Random Things

Have you ever had this urge to blog, but have no idea what to write about? Yeah, that is me today. I haven’t really had too much to write about this past week since my heart has been kind of heavy with the events that have been unfolding in Boston and in Texas. I am praying for all who are involved in both situations. I am so glad that the second suspect has been caught.

It was rainy yesterday so we couldn’t get our walk in, but I did do the Mali workout that I talked about in my Fitness Friday post again. We really need to get a treadmill so that I can walk or run when it is raining.

I look at health and Fitness stuff on Pinterest and then go to the food boards and pin all these unhealthy recipes. It all looks good to me though and I can’t wait to make the recipes I pin. Especially the sausage jambalaya with pasta. It is as close to a copy cat recipe of the dish I had at The Pirates’ House in Savannah in February.

I FINALLY got a scrapbook album for our wedding album. Now all I need to do is get our wedding pictures printed so I can start on the scrapbook. We have been married for 8 months and I still haven’t gotten any of our pictures printed except ones for gifts.

I already have a couple of craft ideas I want to do for Christmas and it is only April! One is my mother-in-law’s Christmas gift and the other one is an ornament that I think I am going to make and put on everyone’s gifts with their names on them.

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Fitness Friday: For Boston

We all know what happened on Monday in Boston. The Boston Marathon was shaken by a tragic event that has united all runners (and aspiring runners like me.) I had mixed emotions over the course of the week. Everything from being scared to start running to being upset and even mad. My prayers are with everyone that was involved and with everyone trying to find the people that did this.

I haven’t actually started running yet, but I am walking every day that I can to get up to the running. After Monday, I had this feeling that I didn’t want to run anymore because I was scared that this could happen in Atlanta. For some reason I started reading Jen’s running page on her blog. After that I knew that I was being irrational. There was nothing to be scared about. The last line of this page is:

“The miracle isn’t that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start”
~John Bingham
This is what made me decide that I needed to go on! I haven’t had a finish yet, but I have the courage to start. So Jen, thank you! You may not have known it, but you really helped me Monday when I had this fear and was debating on not running. 

So this week I have walked with Mr. RCGG twice. I may be ready to tackle the hill to the right in the next few days. That hill is huge. We usually got to the left because the hill isn’t as big and easier to go up. I am starting Couch25K. next month and hopefully figure out my pace soon so I can register for a race. I want something to keep me motivated. I wanted to run the Turtle Crawl on Jekyll Island next month, but didn’t find out about it in time to train. I will run it next year though. 
This week I also have been doing a little workout! I have been doing this workout.
I have only done it twice so far, but I plan on doing it some more even if it made me really tired. Haha! Sometimes you just have to keep doing the workout even if makes you exhausted right?!
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April Operation Be More Crafty

In my Operation Be More Crafty challenge I wanted to make something spring like for April. What better way to welcome spring than flowers and umbrellas.

This was the easiest thing in the world to make! All I needed a pink parasol, purple and yellow silk flowers, and my glue gun. I opened the parasol and hot glued the flowers to the inside.

 I still have to figure out how to get the parasol to not open all the way. So I am thinking of wrapping some string or yarn around the spokes and tying it so that it will stay closed.

I will post another picture of when I hang it up. Right now I have no idea where I am going to put it, but I am thinking it would look great in our dining room window.

I will be posting May’s Operation Be More Crafty pinspiration in the next couple weeks.

Linking up with:

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About Me from Mr. RCGG

Today I am linking up with Becky for a special link up called

Mrs to Mama

I thought it would be fun to see what Mr. RCGG would say about me, so I asked him to write a few of his favorite random things about me.

Here is what he said:

For the record my wife is being incredibly difficult and making me do this but if it makes her happy then I will.

I love her giggle when I tickle her because it is just cute.

She also sneezes like a mouse. She tries to stop it and then ends up making a squeak sound at the end.

 I like that she always keeps her basket full of chocolate handy for those chocolate emergencies.

I think it is cute that she can’t eat cheez it’s with out milk

I like that Cate is always coming up with good crafty ideas for new projects that she wants to do

I think it is cute the way she paints her finger nails in the summer, I especially liked the watermelons last summer.

Watermelon toes

I think it is funny that she always says that chick fil a sounds good on Sundays the only day of the week they are closed.

I like that she always watches every braves game with me.

Atlanta Braves Game

Thank you babe! I am sorry if I was being a little difficult making you think of random things about me. I love you! =)   Oh BTW, the watermelons were on my toes a couple of summers ago.

I hope you have enjoyed this look into what Mr. RCGG says about me.

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On My Heart

I had a post all written out in a draft to finish, but then I couldn’t finish writing it because of the events at the Boston Marathon today.

I hate the word victim so you will not see it anywhere in this post.
Why would someone do something like that? Why would someone take away the joy of crossing the finish line of a race that was trained so hard for? It breaks my heart to know that there are people hurt because of one person.

It also scares me a little bit because I am just starting to run. It scares me that this could happen anywhere.

Please share this picture I made. Pin it share it on facebook, twitter, your own blog. I don’t care how you share it just please share it.

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Running shirts

I might have mentioned this before, but one of my goals for this year is to run a 5K. I have wanted to do this for awhile, but never got around to it. this year I am making it happen and Mr. RCGG is going to do it with me too. I have been looking for races to register for and I think I have found one. It actually isn’t until January 2014, but I have a couple other races in mind for 2013.

I have been looking for shirts to run in. I don’t like wearing sleeved shirts when I run because I get really sweaty while running and I don’t like the way a sweaty shirt feels against my skin. That might be a little TMI, but who cares? Anyways, I have a couple tank tops that I wore to sleep in, but I decided that they would be perfect for running shirts. They are old and really comfy, but they are plain. I decided to spice them up. 
Here’s what I did:

Aren’t they cute? I just painted the words and heart with craft paint. It was very easy and super cheap since I already had them. They were actually a yard sale find years ago. 
We didn’t get to run yesterday because of the storms, but hopefully we will be able to get out today. Speaking of not getting outside to run today.. Does anyone have any treadmill suggestions? We are wanting to get one, but don’t know what would be the best one.

Linking up with:

Inspire Me Please Weekend Blog Hop

Sundae Scoop Link Party at I heart Naptime

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Rain Go Away!

We are having some severe weather come through today. So that means we won’t be able to get out to walk tonight. 

photo credit

We keep talking about getting a treadmill, but haven’t decided on anything that we like. What kind of treadmill do you have? Do you like it?

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So What Wednesday

It is another Wednesday and I am linking up with Shannon for:

So What Wednesday
So what if the pollen count has been horribly high this week. Normal is 1500, but this week has been in the mid 2000’s. Today’s count is 4110.  That isn’t going to stop us from doing things outside. As long as we take our allergy pills everything is fine. 
So what if we might not walk today. It all depends on the weather. It is supposed to rain sometime today. Thank God because that might bring down the pollen count.
So what that I am finally using my Tervis tumbler today for the first time in about three weeks. I was sick and didn’t want to use it. 
So what that I cant’ find a 5K that I want to do. I will continue to look so I can have a goal for all this training I am working on.

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On the Road to a 5K

I have wanted to run a 5K for so long and it is one of my goals for the year. Yesterday, Mr. RCGG and I took the first steps of making that goal become reality. We are starting by walking for a couple months and then working up to the Couch 2 5K program.  Keep in mind that there are several large hills in our sub-division. I have been looking for 5K races in the area to register for so that I can have something to look at as a finish line, but I am looking for ones that are in the fall. I have problems with getting too hot and passing out because of it and it get hot in Georgia in the summer. They don’t call it HOT-LANTA for the fun of it. So a summer race would not work for me. I know people usually do races in the summer, but I can’t and I am having some problems finding ones in the fall that are open for registration.

I am so sore today, but I keep telling myself that… 

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New Feature on RCGG

As I mentioned on my Facebook page, I will be starting a new feature called Cooking with RCGG. I will be starting later this month with one of the recipes that I have in draft right now. I have made several of them before and some are brand new to me. I am going to put all these food pins to good use and actually make some the recipes I have found on Pinterest.  I’m including step by step pictures in each of the posts so I can show you what the meal is supposed to look like at each point of the process.

I think I am going to start with some family favorite recipes. You know, the ones that I have made over and over and have become such a known recipe that I don’t even need to follow a recipe?

Do you have any family favorite recipes you would like to share for Cooking with RCGG? Please email me at cmhutchison22@gmail.com with subject Cooking with RCGG and I would be delighted to share them.

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