time” and end with a “Lived Happily Ever After”. I will talk about fairy tales later in the month. These are not the only stories in children’s literature though. Fantasy stories are popular too. Stories like The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe and the Harry Potter series.

I am focusing today on moral imagination. I didn’t know what this was when I first heard about it. Children are still forming good habits. If you train them to do what is good and right then they will know what is good and right.

Children should be brought up in such a way that they will love virtue and hate vice.


We should see characters that demonstrate virtues. Make them appealing and make children want to do the things they are doing.

Exploring good and evil is a common theme used in children’s literature. Our moral imagination tells us what should be while our imagination tells us what could be.

Children need to experience good to know that there is good in the world. They have these good experiences through been read to, music, art, conversations. These all help inform our children of the morals in life.

I know I said this will be 31 days of posts but I’m actually thinking of doing it as more of a weekly series instead. It will be easier for me to write! Haha! I’m looking forward to sharing what I have learned from taking these courses with you!

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Our New Home- A Tour Sneak Peek

We have been in our new home since the end of May. It has been an adjustment for us but we are loving our new area and Mr. RCGG loves his new job. I have been working hard to make it look like our decor style!

I will be dividing our new home tour into two parts. First floor and second floor. The first floor is our great room and kitchen with a small bathroom. All we need to do is get a new couch and we will be done! We are taking our current couch upstairs to the sitting area in our master bedroom!

I have recently become obsessed with buffalo plaid so I made a frame with our last name initial years ago! I wrapped it with a variegated yarn of browns, tans, and blues. Over the years it just didn’t look right anymore. I took off the yarn and hot glued some buffalo plaid ribbon around the top and bottom. It now looks some simple and much more in my style or decor.

I’m still working on a tutorial post for how to make a deco mesh wreath and I hope to have it done soon! I made a new wreath for our front door that fits more into my farmhouse chic decor style!

We are currently decorating for fall so our house has holiday decor boxes all over the place! I have enjoyed setting up a new home decor style and I’m looking forward to sharing more of it with you! Especially as it gets closer to Christmas!

I will have the first floor tour up next week! Can’t wait to show you! In the meantime be sure to check out the Random Crafty Georgia Girl Community on Facebook! The RCGG Community is a group to create a community with my blog friends and each other! Also fun events and behind the scenes looks at what is going on in the RCGG world! You can also join the mailing list! Sign up on the pop up or let me know your email and I can enter it for you! =)

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