Why Do I Blog?

Sometimes I just need to remind myself why I blog.

I don’t blog because it is the cool thing to do.
I don’t blog because I am bored and need something to do.

I blog to share. I share crafts, recipes, pictures, quotes, and anything else I find that I love.

I blog because I enjoy writing and even though sometimes it may take a while for me to get out what I want I always end up with something that I think is a good post. (In high school it would take me a whole class period to write an essay. Most of my classmates could do it in less. I am a writing perfectionist.)

I blog because I want to share the crafts I have made, but also the random things in my life. The things that I want to cherish and remember. Craftiness with a little bit of Randomness.

Someday I will have other reasons for blogging, but not right now.

This is why I blog.

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Blog Goals

I have not posted in over a week and I am so sorry about that. Mr. RCGG’s sister was visiting so we were spending time with her.

I have made some blog goals for RCGG. I want to have at least 30 more followers by June 1st. I don’t blog for followers, but I would like to know that there are people reading what I write. I love writing and sharing what I write with others.

I have been working on getting my ads together. I know I said I would have this up and ready to go by mid March, but I didn’t and I am truly sorry about that. This little thing called life got in my way. I will have everything ready to go in the next couple weeks.

I also want 30 new likes on my Facebook page by June 1st. Again I am not blogging for people to like me or follow me. I blog because I love writing and crafting and I want to share what I make with you.

Cooking with RCGG will be posted once or twice a month where I share a recipe that I have made. I will include step by step pictures of the recipe and the recipe itself.

All original photos on RCGG will now have a watermark. If I am sharing it for you to print for your own use then it will not be watermarked, but all other photos will have a RCGG watermark on them.

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I am back

Over the weekend I took a little break from blogging to spend time with the family. Well, I am back from that little hiatus and ready to get back into the swing of things.

I will be getting supplies for April’s Operation Be More Crafty some time this week or next week. I hope to start it by next weekend.

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Taking a Break

I will be taking a break from the blog this weekend to spend time with family. Have a blessed Easter and I will see you next week!

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Thursday Thoughts

I can’t help but think today about what tomorrow is in the Christian community. Good Friday. I always take time on the Friday before Easter to reflect on what Jesus must have been going through these last few days before His death. I mean He knew that this was all going to happen. How was He dealing with knowing the pain He would endure over the next few days?

It really is awesome to know that Jesus died for us and He didn’t even know us yet! He died to forgive our sins.

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So What Wednesday

So What if I am a little late on the So What Wednesday link up today. I completely forgot about it. 

So what if I had a post written out for today on my blogger phone app, but had no idea how to get it do anything. 
So what if I am so tired of this cloudy, cool but not warm weather. I think the whole country is tired of it. 
So what that I don’t have enough time to start training for the Jekyll Island Turtle Crawl 5K. It is seven weeks away and the Couch to 5K program is nine weeks. I will do it next year. 
So what that today is a two Pepsi day. Sometimes I need a little more caffeine than others. I never exceed more than two though. At least not anymore. I have been watching the soda intake for at least three years.
So what that I have a sleeping cat next to me pushing me off the bed. She is comfortable and I love hearing her snore.
So what if I don’t think I am going to get the bunny wreath done for Easter. The April Operation Be More Crafty is going to be adorable. If you haven’t seen my pinspiration post you can check it out here.
So what if I can’t wait to get to the beach. I mean really can’t wait. I could live on the ocean. I may keep mentioning that to Mr. RCGG. 
So what that I would love for ya all to follow me on Facebook and Bloglovin
I hope you are having a great day and I look forward to hearing what you are saying So What to this week.

So What Wednesday
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April Operation Be More Crafty

This is my project for April Operation Be More Crafty. I am going to use a pink (obviously right) umbrella with purple and yellow tulips.

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Random Catch Ups

This is going to be a catch up post because last week I was a little under the weather. I love Spring, but I hate when the sinus drainage comes with it. 
We are going to Hobby Lobby this week to get the supplies I need for my Easter Bunny wreath I want to make. It is going to be adorable. I can’t wait to show you how it turns out.
Mr. RCGG and I are doing Easter baskets for each other and I have NO idea what to put in his. If I order something that he wants it won’t be here in time for Easter. 
I called my mom today to get a recipe that I want to make for Easter dinner. I don’t like cooked carrots, but she always made cheesy carrots and I LOVED them. The recipe is so easy. I thought it was complicated and it totally isn’t. I will do a post on it.
I am watching Dancing with the Stars right now. I haven’t watched it in so long and I don’t think I like it that much anymore. It isn’t the same without Maks. He was always my favorite on that show. 
We love The Voice. It started tonight, but we watch it On Demand together later. I love Blake Shelton and Adam Levine. They are so awesome! 
I got my Pottery Barn catalog today and I haven’t even looked at it yet so I am going to see what is new in the Pottery Barn world now! 
Since Google Reader will no longer be available soon Postcards from Rachel and Northern Belle Diaries started this link up last week to get the word out about Bloglovin. 

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Operation Be More Crafty Reveals

Things have been a little hectic around here and I am just now getting around to revealing my February and March. I am really slacking on the tutorials, but at least I have been keeping up with the crafting. That’s all that matters right? =)

Here is what I have been working on for February and March.

This is my cookie sheet magnet board I made for February

I made these letters for part one of March for a friend. Yes, it has to do with Wizard of Oz.

Linking up with:

Crafty Thursday Obsessions at Glued to My Crafts

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Bloglovin link up

I am linking up with Northern Belle Diaries and Postcards from Rachel for the debut of the I love Bloglovin link up.

So, if you are stopping by from the link up please let me introduce myself. I am Cate! Mr. RCGG and I were married in July on the beach. We have two cats and love them to pieces.

I love crafting. I have a monthly blog segment called Operation Be More Crafty where I show something I am going to make at the beginning of the month and then a finished product at the end of the month. I keep forgetting about doing tutorials, but I will hopefully remember by the end of the year!  So far I have made a bandanna purse, a cookie sheet magnet board, and glitter painted wooden letters. I am adding a second craft to the month of March for Easter. Stay tuned to find out what it is.

Random Crafty Georgia Girl is all bout Craftiness with a little bit of Randomness. I am mostly a craft blog, but have some of the random things that happen during our lives. Things like baseball games, what has happened in our lives recently, recipes, crafts, and other random things. I hope you enjoy your visit and please let me know you bloglovin user name. I would love to follow you as well.
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