Earlier in the month, I started reading Proverbs with She Reads Truth. It is a daily devotional that has really helped me to take time with God. I really enjoy it. I like that I can go somewhere on the internet and have a devotion basically written for me. I know that sounds awful, but I am horrible about understanding what some parts of the Bible are saying. The ladies at She Reads Truth are amazing. They put up the daily chapter and then give a little commentary and then ask questions. You are then to answer the questions in your journal. I use a composition notebook that I put some scrapbook paper on. I thought the cross was just the right thing to put on it.
She Reads Truth
How in the heck is it the middle of August already? August means that the summer is coming to an end and schools are starting back. It also means that regular season baseball is coming to an end. I love summer, but could do without the heat.
Anyways, As summer comes to an end I can’t wait for Fall. I love the colors and the cool temps. I love the smells of Fall. My favorite smell of Fall is the burning leaves. There is just something about the fallen leaves being burned that is just heavenly to me. It doesn’t have the same appeal to me in other seasons.
I also love that football season is starting. Usually I am not excited about that, but this season I am officially a football wife and that excites me. I have a board on Pinterest called football wife.
I love hoodies and jeans. They are one of my favorite things to wear.
We have several trips planned for this fall. There are some civil war re-enactment trips and some visiting family trips. I can’t wait for those either. One of the civil war trips is in Mississippi and that will give me two more states. Alabama and Mississippi.
Are you doing anything special this Fall?
SASTR Frame and Quilt Love
I went way over our time limit today. Mainly because I was rambling and just goofy during the last few minutes and couldn’t stop. I also forgot to turn the ceiling fan off so you can hear it in the background. I would have done another take, but I actually liked the goofiness I had going on and decided to go with it.

I am talking about frames and a quilt today.
Here is the picture of my Oz quilt:
We don’t use it on our bed. I would like to, but I think the husband might say no about that one. It is not the best picture. I will have to try to get a better one so you can see all of it.
I am so sorry for the sound quality. Like I said I just got a webcam for my birthday and I am still trying to figure it out. I am putting a note on my computer desktop to remember to turn the ceiling fan off whenever I do my vlog videos. So maybe next time the sound won’t be so choppy.
So What Wednesday…
Another Wednesday means another So What Wednesday with Shannon at Life after I Dew.

This week I am saying SO WHAT…
So what that I joined Jen from A Daily Dose of Davis in her workout facebook group. I am going to be a better person for it in the end.
So what that I am not doing as strenuous workouts as the other people in the group. I am really still just a beginner at working out and I don’t want to hurt myself. I am going to work up to doing more I promise Jen.
So what that I am once again a couple days behind in the photo a day on instagram challenge for August. I have failed the last few months in posting every day.
So what that the initial frame keeps getting put back into the closet every day. It will get the brackets put onto it eventually and then be put on the wall.
So what if I had a goal of reading 45 books in 2012 at the beginning of the year. It is August and I am no where near that goal. I lost count of how many I have read, but it is still in the single digits. Sometimes life just gets in the way.
So what that I am already gathering ideas for Christmas gifts. I want something special for Nathan this year since it will be our first Christmas as a married couple. Did you do anything special for your husband your first married Christmas?
So what if I am linking up with Shannon and Mandy today!
Initial Frame
I found this cute frame on Pinterest and knew I wanted to make it after the wedding. Nathan and I went to Michael’s and got the yarn and the wooden letter. We got the picture frame from Hobby Lobby because frames were 50% off this past week.
This is the almost finished frame. I wrapped the yarn around the sides of the frame. It was so much easier than I expected it to be. The S is just laying on the bed in this picture since I hadn’t finished it yet when I took the picture. I now have it finished and it is just waiting for the brackets to be put on it so we can hang it on our wall.
This is the finished frame. As you can tell it is still not on the wall yet.
Linking up with:

Keeping it Simple: Motivate Me Monday

Get Your Craft On
Sunday Social 8-5-12

1. What is your favorite Fall activity?
I love sitting outside and looking at the leaves in all their fall color glory.
2. Do you follow a football team? if so which one and why?
3. What is something fun about Fall in your area?
The Pioneer Days fair comes to town sometime in September. I can never remember when it is.
4. Fav Fall outfit staples?
Hoodies and jeans.
5. Thing you are looking forward to most about this coming Fall season?
Believe it or not, I am actually looking forward to our civil war trips. My husband (still seems a little strange calling him that) Nathan loves the civil war and we are going on a few 150th anniversary trips this year.
6. Favorite Fall holiday? Traditions?
I love Thanksgiving. I love all the fall decorations and just spending time with family.
So What Wednesday 8-1-12

Orange Glazed Strawberry Cupcakes
Wedding recap
Saturday July 21st, 2012 Nathan and were married on Jekyll Island. It was a small ceremony with only our families. The whole day I felt nervous and shaky. When I finally came out of our hotel room and had something to eat and get things set up for the wedding I started feeling better.
Then I had to get my hair and makeup done, so I went in to do that. My niece, Amanda, did my hair. She did a BEAUTIFUL job. I loved it and I am so glad that I asked her to do it for me. As my mom and Amanda were putting my dress on I told them that I thought they were putting it on backwards. They had it zipped and hooked before they realized I was right, so they just unzipped and unhooked it and turned it around.
I made my way to the boardwalk to walk down to the beach and Amanda who was already out on the beach was running up. She forgot her flute so she had to run back to the hotel to get it. So I waited for her to get back before Daddy and I walked down to the beach. So the wedding finally started about a half an hour late, but they really can’t start without the bride can they?
Anyways, Daddy was walking me down the steps and I kept telling him to slow down going down the boardwalk steps because I couldn’t go as fast as he could. He kept telling me that he couldn’t help it. I didn’t even see anyone, but I was looking at Nathan the whole time I was coming down the beach. I didn’t even see him until I was right in front of him.
Daddy tried to go back and stand with Momma, but Rev. Exum told him to get back up here because we weren’t done with him yet. During our opening blessing, I was holding my bouquet and I felt my engagement ring still on my left ring finger. I quietly switched it to my right ring finger and no one even noticed until I told them. Apparently forgetting to put the engagement ring on the other hand runs in my family. Momma said she did it too. Haha!
We say our vows and Rev. Exum asks for the rings. I turned to my matron of honor to get Nathan’s ring and I needed a tissue too. I was good until Amanda started playing My Heart will Go on. We thought that would be a perfect song for a beach wedding. Little tears started rolling from my eyes as soon as she started playing. It was only for a minute.
Then we were HUSBAND AND WIFE!
It was so humid that Nathan had to take his glasses off when we got out of the car because stepping from the cool car into the humidity fogged them up. Haha!
Well that is it. I am Mrs. Shadder! It was a beautiful wedding and I am so blessed to have Nathan in my life.
Stop and Smell the Roses 7-25-12
I am now a Mrs. Random Crafty Georgia Girl! No, I will not be changing my blog name to that. Haha! This past weekend was amazing. I promise to have some pictures posted ASAP.

Anyways, go link up with Mandy from House of Rose blog and tell us what you are smiling about this week. We have decided to do every other week instead of every week. It is still a lot of fun and I would love for you to join us. Here is the schedule: