Random Thoughts

Have you ever had one of those days that seems to go on forever? It is only 4:00 PM and it seems like it should be 8:00 PM already! I am listening to my Aerosmith Pandora channel because there are more faster songs on it than my other channels. They make the time go by faster than the other channels. 

I’m so excited that one week Mr. RCGG and I will be celebrating our first anniversary! I can’t wait to be in Hilton Head SC again! We are going for my birthday and anniversary since they are just a day apart. I can’t believe it has been a year already! Doesn’t it seem like we were just getting things ready for the wedding? 


Our very first trip to Hilton Head in 2009

I am working on everything I need to get done for the WordPress switch. It is going really slow at the moment, but I want to make sure that I know exactly what needs to get done before I actually dive right in to this. Hopefully soon I will be an official .com blog! I can’t wait!

I am also going to be looking for a new blog design! I will be doing this when I am done with the move and get settled over at WordPress. What blog designers have you worked with? Did the design turn out how you wanted it? 

Please let me know who you worked with and if you thought it was a great investment or not! I would love to get some feedback before I decide if I want a blog makeover.

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Our Gettysburg Trip

Over the Fourth of July weekend we went to Gettysburg PA for the 150th commemoration of the civil war battle. We had so much fun!

We left on the fourth and stayed the night in Alexandria, VA  and watched the fireworks from the National Mall. 

On Friday, we headed into Washington DC and checked out Arlington National Cemetery. It was so amazing! Mr. RCGG’s uncle is buried there so we found his grave.

We also saw President Kennedy’s grave. It was such an emotional site.

As we were walking around we found some really cool graves. One of them was Abner Doubleday, the founder of baseball!!

We also visited the Tomb of the Unknowns and caught the changing of the guard.

All I can say about this is WOW!!!! This was such a moving ceremony and I am so glad that we were able to catch it. It is for sure one of the things that everyone must see at least once in their life!

After Arlington we drove around DC for a little bit trying to find the White House. We saw it from the road, but that was about it. I couldn’t get that great of a picture so we will just go with no picture.

After DC we drove up to Gettysburg!

We had such a fun time in Gettysburg! There was so much to see that we didn’t get it all done in this one trip! It is such a quiet little town except on the reenactment weekend! There were people everywhere.

20th Maine Monument

We are already talking about going back next year!

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My Travel Tips

 With our trip this weekend I thought this would be the perfect inspire me prompt from Wifessionals. I am sharing my travel tips with you today!
How do pack? 
We usually pack everything into one suitcase. Our largest one from our luggage set. Although for the wedding last year we ended up having to use all three of the suitcases. I will pack my clothes and get out what I know Mr. RCGG will need like socks, underwear, and pajamas. Then, he usually repacks the suitcase so that he can get everything I already packed organized so his stuff will fit. 

Do you plan it our or wing it? 
I try to plan things out, but I think we are winging it this trip because I really have not planned anything. I guess when you are going on a trip that already has an agenda for you then you don’t really need to plan anything. I usually have a piece of notebook paper filled front and back with things to do and where to eat with the addresses and hours of operation. Yeah, I am that organized in trip planning. If only I could be that organized with my crafting.

 How do you find the best places to eat? 
Mr. RCGG and I have apps on our phones called Open Table. You can look for restaurants in any city in the world and make reservations.

How do you choose what to do? 
 I usually  decide what to do. Unless there is some kind of historic attraction in the area. Then we go check that out at least one of the days. I will check out the state’s tourism website and write down the tourist attractions, shops, and restaurants that I want to go to and then we try to get in what we can.

Do you have a tradition that you do in every city?
Where ever we go (with the exception of visiting my parents) I get a key chain and an ornament. Someday I want to have a Christmas tree up all year with the ornaments from trips. 

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July Stop and Smell the Roses

I finally had a moment to slow down and stop and smell the roses! It has been very busy around here the past couple months with trips and life.

My vlog is on my YouTube channel because I can not get Blogger to let my embed it in my post any more for some reason. Oh well. Hopefully when we get back from our trip this weekend I will be starting the WordPress switch process.

Linked up to House of Rose Blog

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Pray for Arizona

Please keep the families of these brave firefighters in your prayers. 

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New Pritnable

Since I didn’t get my Operation Be More Crafty project together this month, I made this to share with you for the month of June!

I promise to have my original June and July projects up in July!
 I spelled printable wrong in my title, but when I  realized it I had already published and couldn’t change it.

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June Operation Be More Crafty

I am WAY behind on crafting this month. June has been incredibly busy and I have not had time to even get the supplies I need to get this month’s craft done! I’m going to have to pull a double craft next month and post two instead of one.

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Dinner with Famous People

Last night I was having a severe mental drain and had no idea what I would write about today! So i went over to check out Wifefessionals get inspired page to get some inspiration.There are some great writing suggestions over there and I found one that I thought would be so much fun to write about.

You’re hosting a dinner party, what 5 famous people would invite {can be living or dead}? Why?

My list ended up being 5 famous couples and 5 dead classic actresses. I also thought it would be fun to see what famous people Mr. RCGG would invite! (this could be interesting)

 The famous people that I would invite are:
Jenna Bush Hager and her husband Henry.

Jenna is such a great role model for young women. She has done so much for UNICEF and made a difference in a young girl’s life. Her book Ana’s Story was about that girl. She loves her family and the world.

 President Bush and his wife Laura

President Bush may have had a lot of jokes made about him, but what president doesn’t? He might have some great behind the scenes stories of White House life. His wife, Laura, is also a great role model for young women.

Duke and Duchess of Cambridge
A.K.A Prince William and Kate Middleton

  Just look at them! They have got to be the most perfect couple in the universe! They are a beautiful couple and their love for each other shows. She also has an amazing wardrobe and I would love to borrow some of her clothes.

Pioneer Woman and Marlboro Man

 Someone has to cook right? Just kidding! I would love to share recipes with her and learn from her! Plus Marlboro Man looks like Cal Ripken Jr.

Blake Shelton and Miranda Lambert

 The King and Queen of Country music and funny and just awesome all around. I’m sure Mr. RCGG would love to go hunting with Blake sometime.

I know I was only supposed to choose five, but I had to go with five of the most beautiful classic actresses of all time! 

Audrey Hepburn

  Audrey was beautiful inside and out! Like, Jenna Bush she worked with UNICEF for many many years. She was a great person as well as actress.

 Princess Grace Kelly

 Grace Kelly was just as beautiful as Audrey! She was such a great actress and a princess! 

Judy Garland

  With my favorite movie being Wizard of Oz I couldn’t leave Judy Garland off of this list. She was such an exceptional actress. 

Viven Leigh

  Viven Leigh was a beautiful woman as well. She may have seemed like a spoiled brat in most of her movies, but I don’t think she was. She was just that good at acting.

Marilyn Monroe

 Marilyn is just downright beautiful. There is no other reason than that! She may have been considered a sex symbol and a dumb blonde, but she was really very intelligent. 

This has been my list of people I would invite to a dinner party. I think I am going to do a separate post for Mr. RCGG since this one got a bit long! Oops! 


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Fourth of July Printable

A couple of years ago I made this preamble printable. With the Fourth of July coming up I thought I would share it again. You can right click on it to save it to your computer and please pin it!

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Only two more weeks until Google does away with Google Reader! Bloglovin is where it seems a lot of bloggers are going instead! I have used it for awhile and I love that you can use categories to organize all the blogs you follow through it. Go check out the link up Lisette and Rachel have been so kind enough to organize to get the bloglovin word out.

Have you seen Downton Abbey? I finished season one yesterday and I must say that it was absolutely

fantastic! I had it on my Netflix instant que and  was going to watch Vampire Diaries on Friday, but saw that Downton Abbey was only going to be available until July1st. I thought I better watch this instead and I started it Friday afternoon and finished it yesterday afternoon. I know that sound like a lot of watching but there were only seven episodes in the first season. I have already put the DVDs of the series on my birthday list.

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