Blog Anniversary

I was going through posts today and I realized that today is my four year blog anniversary. It does not seem like I have been blogging that long. I wish I noticed this earlier because this would have been a great time for a giveaway. I guess I will have to do that at another time.

Have I shared how I started blogging? In 2008 I moved to Georgia with Nathan and his family. I wanted a way for my family to know how things were going and what we were doing in Georgia. So I started My Life in Georgia.  I got a little bored with that since I didn’t really have anything to write about and I don’t think my family even knew about my blog. I scrapbook and I thought maybe I would do a scrapbook blog. Well I don’t scrap that much to make a scrapbooking blog.  I still have to print wedding pictures so I can scrapbook them. Anyways, I love making crafts and I thought that since I love finding them and sharing them that I would make a craft blog instead. I wanted to have the random things that happen in my life as well, SO I became Random Crafty Georgia Girl.

I have loved every minute of my RCGG blog life. I have met so many great bloggers. These are people that I have never met, but I feel as if they are my best friends and I am so grateful for them. Sometimes you just have to branch out from your comfort zone and out on the limb. If I didn’t do this in the beginning of 2012 with House of Rose’s Stop and Smell the Roses then I would not have met most of my blog friends.

So thanks to everyone who has made me a better blogger and to all my readers for sticking by me when I don’t post as much as I probably should. Ya all are great and I truly do appreciate you! 

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Operation Be More Crafty

Operation Be More Crafty is a monthly craft mission that I am going to try this month. I decided to do this for 2013 because I wanted to be a little more crafty in the new year than I have been in previous years.

Here is how Operation Be More Crafty is going going to work:
In the first week of the month I will announce what my craft is going to be. In the second or third week I will show how I made it. During the last week of the month I will show my finished item.

I am so excited to start this mission with a bandanna purse. I found a couple of really cute bandannas at Hobby Lobby last weekend. One is just a plain pink that I am going to use for the inside of the purse. The other one is a black and white damask that is going to be the outside. I also found a  black rosette  ribbon that I am going to use for the strap. I can’t wait to start and see how it turns out.

Tutorial to come.

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Daily Journaling

Have you heard of Smash Books? They are a type of mini scrapbook that you put random memories in. You don’t really worry about how everything is flat. Hence the name smash book. Anyways, I thought I would do a little something like that for 2013. I am using a composition notebook. I seem to have a bunch of them because you can always find them on sale somewhere.  I haven’t put too much into it yet, but I am writing a little something every day so far. I hope to have it looking like an actual smash book in the next month.

I guess you could call it more of a daily journal right now. It is just random things that happened throughout the day or things that I am looking forward to later in the week or month.

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New Year’s Eve Taco Dip

Every year for New Year’s Eve, I make a taco dip. It is my husband’s favorite appetizer, and I usually only make it for New Year’s Eve. It is a recipe that my mom made when I was growing up and I adapted it from her recipe.

What you need:
a small package of ground beef
taco seasoning
shredded lettuce
shredded cheese
sour cream
refried beans (I usually use one can)
chopped tomatoes (optional)
chopped green onion (optional)
(basically anything you would put on a taco)
*This year I added a can of chopped green chilies.

How to make it:

*Brown hamburger until no pink is left.

* Drain and add refried beans straight to meat. ( This is where I added the can of chopped chilies.)  Mix together and heat until beans are hot.

*Add taco seasoning to sour cream and stir until blended very well. (You can add the taco seasoning to the meat as well. This is what my mom does.)

*Spread hamburger and refried beans into a baking dish.

Layer sour cream, and cheese, . (tomatoes, olives, and onions if desired)

Sprinkle lettuce on top and add more cheese.

*Bake for 30 minutes on 350 degrees.
*Serve with tortilla chips.

It is very easy to make and very good.
This can be made for any occasion, but we have always made it for New Year’s Eve. It has become a family (both mine and my husband’s)  favorite and it just isn’t a New Year’s Eve without it.


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New Year 2013

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Looking Back on 2012

As we are in the last several hours of 2012 I wanted to take a minute and look back on the year.

. Obviously, the best thing that happened this year was I married my best friend.

I can’t imagine my life without him and I thank God every day for him. He really is my best friend.

We love going to baseball games and this year was bittersweet in Braves Country with it being Chipper’s last season. We would have liked it to go another way in October, but it didn’t.

The Great Chipper Jones
I can’t remember when this game was, but Kenny Loggins sang the National Anthem before the game.

In October we went to Illinois for my cousin’s wedding.  She was such a beautiful bride. I have watched her grow up from a little girl to the young woman that she is today and I am so proud of her.

This one is a little blurry.

We also went on a little tour of my hometown while we were visiting Illinois. We went by the new high school.

It is a really nice school. I am glad we got to see it when we were there. 
This has been a great year for us. I am so excited to see what 2013 has in store for us. Happy New Year RCGG readers and have a blessed 2013. See ya all next year.

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Christmas Recap

Christmas is usually a very laid back experience in our house. No one really takes pictures during the opening of gifts so I don’t have any pictures to share. I;m sure that will change when we have little ones of our own though.

We are all not early risers so Christmas morning for us is usually around 11 AM or noon. Before my husband and I went out to gather around the Christmas tree we opened our stockings in our room. His family doesn’t do stockings, but mine did when I was growing up and I wanted to continue it for us. We opened our stockings and I found my rosie posie necklace from the Etsy shop The Polka Dot Posie along with a very cute pair of earrings that Jen sent along as a nice little surprise. I also got my annual Wizard of Oz ornament. This was something that my parents started when I first began collecting Oz stuff and I love that my husband has continued this little tradition.  We always put one of those candy cane shapes filled with candy in our stockings so a few days before Christmas we always go pick out our stocking candy. I got red and green Sprees and Nathan got Starbursts. Anyways, in his stocking I put a DVD that he had been wanting, the Hatfields and McCoys, that was on History channel earlier this year. I also gave him a box of Slim Jims. He loves those.

My rosie posie necklace

One of my favorite gifts was from my sister in law and her family. I posted it already on my Wedding Shadowbox post. It is so beautiful and I love that she took the time to make it for us. Another one of my favorite gifts is from my mom. She gave me a recipe binder with little scrapbook type pages for the dividers and recipe cards. She filled out some of them with some of my favorite recipes that she made when I was younger. I am going to send the other cards to family and friends to get some of their favorite recipes handwritten.

Nathan got me the complete series of Dawson’s Creek. It was one of my favorite shows and I can’t wait to watch it. He also got me the last two season of One Tree Hill. I haven’t seen season 9 yet so if you are an OTH fan DON’T TELL ME HOW IT ENDS!! My favorite gift from him was the Coach wristlet. He got it for me because I have a Coach purse, but there are times that I don’t really like carrying an actual purse around. Like when we go somewhere that I really won’t need it. (When we were at Jekyll Island in July, I put my purse in the hotel room closet and didn’t go anywhere with it. We had the do not disturb sign on the door the whole weekend. You know? wedding weekend!)  I have wanted a full size bottle of Paris Hilton’s Heiress perfume, but he has not been able to find one, so he got me Jennifer Anniston perfume instead. It smells almost exactly like Heiress. I love it so much.

I got Nathan the Ken Burns Civil War documentary. He loves the civil war and has actually been wanting it for a very long time. He could only find it for $100, but I found it on sale. He loved it and can’t wait to watch it. I think my favorite gift that I got him was the Daisy Red Ryder BB gun. I was so excited to give it to him because he loves the movie A Christmas Story and tries to watch all 24 hours of it every Christmas. (Funny little trivia. A Christmas Story came out on November 18, 1983. The day after my husband was born.)  It is one of his favorite movies. I got him some paper targets to go with it. He opened them and looked at me like I had two heads. He didn’t understand why I gave them to him. I told him to open his big gift then. He understood then. He loved it.

We had a dinner of ham, mashed potatoes, stuffing, and other things like that. It was very good. I don’t usually  eat ham unless it is very thinly sliced, but the ham we had was a caramel apple glazed ham and it was very very good.
I hope you had a great Christmas with your families. It truly is a time to spend with those you love. Have a safe New Year’s and please do not drink and drive.

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New Year’s Resolutions

For 2013:

 I want to be more crafty. I really don’t craft that much and with the craft a month project I think I can accomplish this one.

Read more. I tried to do 45 books in 2012, but that ended up being a bust. I did not come anywhere near 45 books. I think for next year I am going to scale it back to 20.

Yoga. I used to do yoga every day or every other day, but then I fell out of it. I am going to try some kind of workout every day.

C25K I have always wanted to run a 5K. The C25K program helps with that. I am going to start this when the weather gets warmer and that will be my workout for the days that I run. I am going to go left out of our driveway instead of right though because there aren’t as many hills to the left.

A daily Bible devotion. I was doing a daily devotion with She Reads Truth, but things got busy and I didn’t make time for it. I need to find the time to spend with God every day. Even if it is just a quick prayer or reading a verse. God doesn’t care how you spend time with Him; just that you spend time with Him.

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Wedding Shadowbox

My final craft project for 2012 has been finished. I have had this shadowbox from Archiver’s for at least two years and I knew I wanted to do something beachy with it. I had some ocean paper that I used as the background and put four pictures from our wedding on it. I put silver letter stickers to spell out our name and wedding date on the empty spaces. Then I used flowers from the leis that we were wearing in the pictures. It turned out so cute. I can’t wait to put it on our wall. 

My in-laws don’t like their pictures put online so I hid their faces. My sister in law made us a shadowbox for our Christmas present and I LOVE it. It is so beautiful. She used our invitation and program with a couple of pictures. She put shells from the beach on a piece of burlap as the background. It is probably one of my favorite Christmas gifts.
I am looking forward to 2013 and the exciting things that are coming in the new year. I have already decided what my first craft of the year is going to be and will be sharing with you shortly. I hope you have a great New Year’s Eve and remember that if you drink please be responsible and DO NOT DRIVE! 
Happy New Year my lovely’s! 
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Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas! I hope this finds you spending time with your family and making beautiful memories.

I think now is a good time to share our Christmas card with you since I have had them out for at least two weeks now. This was the card I was working on with Jen from The Polka Dot Posie. I think she did a FANTASTIC job and I know we will be having more designed by her in the future.

How adorable is this? This was one of my favorite pictures from our wedding.

I hope you have a very blessed Christmas. I will be be back in 2013 with some new special posts. We are continuing with Stop and Smell the Roses for the new year, but I think Mandy said something about doing it monthly instead of bi-weekly like we did this year. However it is done, I hope to have many things to be thankful for in 2013.

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