Love Letters

I found this idea on Pinterest and thought it would be fun to do with my husband. I started it tonight with a letter to him explaining what it was and asking if he wanted to do it. It can be somewhere that we write what we are thinking in a letter, a poem (mainly that was for me because he doesn’t really write poetry) a recipe we want to try together, a question, or a picture that reminds us of each other. basically anything we wanted it to be.  I told him that I wanted it to be something we could look back on our memories and maybe someday show our children. I think it will be fun and he said that he does too. I can’t wait to see how this idea goes.

Do you have any fun things like this that you do with your husband?

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Dresser Redo

Over the weekend Nathan and I refinished our dresser. It was this awful orangish pink color.


A couple of the drawers had already been taken out to be stripped before I realized that I didn’t take a before picture yet.

Nathan sanding the awful color off.

We went to Home Depot to get stain to make the dresser look better. We also got some hardware for the drawers.
We started on Saturday and finished on Monday. Are you ready to see the finished dresser?  It turned out so great and looks like we bought a brand new dresser.


What do you think? Can you tell it is the same dresser?

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11 Years Ago

Eleven years ago our lives changed. Eleven years ago the world stopped. As we look back on the events of September 11, 2001 we remember the many innocent people that lost their lives. 
 The flag from the World Trade Center
This is the same flag patched up. It was used to remember the little girl that was born on 9/11/01 that was killed in the Arizona shooting. 
I wrote this to remember the first anniversary.

Forever Nine/Eleven

by Cate Hutchison

 Families always remember,

Especially in September.

Nobody gets forgotten.

Especially in September.

Firemen and police,

Remember fallen friends.

Respect in September.

Respect throughout the year.

Friends always remember,

Especially in September.

Especially in September.

Forever nine/eleven.

Families unite together,

Especially to remember.

Especially in September.

Loved ones who are gone,

Loved ones who were lost.

Everyone always remembers,

Especially in September,


I wrote this one to remember the 10th anniversary.

Our Heroes Then and Forever

A day to look


on another year.


Our heroes.

All who were

lost on

that Septemeber


Looking back

to remember

the feelings

of sadness.

Feelings of

not understanding

and confusion.

Another year



our brave


Our heroes

are the brave

men and women

who gave

their lives

for us on

that September


All of them.

In New York City.

All of them.

In Washington D.C.

All of them.

In a Pennsylvania field.

Our heroes.


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10 things know about RCGG

1. My husband and I have been together since my senior year of high school. That is eleven and half years.

2. I like baking and cake decorating. I am not an expert at decorating cakes, but I still like to  do it.

3. I met a munchkin from the movie Wizard of Oz at Panera Bread in Carbondale IL. His name was Mickey Carroll. He was raising money for children of Hurricane Katrina  and all proceeds from his autographs went  to the charity.

4. I was in girl scouts when I was little, but never made it to the Juliette Gordon Low house in Savannah GA until 2009. We went to Savannah on a family vacation.

5. We have a nephew that goes to Purdue so we cheer for all Purdue sports. (Me especially for basketball since Coach Painter was the coach at SIU for a bit and that is around my hometown in Illinois.)

6. Sometimes I think I was born in the wrong era. I love older movies and actors. One of my favorites being James Dean. We stopped by his home of Fairmount IN on our way to visit family in 2010.

7. The Army spelled my family’s last name wrong and my dad is the first to have it spelled right. It is spelled HUTCHISON and the Army spelled it HUTCHINSON. (and apparently so does spell check)

8. We are University of Georgia fans in this house. My husband likes the football and basketball teams. I like the Georgia GymDawgs, the gymnastics team. We both like softball.

9. I am ColtStrong. Once a Colts fan, Always a Colts fan. 

10. I love the ocean. We have only been to the Atlantic Ocean, but I am sure that the others are beautiful as well. I love the sound the water makes crashing into the beach. 
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Stop and Smell the Roses

As you are watching this the husband and I will be at a Braves game.  Maybe this time I will get to see my favorite closer, Craig Kimbrel pitch. Every game we have gone to this season he has not closed the game because the Braves were either ahead by so much that he didn’t need to come in or they were losing and there wasn’t a save opportunity.  So I am hoping the Braves win, but the game is still close enough that I can see him pitch.

Stop and Smell the Roses

Here is what I am excited about this week.

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Football wife

Football season started yesterday with college football. So, I am officially a football wife now. In a teeny tiny way it actually excites me to call myself a football wife. It means that my husband can relax and take a few hours off from working so hard. It also means that I can make him some yummy snacks while he watches games.

I made a board on Pinterest for snacks and food to make for football games. I called it football wife. I am always adding new things to it that I want to try.

We are University of Georgia fans in this house, but
our nephew is a student at Purdue so we cheer for Purdue sports as well.

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What Do I Blog For?

What do I blog for?  

 I started blogging as a way for my family in Southern Illinois to know what was going on in my life in Georgia, but I don’t even think they knew about it until recently. I love scrapbooking and crafting and wanted to do some things like that with a blog so that is where Random Crafty Georgia Girl came from.

But what do I blog for now?
 The husband and I are still newly weds and we don’t have kids yet so I can’t talk about all the cute things the kids say or do. I can’t show pictures of  baby bumps because I don’t have one. I am sure you are getting tired of hearing about the cats, they are the only children we have at the moment.

I know I don’t have a post every day because I do have things going on in my every day life just like you. I have things come up that I can’t ignore. Sometimes I just have a lazy moment and don’t want to post something.  I use link ups to help when I don’t have a clue as to what to write, but I don’t use them every day. The only one that I would use every day if it were an option is Stop and Smell the Roses with Mandy from House of Rose.  I love taking time every two weeks and sharing what I have been smiling about or what God has blessed me with since the last time.

So, I have been thinking about how other bloggers keep their readers interested in reading. . I stay away from politics. I know some people are political bloggers and if that is what they want to talk about then let them. I just won’t read it or write about it
 Some are family bloggers. This is fine by me. I like family. Ohana means family and family means nobody gets left behind. (Gotta love Lilo and Stitch.)  We want to start our own family some day. I want to find out what other moms have gone through and what worked for them at different stages of their children’s lives.

Some bloggers just like to run their mouths as a way to try and stir up controversies. These are the ones that make me wonder if they really have nothing better to do with their lives that they have to resort to making drama in the blog world.

Obviously, by the name of my blog, I really enjoy the craft blogs. I like seeing what other people have done and seeing how they did it. Sometimes, it is a little tiresome coming up with crafts to do and blog about. I don’t have the time to be a full time craft blogger. You know, that little thing called life kind of gets in the way. I am still trying to figure out somewhere that I can actually sit down and do crafty things without having to clean it up every night when it is bedtime and a place where I don’t have a cat trying to “help” me.

I need to make time to write a post every day instead of putting it off. I have some ideas, but I will need some help with them. As it gets closer to Christmas I want to do some kind of giveaway again. My last one only had one person enter so that didn’t go as well as I had hoped. It was also my very first one. Haven’t had one since. Now there are different ways of making a giveaway work and I want to try those instead of the comment and you are entered. The new ways make it more fair in picking a winner. Right now I don’t know  what to give away. What would you be interested in winning as a prize from RCGG?

I would like to do a pinterest success link up aw well. You see all the posts about project or recipe fails and there are quite a few successes from the site as well. Like my initial frame. I love how it turned out and I would love to find out what you have pinned that was a success for you.

How do you run a successful blog? I don’t blog to be blog famous. I do it because I like writing , but sometimes I struggle with what I want to say. Does anyone else struggle with this? Any suggestions as to how I can overcome this? 

Does every blogger go through this or is it just me being paranoid?

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Life Aware

This week Stop and Smell the Roses is a little bit different. This week we are participating in Mandy’s husband’s life insurance movement. His blog is called Good Financial Cents.

I am not an expert on finances so PLEASE do not expect any big fancy words or anything like that. I actually had to google what life insurance was. (Sorry, Jeff!)

 Being a newly wed I thought it might help  to learn a little bit about life insurance. Life insurance is usually something that might be an after thought to people until something happens to a spouse. It is really a good idea to have it in case something DOES happen to your spouse and you have no idea what to do financially. Like if said spouse is the one that takes care of the family finances.

Anyways, life insurance can be put into two categories:
Protection policies – designed to provide a benefit in the event of specified event, typically a lump sum payment. A common form of this design is term insurance.
Investment policies – where the main objective is to facilitate the growth of capital by regular or single premiums. Common forms (in the US) are whole life, universal life and variable life policies.

Yeah, I don’t really know what that means, but I am guessing that the protection policy means that it is like a trust fund? That a child can get the money out at a certain age? I have no idea. I am reading the information page I found and I really have no idea what all the different kinds are. 

Anyways, I know that life insurance is a good thing to get because in case something happens to you spouse then you have money to pay for things. Like your house mortgage and stuff like that. 

Why do you think life insurance is important?

Life insurance is actually very important. If something happens to you what would happen to you spouse if they didn’t have some way to pay for the things that you left behind?  It happens every day if you think about it. Someone who doesn’t have any life insurance passes away and their loved ones have no way of paying for anything. 

Well, as you can tell I still have a lot to learn on this subject. I hope to learn a little bit more about life insurance from everyone. 

Anyways,  I am also sharing my SASTR  video. This week I am so excited that we got the initial frame on the wall.

I hope you have a great week! 
Thanks Mandy and Jeff for hosting Stop and Smell the Roses and the Life Aware movement!  
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She Shares

I said a few days ago that I have started the She Reads Truth program. It has really helped me to bring myself closer to God. We are working on Proverbs now. I have learned a lot about wisdom and what God has to say about the differences between wisdom and knowledge.

The weekends are a little different on She Reads Truth. The ladies put up a link up so you can share how God has been impacting your life. This is the first one I have done since starting the reading program.


I grew up going to church and Sunday School. I never really thought when I was young about actually learning anything from church. Although I was learning all the Bible stories that you are taught as a kid. You know, like the Christmas, Easter, Noah, Joseph, Moses, Adam and Eve stories?  As I grew up and started to actually pay attention I realized that there is much more in the Bible than just stories. The Bible is full of information on how to lead a God filled life. 

My favorite verse is Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”  This verse has helped me through some pretty rough times in my life. Any time I feel that something just isn’t going right then I take some time to pray for God to help me with it and give me the strength to put on a brave face in front of others when I all I want to do is break down and cry. 
I have loved reading Proverbs. Like I said before I have really enjoyed learning what God has to say about wisdom. I love taking time out of my day just to spend with God. Sometimes I struggle with even knowing what to read or how to interpret what the Bible is even saying. With She Reads Truth I am having such an easy time understanding the Bible. Thanks ladies for putting up the posts every day and helping me to become closer to God.
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Initial Frame on the Wall

We got the initial frame on the wall today. It looks so good. I love how the color of our wall looks behind it. We also put up a couple other things today.
 This was a wedding present from my sister-in-law and her family. 
We got this from Cracker Barrel when we got back into town from our wedding weekend.
We also go a picture frame from Cracker Barrel that is like a shadowbox that has shells in it. We are going to put a wedding picture in it and put it on an end table. We also have our signature frame to still put on our wall. We are going to put it above our dresser. 
Linking up with:

Keeping it Simple Motivate Me Monday

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