Stop and Smell the Roses 11-14-12

I have not filmed a Stop and Smell the Roses vlog in a few weeks. I just have forgotten to take time to stop and smell the roses. With next week being Thanksgiving, I thought this would be the perfect time to film. 

If you would like to link up with us, then go to House of Rose and check it out.
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Coming in 2013

  I am coming up with some ideas for new things in 2013.  I know they will be great. I am looking into doing a blog giveaway soon. I don’t think it will be in time for Christmas, but I will be having one sometime in 2013.

I am looking forward to some of the things that are happening in the coming year. Right now I am thinking about doing a craft of the month. I am still working on the details of it, but I am thinking about doing one craft every month and showing what it is, how to do it, and the finished project. All posts will be done in three posts within the month featured. Does that make sense? I will have the first post be what I am making for the month. The second post will be how to make it and then the third post will be the finished project. Some months I may split it up into four posts though depending on how long it takes me to make the item.

Has anyone seen Reindeer Cam?  It is so cute! Starting on November 16th, you can see Santa feed the reindeer.

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Where Have I Been?

Wow. I have really been out of writing every day. I don’t have any excuse for not writing anything this week. I just haven’t written anything.

Anyways, I am excited to start working on Christmas projects.  I am going to make an ornament wreath and a nativity.

Next Saturday, the 17th, is Nathan’s birthday. I can’t wait to celebrate his first birthday as my husband. I have his presents all ordered and on the way. One is actually already here. I can’t wait to make his birthday dinner and cake. I told him to go through my cookbooks and see what he wants me to make, but I know he will end up telling me that everything looks good and he wants me to make all of it.

We still have to get our Christmas cards printed. I can’t wait to send them out this year because they are so adorable. Jen from A Daily Dose of Davis and the etsy store The Polka Dot Posie did a fantabulous job on them.

Are you ready for Thanksgiving yet?  It is two weeks from TODAY!!  Does your family have turkey or ham?

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It’s Beginning to Look a Lot like Christmas

Okay, not really, but I am starting to think about what I want to make for Christmas decorations and presents.

Here is what I am thinking of for a soon to come project:

I never knew that an ornament ball wreath could be so easy.

Another thing that I am thinking of making this year is this:

I think this is actually the next thing I am going to make. I love nativities so much. I would have them out all year if Nathan would let me. Every year from this year forward we will be getting a new nativity at Christmas. I am going to make this one as the first annual nativity.

Do you have any special ornament traditions with your family? What are you doing to decorate this year?

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Being Thankful in November

November? ALREADY? How in the world is it November? Wasn’t it just April? It seems like as you get older the year goes by WAY too fast. I have been thinking about Christmas shopping already. I try to get it done a little early. That way I don’t have to be rushing around by December 24th trying to get gifts for people. I usually have to send a box to my family in Illinois by the third week of December just to know that it gets there in time for Christmas. This year I want to have the Christmas cards out by the first week of December, but somehow I don’t see that happening because Nathan usually lets them sit somewhere until the second week.

Anyways. I want to take time every day to be thankful for something in my life. I know that with the Stop and Smell the Roses link up with House of Rose Blog that I do this every other week, but with Thanksgiving only a few weeks away I want to do this every day this month with just writing.

Today, November 1, 2012, I am thankful for my wonderful husband. I honestly don’t know where I would be without him. I had a few rough spots in my early high school days and every thing turned around when we met my senior year and started dating.  He has made me so happy over the past twelve years and every day I love him more than the day before. I am so happy and thankful to have him in my life.

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31 days of Every Day

Over the past few days, I have been a little busy and haven’t had time to really post anything. On Friday Nathan and I made our usual Target trip. We got a few boxes of Little Debbie treats for our trick or treaters on Halloween and a few other things. I got a new Essie nail polish color. It is a really cute turquoise color called Turquoise and Caicos.

Saturday was just a usual Saturday. On Sunday I did laundry and that took up my day.
I am really boring aren’t I?

Monday was my Poppy’s birthday. He passed away in 2005. Every year for his birthday he wanted chili and pumpkin pie for dinner. So last night we had chili and pumpkin pie for dinner. It was so great to have something to remember him. I miss him every day.
It has been cold and windy here. It is because of the super storm that moved through the northeast. Even though we are in the south we got some of the effects of it. No rain and snow just wind and cold. Hopefully tomorrow isn’t so cold. I like the cooler weather, but when it gets in the low 40’s I don’t like cold.

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5 Question Friday 10-26-12

It has been a long time since I have linked up with Mama M. for 5QF. I thought it was about time to bring it back.  Anyways, here are this week’s questions:

1. Who wakes up in the morning with the kids, you or hubby?
My husband wakes me up when he gets out of bed to get a shower. I go back to sleep until he comes back out and then he usually brings Peachy with him to say good morning to Mommy. I go back to sleep for about a half hour.

2. Do you watch the World Series even if your team isn’t in it?
We aren’t really watching it since that horrible wild card game that the Cardinals won against the Braves. That was totally not right. Anyways, we watch most of the game, but are doing other things as well.

3. What is the best compliment you have received?
I am not sure about this one. 

4. Do/did you dress up to take your kids trick or treating?
I love to dress up to pass out candy at our house. This year I think I am going to put on my wedding dress and a tiara and go as a princess.

  5. Do you have a favorite bible verse? What is it and why?
My favorite verse is Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. It has gotten me through some very rough patches in my life and it helps to know that God gives me that extra push when I am going through hard times in my life.  

Do you want to link up with us? Go here to check it out:


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31 Days of Every Day: 24 and 25

Yesterday (10-24) was just another regular day. I contacted Jen from Polka Dot Posie about the cards that I won from her giveaway. So now I have those started. I know they will turn out great.

Today (10-25) I finally finished all the thank you cards from our wedding. It seemed like it took me forever to get them all written, but now since I don’t have to write anymore it makes me feel a little relieved to know that they are finally done.  Now to just mail them out.

I have been enjoying reading Philippians with the She Reads Truth plan. My favorite Bible verse is Philippians 4:13. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. So I can’t wait to get to that day to see what the ladies say about it.

I am still trying to figure out how to make a bow for my wreath. I can’t get it to look right and it is driving me CRAZY! I am about to the point that I am just going to tie the ribbon around the wreath and call it done.

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31 days of Every Day Day 22 and 23

October 22, 2012

Yesterday was just a typical Monday. Nothing really happened. It was just another day. 
October 23. 2012
Today I logged into blogger and was looking at my blogs that I follow. I came across a post from The Polka Dot Posie. I entered her holiday card giveaway a few days ago and it ended last night and the winner was announced today. Guess who won?  That’s right! ME!  I was so excited. I can’t wait to start working on the cards with Jen. I showed the cards she has to choose from to my husband and we have already decided which ones we want. Thanks Jen! This is the first blog giveaway I have EVER won.  We still have to decide what picture we want to put on them, but I a few ideas already.

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31 Days of Every Day: Day 20 & 21

This link up has really helped me to blog every day. There have been some days that I missed, but that was because I was sick and then we went out of town. I promise that I will post every day for the rest of the month. 

10-20-2012 Saturday
Last night we went to an auction. There is an auction house ten minutes up the road from our hose. We have been going to the once a month auctions for about five months now and it has been a lot of fun. Last night we got some two different shadow box type frames of civil war bullets, two civil war magazines (from 1928) and a stuffed lion from the 50’s.  I have a lion collection. My dad started it when I was little and it has progressed from there. When we got home I started working on my Fall wreath. I think it is going to be cute.
10-21-2012 Sunday
Today, I am doing laundry. Sounds fun huh?  It has been kind of a lazy Sunday as all of our Sundays are. My husband is watching football before he needs to get some work done. I am going to work on the wreath and hopefully have it finished tonight. 
So that has been my every day life for this weekend. I hope you are having a great weekend and have a very blessed next week.

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