Hello WordPress!

After what seems like an eternity figuring out what in the world I am doing, I finally have figured out how to get into WordPress so I can get a post written! I am still figuring trying to figure it out and find where everything is, but I know it takes time to get used to new things! This is definitely new to me!

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Making It Official

 Do you ever have problems with your blog that make you want to just give it all up? That’s what is happening today over here at RCGG!!!  I have been trying to get my Stop and Smell the Roses vlog uploaded to YouTube so I can link up over at House of Rose Blog, but actually getting it to happen isn’t going my way. YouTube keeps telling me that my username and password are not valid. It has been like this ever since they incorporated your Google+ account. I don’t use Google+ because I don’t understand it! It might just be me, but I don’t really see what the big deal about it is! 

Also, it seems like every other day I can’t upload any pictures to my blog! 

 Anyways, over the Labor Day weekend I upgraded my Passionfruit  and I will be starting to take the baby steps to switch to WordPress in the next week! That’s all I can take at this moment is baby steps!  I am stalking reading House of Rose’s start a Blog page to make sure I do everything right since it is a great step by step process tutorial. It is an AMAZING tutorial, so if you are thinking about starting a blog then you should really check it out!

I still have a lot to do before I am officially a WordPress blog though! I have to buy the domain name and buy the hosting plan. I am researching everything and when I figure out what hosting package I want to go with I will be making the final steps to switching over!  So please bear with me as I may not be posting much over the next couple weeks!

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Labor Day Vacation

Over the Labor Day weekend, Mr. RCGG and I went to St. Simon’s Island, and Jekyll Island. There was an antique show on Saturday and Sunday on St. Simon’s Island that we went to and found some pretty good deals.

We stayed on Jekyll Island and went to the beach every day! Saturday night we were coming back from the beach and a deer ran right in front of us and then just as we were getting to the cross walk to go back to our hotel there was one standing about five feet from us! It was a little scary. Then as soon as we got to our hotel there was one eating some grass about twenty feet from us. (We were staying in a hotel that had rooms open to the outside and we were on the second floor.) 
On Sunday, we stopped by the St. Simon’s Lighthouse! We went inside and browsed the gift shop because I don’t really like heights to much.

On Sunday we stopped by Driftwood Beach on Jekyll Island! The tide was so high that you couldn’t get to the beach. There are rocks along the beach and the water was coming up over them.

This is the Wanderer memorial. It was a slave ship that brought slaves to the US from Africa.

South Dunes Picnic Area. This was where we had our wedding reception.

We did a little beach hopping on Sunday afternoon and early evening. The waves were so high that they were knocking me over. It was a lot of fun though!

Sunset on Jekyll Island

I am working on another post about the historic district of Jekyll Island because I thought it needed it’s own post. It will be up soon!

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Lifestyles Cara Box

I participated in Wifessionals Cara Box exchange again this month.

Cara Box

You can check out the NEW details on Kaitlyn’s blog by clicking the link above. She has new guidelines for the exchange.

The Cara Box theme for this month was lifestyles. You were paired up with two partners that were in the same lifestyle stage as you. 

 I was partnered up with Jessica and Mandee.  Both women are so sweet and I loved getting to know them this month. Jessica sent a box to me and I sent one to Mandee. 

Mandee just recently moved because of her husband’s job and they really don’t have a lot of time to spend together! I sent her a movie date night box with a  movie for her and one for him. I also included some movie candy, a recipe for baked ziti, and some candles for a candle light dinner! See her post here.

Jessica really knew what I would like because I absolutely LOVED everything she sent to me! 

I have been looking for a candle warmer and Jessica included a plug in scent block warmer and two sets of scent blocks! I love them so much! The eos lip balm is amazing! I actually ran out of mine recently and was going to get another one soon.  The bath wrap is so pretty and I will be taking it with us on our vacation this weekend to use as a beach wrap! You also can’t go wrong with chocolate! It is my favorite food group! Haha! 

Thank you so much for everything Jessica! You are an amazing woman and I am so glad we were matched up this month! I look forward to getting to know you more through your blog and seeing that cutie pie baby of yours grow up! 

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Guest Posting on Consider Me Inspired

So I guest posted on Consider Me Inspired yesterday! I didn’t even know that Amy was putting it up yesterday. So you can check it out here:

Guest Post for Consider Me Inspired

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Operation Be More Crafty August

This month I am helping Mr. RCGG finish a dresser we bought. We aren’t done with it yet so I can’t show it off right now, but I thought I would let you know what is up with Operation Be More Crafty this month! I promise I haven’t abandoned it. It has just been a little busy and I have not had too much time to sit down and get the crafts I want to do done. I still am doing them, but just not on the monthly basis that I wanted.

Anyways, I will be back to a normal blogging schedule soon! 

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Football recipes

Are you a football wife? Football season is coming up very fast and my husband couldn’t be more excited. He loves watching college and professional football! 

I usually don’t watch that much of the games because it is really one of the only sports I don’t really understand, but I am slowly figuring it out. I am a little more excited about this season since we are going to an NFL game this year. Maybe by the game I will have figured everything out. 

Anyways, today I wanted to share some of my football recipes I have found. I have a football wife board on Pinterest that I put a lot of appetizer type recipes on for later. 

Warm Bean Dip
Recipe adapted from: allrecipes.com

1 (8 ounce) package cream cheese, softened
1 cup sour cream
2 cans (16 ounces, each) refried beans
1 packet taco seasoning
2 cups cheddar cheese, shredded
2 cups monterey jack cheese, shredded
DIRECTIONS:  Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Mix together cream cheese and sour cream in a large bowl. Mix in refried beans until combined. Stir in taco seasoning.
Spray a 9×13 baking pan with cooking spray. Spread mixture evenly into the bottom of the baking dish. Sprinkle the top with both cheeses.
Bake for 25-30 minutes, or until cheese in melted and slightly browned. Serve with tortilla chips.
Recipe from:

1 Jar of Grape Jelly, I bottle Heinz Chili Sauce, Pack of Frozen Meatballs. Cook in crock pot for 6 hours.
Found on Pinterest with no linked site

Queso Blanco Dip (White Cheese Dip)
1.25 lb block White American Cheese*, cut into 1-inch cubes
1 (4 oz) can diced green chilis
2 jalapenos, chopped
2/3 cup half and half (fat free is fine)
1/2 cup cold water
Toss all ingredients into a microwavable-safe bowl. Microwave on high for 5 minutes, stopping to stir after every minute. It might appear runny at first, but it will thicken up as it starts to cool down.
Serve immediately with tortilla chips.
Serves 10.

Recipe from Six Sisters’ Stuff

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Living an Organized Life

I have been looking for a daily planner for a VERY long time. I made my own for wedding planning with printable calendars I found online and other calendar pages on Pinterest that I  liked, but they didn’t keep me as organized as I really wanted to be. I finally found THE ONE!

My friend Jen from the Etsy shop The Polka Dot Posie has created this awesome planner that you can print yourself!

The first part of the printing went great! I had no problems at all with the odd pages. It was the even pages that gave me headaches. I had to figure out which way the pages needed to go into my printer to print on the back of the previous page. After I had that all figured out I was on my way ready to print the rest of the planner. Not even five minutes into it, my printer jams and I had to print all the even pages individually! It took a long time, but in the end I got it done and I love this planner so much!

Jen has added some free printables to the planner as well!

I love how my planner turned out despite the frustrations it gave me. I can’t wait to get the other pages printed and included. Here’s how my planner looks:

This week (p.s. I haven’t started on the closet yet. That’s why I scheduled it for more than one day)

this week and next week

Thanksgiving planner I found and have included

If you noticed I only have a couple of days of dinners planned. That’s because starting this week I am making dinner on Tuesday and Thursday. Mr. RCGG and I live with his parents and I wanted to give his mom a break from making dinner every night! Tomorrow I am making baked ziti and this Thursday I am making a sausage jambalaya with my chicken etti recipe. I am subbing the chicken out for the sausage. I think it will be really good!

You can get the planner from Jen’s shop here.

I love this planner and everything that goes with it! Jen does a really great job with everything she creates! Thanks for creating this beautiful planner Jen!

Crafty Confessions

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August Stop and Smell the Roses

How in the world is it August already? Where has this year gone? It is the first Wednesday of the month and that means it is Stop and Smell the Roses day over at House of Rose Blog.

We vlog every first Monday of the month! If you want to join us, but have never filmed a vlog before go check out Mandy’s vlogging page! It is really easy and you will be joining us every month in no time! 

Stop and Smell the Roses is all about the positives in life! Talk about something that has made you happy during the past month or something good going on in your life! It really is that easy! So get to filming and join us soon!

Video mention:
The Polka Dot Posie

I hope you have a great month!

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Anniversary picture

I made this the other day! I am going to get it printed and hang it on our future gallery wall!

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