Guest Post from La Vita e` Bella

Today, I asked my friend Adrienne over at La Vita e` Bella to share a little something with ya all! I hope you enjoy.

Hello new friends!

I am so thrilled that Cate asked me to guest blog on her fabulous blog!

Hi!  I’m Adrienne from La Vita é Bella! A 30 something lady blogging about all things beautiful and my journey through it all. I blog on a wide range of topics from daily musings to my favorite ideas for kitchen creations and home.

I am a teacher and wanted to share with you how I plan out my weekly lunches.  The busy school day leaves only 25-30 minutes for lunch daily.  A teacher’s lunch needs to be portable, healthy and have have enough staying power.

I try to include at least one of the following in my lunches:

  • protein
  • vegatable
  • fruit
  • snack

Variety is also key but sometimes if you anticipate a busy week, you can stretch out the same entree.

For instance, last Sunday I cooked up a batch of Greek Orzo Salad.  You can find this amazing recipe on Peace, Love, and Good Food.

I had the salad daily which contained orzo (grain), olives, tomatoes, cucumbers (vegetable) and feta cheese (protein).

I added a little variety to my lunch everyday by adding some Fage Greek Yogurt with fruit, fresh berries and a Be Kind Bar for my snack.

For drinks, I start off my day with coffee and switch to water.

Here’s an example of what one of my lunches looked like:

Overall, wherever you work, you need a great lunch to keep you going throughout the day.

What are your favorite lunch picks?



Thanks Adrienne for your great post! It was such a pleasure having you on Random Crafty Georgia Girl today! I know I will be trying this great recipe soon!

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Keep Calm and Switch to Bloglovin

Everyone is talking about Google Reader no longer being available after July 1st. I never used it because I found it confusing and very hard to read. I started using Bloglovin about a month ago and I really like it. It is so easy to see all of the blogs you follow in one place and very easy to read because you don’t have multiple feeds running together. It is so easy to switch to Bloglovin too. Just sign up for an account and follow this pin from Northern Belle Diaries:

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Operation Be More Crafty Slacker

I have been slacking on my Operation Be More Crafty tutorials and reveals. I will have my February reveal up within the next week. I finished it about a week into March because the weather was just no cooperating with me to spray paint so I just decided to paint it using purple, pink, and white paint. It turned out so cute and when i get time to take a picture I will post my reveal.

Also my first part of March’s crafty mission is almost done. I think I may have to put one more coat of paint on my letters before I can say they are done. I will get a picture of them and post it with the February reveal and just do a double whammy reveal. Haha!

I have another craft for March, but I haven’t gotten any supplies for it yet. I looked at Michael’s but they didn’t have what I was looking for so I am going to have to go to Hobby Lobby! YAY! I love that store. It is usually my go to craft store.

Anyways, I will have a reveal post for February and March in the next few days.

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Fab Friday

Today is Fab Friday at The Everyday Joys. 

This week my fabs are:
I JUST figured out how to play the right hand only of the first 8 measures of Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata. I still have to find the rest of the song so I can learn it too. I have wanted to play this for a very long time because it has always been my favorite classical piece. YAY ME!! 

I am loving my Operation Be More Crafty second craft of March. I though I should probably do an Easter craft this month since Easter is at the end of the month. It is going to be so adorable. 

I am excited that I am going to go live with advertising on Random Crafty Georgia Girl later this month.  I have some minor details left to finish and then it will be live! 

I hope you are having a fantastic weekend and I look forward to seeing what was fab in your week!

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Inspire Me Please Weekend Blog Hop

My friends Tonya and Mandy have started a link up with a two other bloggers called Inspire Me Please Weekend Blog Hop. It sounds like a great way to get new ideas from other bloggers for my Operation Be More Crafty mission. So, I thought I would share my Initial frame that I made last summer for the link up.

Work in progress
Finished but not on the wall yet
Finished and on the wall

I shared this originally in August with a tutorial. I still love how it turned out and I can’t wait until it is on the wall in our finished bed room in the basement.

I can’t wait to see what inspired you for this link up. I hope you have a great weekend!

Linking up to the Inspire Me Please Weekend Blog Hop with Tonya

Love of Family and Home

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March Stop and Smell the Roses

Two link ups on one day? Whoa! I am just blogging away today! Anyways, the first Wednesdays of every month are Stop and Smell the Roses day at House of Rose.

Mentioned in my vlog:

I hope you have a great month ladies! I can’t wait to find out how your March goes!

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So What Wednesday

So What Wednesday

Time again for So What Wednesday with Shannon from Life After I Dew! I love this link up! Thanks for being such an great host Shannon!

So what…
If Mr. RCGG got me the complete series of Dawson’s Creek for Christmas and I am just starting to watch it now.

 that I started on season two of DC because i have watched season one multiple times already.

that I have started falling back in love with Joshua Jackson (Pacey Witter) since I started watching Dawson’s Creek again. It is that smile. I have loved him since his Mighty Ducks days and he always has had that smile that makes me melt! Especially as Pacey. BTW, I was a strong Pacey/Joey team member.

that I just now filmed my Stop and Smell the Roses video for the House of Rose link up. 

I am already planning our next trip. We don’t have anything set in stone yet, but I can plan it already can’t I?

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Operation Be More Crafty March update

March’s Operation Be More Crafty part one is in full swing. I am painting wooden letters with a green sparkle paint for a friend and I can’t wait to see how the finished product will turn out. Right now, I am waiting for them to dry so that  can add a couple more coats of paint before I think it will be done.

If you noticed I said part one of March Operation Be More Crafty  then you are not seeing things. I am doing two different crafts for the month of March. I am also doing a bunny wreath that I will be starting on after St. Patrick’s Day. I can’t wait to start this one because it is going to be so cute!

I am having so much fun crafting every month. It is such a great way to know that I have accomplished something crafty every month instead of my craft supplies sitting there gathering dust. Some of them are, but not all of them are dusty. Haha!

I still have to get pictures of my magnet board so please bear with me on my February reveal. It may end up being a three craft in one reveal as of right now. =)

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Teenage Memory

Do you ever have that feeling that when you watch something that you are re-living your childhood? That’s how I feel right now. Mr. RCGG got me the complete series of Dawson’s Creek for Christmas.

I watched this show any time I could  when it was on TV. I don’t know about you, but I felt like Dawson, Joey, Pacey, and Jen were my best friends. They were going through the same feelings I was. Feelings of does that special person like me the way I like them feelings. Feelings of what is going to happen with them that will relate to my life. Every week I felt like they were going to tell me how to deal with what was going on in my teenage drama of life. Not that I really had any teenage drama. I never thought my life as a teenager was any soap opera. Dawson’s Creek was not just a show. It was real life. To me and many other teenagers of the late 90’s early 2000’s. 
It is kind of crazy  at how young James Van Der Beek, Katie Holmes, Michelle Williams, and Joshua Jackson looked back then. I have loved Joshua Jackson ever since his Mighty Ducks days. He just has this major cuteness factor that I love. While every other girl was in love with James Van Der Beek I was probably the only one loving him instead. 
Did you have any favorite shows that you didn’t miss when you were growing up? 
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