I’m The Kinda Girl…

I’m the kinda girl who loves her husband more than anything in the world.
I’m the kinda girl who would love to live on the beach someday. 
I’m the kinda girl that would rather wear flip flops to sneakers.
I’m the kinda girl that tries to dress up, but always goes back to a t-shirt and jeans.
I’m the kinda girl who could read all day.
I’m the kinda girl that strives to be the best wife I can be.
I’m the kinda girl that would have a bookshelf in my kitchen for cookbooks only.
I’m the kinda girl that would paint the entire house in different shades of pink if Mr. RCGG would let me.
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Our Weekend Vacation

Mr. and Mrs. RCGG didn’t do much for our first Valentine’s Day as husband and wife. In fact, we were driving. We were on our way to Andersonville to see the Andersonville Civil War Prison Camp. We satayed Thursday night in a town called Cordele GA and then on Friday we made our way to Andersonville. On our way to the prison camp we stopped by Plains, GA. I’m not sure if this sounds familiar to you or not, but President Carter was from Plains. He moved back there after he left office. It is a very nice, quiet, everybody knows everybody kind of town.

Here are some of our pictures:

His bedroom as a child

Walking down Pennsylvania Ave. during his inauguration parade 

replica of his oval office desk

Secret Service gate house outside the Carters’ home

After Plains, we went to Andersonville to see the prison camp.  It was such a sad thing that happened and you could feel the emotion there. It felt like maybe they were still there. The prisoner of war museum is also at Andersonville. There artifacts and exhibits from all the wars there showing things about prisoners of war. It was really interesting.

We went to Old Fort Jackson in Savannah on Saturday. It was so much fun. It is a fort that was built for the Revolutionary War and used all the was through the civil war. Here are some of my favorite pictures from the fort.

We also wlked around the city for a little bit.  We were so busy walking around and enjoying the city that neither one of us got any pictures while there. We went to The Paula Deen Store and I got a tank shirt, a Lady and Sons poster, some postcards, banana puddin’ lip balm, peach cobbler lip balm, and some other awesome stuff. We are going to make reservations for the restaurant the next time we go down.  We also went to the Tervis cup store. It is right across the street from The Paula Deen Store. Have you seen Tervis before? They are an amazing cup company that you can any size and design. It is an insulated cup plastic instead of stainless steel for the non coffee drinkers.You can check them out here.  I got an 24 ounce tumbler with a C on it and a bright pink lid. After Tervis, we walked around a little more. Savannah is beautiful and I loved checking out everything. We stopped at Leopold’s Ice Cream and had some peppermint ice cream. That was the best peppermint ice cream I have ever had. I was thirsty too, so I got a cherry coke. This wasn’t just a cherry coke from the fountain. This was one of the old fashioned cherry cokes with the shot of cherry syrup. It was SO GOOD!! You can check out everything that Leopold’s has and the history of the shop here.

For dinner Saturday night we went to The Pirates’ House. It was AWESOME! The food was AMAZING! You can find the history on the website. We had a little bit of a funny thing happen to us here. They have people dressed as pirates walking around and talking with the guests. We were at the Fort earlier in the day and they had people dressed as soldiers. We were waiting for our table and one of the pirates came up and started talking to us. He was one of the soldiers from the Fort. His pirate name was John Ashmore and his soldier name was Private Bradford. He was funny! We had to have our picture taken with him.

I can’t wait to go back to Savannah. There is SO much we haven’t seen yet. Have you been to Savannah? What would you recommend?
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Valentine’s Day Link up

Happy Valentine’s Day my loveys. I hope you are having a love filled day.

 Today I am linking up for a special Valentine’s Day link up with The Life of a Not So Ordinary Wife. With this one you AND your husband answer the questions.  Here are the questions:

My answers will be in purple and his will be in blue.

How long have you been married?
Almost 7 months Next Thursday to be exact.
7 months
Where was your first date?

My high school gym. It was my senior year homecoming dance.
Where was your first kiss?

My driveway on Halloween night.
Halloween night when I was dropping you off at home
Who first said, “I love you”?

I did.
That was probably you
What were your wedding colors?

Pink and turquoise
blue and pink
What is her most commonly used phrase?

I say that’s cool a lot.
I love you. 

Who is her celebrity crush?

Colin Farrell and Joshua Jackson
Joshua Jackson and Colin Farrell

If she was ordering drinks for both of you what would you each get?

I would get him any wine and a chardonnay for me.
Wine for both

What is her favorite song?
Moves Like Jagger by Maroon 5
Over the Rainbow with Walking After Midnight as a second
(I didn’t even think about those two songs, but yes they would be my favorites.)

What is the best meal she has ever cooked you?

Chicken-etti. It is a chicken spaghetti with peppers and cheese sauce. I will do a recipe post soon.
Tater-tot casserole (another recipe post on that soon too)

What is the worst meal she has ever cooked you?

I have no idea.
I don’t know.

What would she say is your most annoying habit?

He steals the covers at night and says it is me. 
Taking the covers from her and saying it is her.

If you could throw out one item of her clothing what would it be?

I would have to say my kitty cat sleep pants.
My Southern Illinois University shirt

What would you say is your favorite thing about her?

Her eyes

What’s her blog’s name?!

Random Crafty Georgia Girl
Random Crafty Georgia Girl

I think we did pretty well. There were only a few that we didn’t have the same answers for, but we weren’t far off from each other even on those. 

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So What Wednesday

I have officially become a So What Wednesdayer. I love taking time out of the week to give a big fat so what to some of the things that have happened. If you would like to link up then you can find all the details here:

So What Wednesday

So What:

 if I actually “may” have started this post on Monday night.It was one of those days.

 I spent an hour trying to decide what names for my upcoming sponsor ads. (Speaking of which, I will be live with those soon. Still trying to get some things figured out.)

 that Our lovely So What Wednesday host, Shannon may be a little sick of me asking questions about blog sponsoring and stuff. I am trying to learn from one of the best! =)

that I DID NOT watch the State of the Union. I am sure that doesn’t make me a bad American. I hate politics.

That we can only take vacations when there is a post office holiday due to my husband’s business. I still love spending time with my husband no matter when or where it may be.

If I was very concerned about the fire in my hometown last night. It is where my parents still live and the town I grew up in. I still have my family and friends there and I have every right to be concerned.

That I am already looking at how I want to decorate when our room in the basement is done and the ceiling isn’t even all the way done yet. My husband and his brother just started putting it up last night. 

My husband’s valentine’s day gift won’t be here by tomorrow. I can wait until it gets here to give it to him.

This is what I have said So What to this week. 
What about you? 

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Fire Updates

I wanted to share some pictures from last night’s fire in Carterville Illinois. These are all from my aunt Paula.

These were from last night. She went downtown today as well. Here are the pictures from today.

It is a blessing that no one was hurt in this fire. I thank God for the firemen from all over Southern Illinois that helped. God bless you all every day for keeping us safe.

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Prayers for Carterville IL

It is times like this that makes me miss small town life. Don’t get me wrong I love living in Metro Atlanta, but there is something about a small town banding together in a tragedy. You don’t get that in a city.

Photo courtesy of WSIL TV 3 Facebook page

Last night a fire broke out in my hometown of Carterville, Illinois. This wasn’t just any fire. This was a HUGE fire that may have destroyed more than one building. Fire departments from all over Southern Illinois were called in to help contain the blaze and bring in water since a water main broke around the same time the fire started.  Please pray for the town of Carterville, Illinois as they deal with this devastating fire. 

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RCGG Annoucement

I think it is time to announce one of the exciting changes for Random Crafty Georgia Girl. 

RCGG will be taking sponsors soon. I still have to get a few things worked out before I officially start as a sponsored blog. I look forward to this adventure in my blogging life. As of right now I only have two sponsor  offers for you. One is a blog button swap and the other is a Friends of RCGG spot and they are both under $10. So i would love for you to become a sponsor of Random Crafty Georgia Girl when the time comes that I go live with it. 
I also have a Pinterest board for Random Crafty Georgia Girl. I share all the things I have made for the blog there and I would love for you to follow along.
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Stop and Smell the Roses link up

Stop and Smell the Roses is finally back for 2013. I thought this day would never come. I love finding out what ya all are thankful for or loving during the week. This year Mandy decided to do the link up monthly instead of every week or every other week. I love that and I made a list of things during January that I was smiling about. I think this is how I am going to do it every month.
Anyways, on to my vlog! I apologize that I went over our 2-3 minute time limit. I need to work on that this year.

I was having major problems uploading my video today and now I can’t actually put the video into my blog post so I am going to have to post the link straight to YouTube. Don’t you love when things like this happen? Hopefully next month uploading will be a lot less stressful.

Stop and Smell the Roses

Mentioned in my vlog:
The Polka Dot Posie
The Polka Dot Posie Etsy shop
Random Crafty Georgia Girl on facebook

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So What Wednesday

It is Wednesday again and that means it is time for So What Wednesday with Shannon from Life After I Dew.  This is a weekly linky party where you say so what to things that have have happened over the week. What are you saying so what to this week?

So What Wednesday

My So Whats for this week are:

So what that I was on blog post 666 this week and I countered it with Bible verses.

So What that I put up post number 667 quickly after so that I wouldn’t have that evil number sitting there.

So what if I wanted to stay in my warm bed all day Monday because it was freezing. I am so ready for flip flop weather. I need my beach time.

So what if I am little excited for our bedroom in the basement to get finished. It is looking fantastic so far. I am so ready to paint it and decorate.

So what that we have three blockbuster movies sitting waiting to be watched. I am enjoying watching Babylon 5 with my husband every night. I was watching it on Netflix, but then they decided to stop streaming it right when I was in the middle of season 4. We got the whole series on sale right around Christmas from Amazon along with How I Met Your Mother.

So what that I don’t care for sci-fi, but I like Babylon 5. It doesn’t seem like a sci-fi show to me.

So what if I am ready for a vacation. I already said I need my beach time. Jekyll Island is calling my name.

That’s what I am saying so what to this week. What about you?
Go link up with Shannon and say SO WHAT!

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Bedroom Decor ideas

I mentioned a few days ago that we started working on our bedroom in the basement. I thought I would share a few of the ideas I have seen for decorating that room when we finish and move in.

This first one is from my friend Mandy from House of Rose.

I LOVE the corner shelves that her dad built.

I also love these curtains. The curtain we have now is what we are keeping for the new bedroom and I think I can make this. It doesn’t look that hard. I would need a stencil and paint.

This next one has the exact bedspread that I want. If only I could find it somewhere.

I can’t wait for when I get to actually start making these decisions. There will be lots of posts about paint color and all the DIY I am going to do.

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