Have you ever had this urge to blog, but have no idea what to write about? Yeah, that is me today. I haven’t really had too much to write about this past week since my heart has been kind of heavy with the events that have been unfolding in Boston and in Texas. I am praying for all who are involved in both situations. I am so glad that the second suspect has been caught.
It was rainy yesterday so we couldn’t get our walk in, but I did do the Mali workout that I talked about in my Fitness Friday post again. We really need to get a treadmill so that I can walk or run when it is raining.
I look at health and Fitness stuff on Pinterest and then go to the food boards and pin all these unhealthy recipes. It all looks good to me though and I can’t wait to make the recipes I pin. Especially the sausage jambalaya with pasta. It is as close to a copy cat recipe of the dish I had at The Pirates’ House in Savannah in February.
I FINALLY got a scrapbook album for our wedding album. Now all I need to do is get our wedding pictures printed so I can start on the scrapbook. We have been married for 8 months and I still haven’t gotten any of our pictures printed except ones for gifts.
I already have a couple of craft ideas I want to do for Christmas and it is only April! One is my mother-in-law’s Christmas gift and the other one is an ornament that I think I am going to make and put on everyone’s gifts with their names on them.