Bible verses

As I was looking at my post count I noticed that my next post would be number 666. Being a Christian, I don’t like that number so this post is going to be my favorite Bible verses.

My favorite verse of all time is Philippians 4:13  I can do all this through him who gives me strength.

This verse has gotten me through so much in my life. Anytime I have had something go wrong in my life I have thought of this and it has helped me so much to get through it.

I love this next verse because it makes me think about what will happen when Jesus comes back.
It is Revelation 21:4 And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.

I think this should counter that this is post number six hundred and sixty six just fine. Now onto 667 just to get off this evil number.

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Fab Friday

This is my first Fab Friday link up. I found The Everyday Joys a few days ago when I saw the Say Hello Will Ya? post from another blogger. I checked out the blog and loved it so I am excited to join another link up.


So… Here we go!
I am so excited that we finally have started putting up dry wall in the basement in what is going to be our bedroom. It is going to look good and I can’t wait to decorate. (After that on the basement to do list is the bathroom.)
I am working on some great things for RCGG and I can’t wait to share them with you. I have said this multiple times in the past three posts and I am sure you are probably tired of hearing about them. 
I love that Stop and Smell the Roses with House of Rose is starting again on Wednesday. I have been making a list of what has been making me smile this month so that I am not babbling like I do most vlogs. 
I am trying to keep up on My Daily Life of 2013 notebook. I have just been writing a few small things that were on my mind during the day or things that I want to do and wanted to write down so I would remember.
I think that is it for this week. I will for sure have more next time.
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Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and some randoms

Want to see what is going on with Random Crafty Georgia Girl without having to log into your blog account? Random Crafty Georgia Girl is on Facebook  I post the links to blog posts there and also just some randomness. I hope ya all will join me on Facebook.

I’m also on Twitter as @RndmCrftyGAGrl  I post links there as well and I love forming friendships with other bloggers. I feel as if they are people that I know in real life.

Are you on Pinterest? I have a whole board dedicated to crafts I have done and posted on Random Crafty Georgia Girl. I also have some other fun boards. You can check me out here.

I am working on some things that I  can’t wait to let ya all in on soon. Maybe some guest posts and giveaways. Definitely more Operation Be More Crafty posts.

I am going to be doing some decorating soon so I know there will be a post or twelve about that. We just have to get  the rooms done first.

Is there anything you would like to see on Random Crafty Georgia Girl? I am always open to suggestions.

We are finally starting on our bedroom in the basement. My husband and his brothers are putting the dry wall up as I type this. I can’t wait. That is one of the rooms I will be showing my decorating off skills. I can’t wait to show you what I decide on. I think it is going to look pretty good if it turns out like the pins I I have found.

I actually think this might be it for now. I have been working on this post all day with several interruptions so I think it might be time to wrap it up for the day.

I look forward to seeing ya all on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.

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Operation Be More Crafty January Reveal

My first Operation Be More Crafty  project of the month is finished and ready for the reveal. This was a very easy starter project for the year and I love how it turned out.

Ready to see how it turned out?

 See the photo lacking tutorial here. I promise I will have pictures with the February tutorial.

I love it. I think it it would be so cute as a little girl’s purse and I know several little girls that I just might send it to as a little thinking of you gift!

I hope you are enjoying this new feature of Random Crafty Georgia Girl and looking forward to the rest of the year as much as I am. I still have to figure out what I going to do for February.  Talk to ya all later!

Linking up with:


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So What Wednesday

Wednesdays are usually reserved for Stop and Smell the Roses and that will be starting next Wednesday, but  I will be doing a lot more of So What Wednesday with Life After I Dew. I have linked up with Shannon on this one a few times already and I loved it. I am really looking forward to doing more this year.

So What Wednesday

So now on to So What Wednesday for this week:

So what that I didn’t do laundry yesterday because the washer had someone else’s laundry in it. I don’t like taking other people’s clothes out of the washer or dryer because I find it kind of creepy when someone takes my laundry out and touches my underwear.

So what if my home management binder is taking longer to put together than I wanted. I want to make sure I am including everything that I can in it and I want it to be perfect. I have my family and friends contacts done and that was the main part I was working on. Now I just have to work on the rest it.

So what that I haven’t had my Operation Be More Crafty January craft reveal yet. I have to take the picture and I am procrastinating. I will take the picture later today and post it.

So What if I didn’t sleep that well last night. I kept waking up because of tornado warnings. I don’t mine thunderstorm warnings, but when you throw around the word tornado I get scared.

I think that is it for this week. I hope ya all have a great week and now I am off to get my Operation Be More Crafty reveal posted.

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Say Hello Will Ya?

Today I am linking up with Laura over at The Everyday Joys for Say Hello Will Ya? I just found her blog last night, but I’m looking forward to reading it.

1. What blogs do you visit daily? Please list 1-3 of your favorites.
2. Are you on Instagram? If so, what is your user name?
3. Can we find you on Pinterest? What’s your Pinterest address, and what can we expect to see you pinning most? (recipes, DIY projects, home decor, etc.)
I pin a lot of crafts and recipes. There might be some home decor in there sometimes.
4. What are your favorite blog link-ups to participate in? (weekly link-ups other bloggers have…any number will do…please link us to them!)
Stop and Smell the Roses with Mandy from House of Rose.

5. Why do you blog?
I blog to create a spot for the ideas and completed crafts that I do. Random Crafty Georgia Girl is “Craftiness with a little bit of Randoms. I also blog to keep family and friends in the know of my life.

6. Tell us one random fact about yourself.
I am 30 years old and I still sleep with my baby blanket and teddy bear.  I have slept with various bears throughout my life, but for the past 11 years there has only been one bear in my life. My husband got him for me on our second Christmas together.

Random Crafty Georgia Girl is also on Facebook. Please check it out and follow me.
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Wedding Shadowbox Part 2

At the end of last year I showed the wedding shadow box I made. I looked back on it and I realized I didn’t tell ya all how I made it. So, I decided that I needed to do that. I am linking this post up with the Dog Days of Winter are Over “Make It” linky party over at House of Rose.

House of Rose

This was my pinspiration:

Okay, so here is my shadow box again.

I got the shadow box  couple of years ago from Archiver’s. It was on sale so I got it for $15 instead of the $25 it was supposed to be. (The tag was still on it.) Anyways, I took it apart and glued a piece of ocean scrapbook paper to the back part. Then I painted the inside frame. Our wedding colors were turquoise and pink so I actually used those two colors to paint it, but I didn’t realize that the pink was the only color that would end up showing. Oh well, at least the turquoise is there anyways.
I took some of my favorite pictures from our wedding and glued them right on the paper. I used silver stickers to put our name and wedding date in the frame and a heart sticker that I have had forever. The flowers are from the leis we are wearing in the pictures.( I actually took the pink and blue flowers that are laying loose out. I decided that they were too much and you couldn’t see the bottom of the pictures.)  I love it. I didn’t turn out exactly like the one I pinned, but that is exactly what Pintrest crafts are all about. Making it your own idea. I want to get one of those alphabet photos to go somewhere in our room too.
We chose to put it right by our door so you can see it when you come in our room.
I still have to get my wedding scrapbook together. We have kind of procrastinated on getting our pictures printed.

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Operation Be More Crafty February Annoucment

February is when it starts to get warmer in Georgia and it also begins the countdown to baseball season. Spring Training starts and when spring gets here it is time to hang out with friends and family outside.

Operation Be More Crafty is a little more complicated this month. I have been looking for Nathan’s Valentine’s Day gift and I thought i would get him a corn hole board. I had seriously never heard it called that  until I moved south. We called it bean bag toss or bags. Anyways, I couldn’t find a set that I liked or that wasn’t going to cost me a fortune to buy so I decided to tell him about what my idea was and asked if we could make one instead.

So for February’s Operation Be More Crafty I am going to make a corn hole board. I have found a great website to use for the dimensions and how to’s of making it and it is going to be a family effort. Nathan is going to help measure and cut and hammer and I am going to paint it and make the bags. This one might take a little bit more time than just this month. So I might have to make this one a two month craft.  Please bear with me while I get this one together.

While we are working on this one together. I am going to make another craft as well. We recently finished the office in the basement and I finally have a craft/blogging space of my own. I will be showing it off in my Stop and Smell the Roses video next month. I am trying to figure out how I want to keep everything organized and keep my thoughts planned out so I am going to make a magnet board out of a cookie sheet.
Like this:

So this is going to be my official Operation Be More Crafty project for February and the corn hole board is going to be a side project.

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Start following RCGG with Bloglovin

Follow my blog with Bloglovin

I have started using Bloglovin as another way to stay connected with my favorite blogs!

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Operation Be More Crafty: Bandanna Purse Tutorial

Operation Be More Crafty has been fun so far and I have enjoyed finding new crafts to share with ya all. I hope you are enjoying it as much as I am.

I promise I will have pictures with next month’s Operation Be More Crafty post. Things kind of got a little busy for me to take pictures this month.

Anyways, I am so excited to share how I made my bandanna purse with you. So here we go:

I started by ironing out any wrinkles the bandanna may have had from being folded. Then I folded it into fourths. I wanted to have a few pockets in the middle. Make sure you are fold the wrong side out if you are using a patterned bandanna. This is to make sure your stitches are on the inside.

I then hand sewed all the sides but one up. I hand sewed it but you can use a sewing machine if you prefer. Mine just isn’t set up yet,but I am hoping it will be soon.

After you have the three sides sewn up, turn it right side out if you use a patterned bandanna. Now you are ready to sew the strap. I used a black rosette piece that I found at Hobby Lobby. All I did for this part was sew the strap to the top outside part of the purse.

That is it. I thought it was very easy and I love how mine turned out. (I have fallen in love with the damask pattern.)

Reveal post coming next week.

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