RCGG will be back…

Random Crafty Georgia Girl is taking a little break from blogging for the next couple months.  
Did you see my Stop and Smell the Roses video last week? The one where I announced my upcoming wedding?
If not, then here it is again:

Yep, Nathan and I are getting married after six years of being engaged. I will  have some features to show you of some DIY wedding decorating through the time that I am gone.  I will also still keep in touch with everyone through Twitter (@RndmCrftyGAGrl)

Anyways,  My mom put up some of her pictures on facebook from their recent cruise.  Here are a couple of my favorites.

 My parents. They are so cute!  I love them.
 Daddy standing in the water
 Doesn’t it look like Momma is talking to that baby sea turtle?  So cute!
 Momma and Daddy being Jack and Rose! (Daddy was squishing Momma.)
 I think this was as close to Captain Jack (Ollie Belle loves Johnny Depp) as they could get.

Seriously, How cute are my parents?  They are awesome!
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Stop and Smell the Roses 5-30-12

It is Wednesday and that means it is Stop and Smell the Roses day.

Stop and Smell the Roses

If you haven’t linked up with us yet then stop by and check it out.  It has been a lot of fun getting to know some awesome women in blogland.  I have become friends with them and grown to love them as if they were all real life friends.  We talk on twitter and have actually become like our own little family.  I love seeing what has been going on in their lives and some things they have been doing with decorating or crafting. A huge shout out to Mandy for starting this so many weeks ago.  Thanks so much for helping me to break out from behind the blog and share something different every week.

 Today, is my parents 31st wedding anniversary.

Last year, they celebrated at Disney World.  They went with some of their friends whose parents were celebrating their 50th anniversary.  They had a lot of fun and even stopped by for a quick lunch on their way down. Then when they came back through Momma and Daddy stopped for the weekend to visit with Nathan and me.  Happy anniversary Momma and Daddy.  I love you!

Anyways,  I am doing things a little different this week.  I have been saying that things are going to be changing in the RCGG house this summer.  Check out my video to find out my annoucement:

What do you think?  Do I have a good enough reason for not linking up to Stop and Smell the Roses later next month?  I still have so much to do.  If anyone has any advice on how to remain calm during the next couple months please let me know.  I am calm now but I know that when it gets closer to July 21st I will probably become very stressed.

Well, I hope you all have a great week and I look forward to seeing what you are thankful for and loving this week!

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Stop and Smell the Roses week 13

So it is time for another Stop and Smell the Roses link up.  I was really not prepared for this week because I had no idea what to talk about this week.  I prayed about it, but could not come up with anything.  Watch my video to find out what I am smiling about this week. =)

Stop and Smell the Roses

Why does YouTube give us such awful thumbnails?

*Next week I will be making a big announcement.  It is my parent’s 31st anniversary and I thought why not share this awesome news on that day!  Hope you can join me when I share this big news!

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My Go To Recipes

Do you have any recipes that you consider a go to recipe?  Something that you make when you have no idea what to make for dinner? 

I thought I would share a couple of my go to recipes with you today. They are so simple even the kids can make them.  With supervision of course.

The first one is a recipe from The Duggar Family:

Chicken Etti

1 package spaghetti noodles
3 cups diced, cooked chicken
1/4 cup chopped green pepper 
1 cup chicken broth 
1 pound cheese (Velveeta)
1 can diced tomatoes
1 can cream of chicken soup
Boil spaghetti noodles, and put them into a large bowl.
Add chicken, green pepper, and chicken broth.
In a smaller bowl, combine the cheese, diced tomatoes, and cream of chicken soup.
Stir, and melt mixture in the microwave. 
Pour the cheese mixture into the large bowl, and mix. 
Pour the mixture into a casserole dish.
Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes.

This is so easy and VERY GOOD. 

My next recipe is one that I have been making for years.  It was one of the first things I learned to cook on my own. 

Tater-Tot Casserole

1 pound ground hamburger
1 bag of tatertots
1 package taco seasoning
1 can of mushroom soup or 1 can of nacho cheese soup
shredded cheese

Preheat oven to 350 degrees
Brown the humburger until no pink remains and then drain.
Add the taco seasoning and mushroom or cheese soup.
Mix together very well.
Pour into a casserole dish and pour tater tots over top. Use the whole bag.
Bake for 30-35 minutes in 350 degree oven.
After 30-35 minutes add shredded cheese to top and continue to bake for about 10 minutes.  Just long enough for the cheese to get melty.
Then serve and enjoy.

* Sometimes instead of using shredded cheese I will make a cheese sauce with velveeta. 
For that you need:
1 block of Velveeta cheese

Cut the cheese into cubes and put in a microwave safe bowl.
Pour in enough milk to cover the cubed cheese.
Melt in microwave in 1 minute intervals stirring after each cycle.
Continue until cheese is smooth.
Pour over top of casserole and bake until cheese is a little brown and bubbly.  About 10 minutes, but I usually go 15 minutes if I use the cheese sauce route.

Sometimes it takes a little longer this way, but it really is better.  The cheese leaks down between the tater tots and into the meat. 

It is so good.  Even Munchkin likes it.

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Afghan update

I am still crocheting an afghan for my cousin. She got married in February and I still have not finished the darn thing.  I hope to finish it by October when she has a formal wedding.

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Instangram Photo a Day week 2

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My blankie

While watching Amanda’s, from Where There is Love There is Life, Stop and Smell the Roses video today I got an idea to do a post about my blankie.  She was talking about how hers is all holey and falling apart. Her mother in law also told her that it was gross and she needed a new one.  So Amanda went and bought a new one from the baby section of the store. She now sleeps with both of the blankies.

Anyways,  she gave me the idea to share my blankie with you.  (Thanks Amanda!)

I have had my blankie since I was a baby. My grandma made it for me when Momma was pregnant with me.  It has a clown, a little bear (I think) and three balloons on it.  The balloons have my name, Momma’s name, and Daddy’s name quilted in to them.  The doctor told my mom that I was a boy.  Up until five minutes before I was born. My grandma refused to believe that and had already quilted my name into the balloon. Grandma said that she did not have grandsons. She had granddaughters.  Well, Grandma was right. I was not a boy.

I think my blankie is in pretty good shape for being almost 30 years old. (I turn 30 in July.) The coloring has faded a bit and it is getting a little thin, but other than that it is still in great shape.  The weird thing about having the clown on my blankie is that this is the only clown that does not scare me.  Any other clown scares me to death.  I think it may be that I have seen this clown almost every day of my life.  (I say almost because when I moved to Georgia with Nathan and his family, my blankie was packed away for three years. When we moved to another house I found it when we were unpacking things and it has been on our bed ever since.)

I also sleep with a teddy bear.  I have never not slept with one.  The current one that I sleep with is Purple Bear.

I call him Purple Bear because he is purple. Obviously right?  Mr. RCGG got him for me for our second Christmas together. I have slept with him ever since.  That was 11 years ago. Does anyone else talk to their stuffed animals or is it just me?

I hope you have enjoyed seeing my blankie and teddy bear!

 Thanks again Amanda for the post idea.

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Stop and Smell the Roses week 12

Stop and Smell the Roses hosted by Mandy from House of Rose has become part of my Tuesday and Wednesday daily routine. I film my vlog on Tuesday afternoon and link it up on Wednesday afternoon to Mandy’s blog. I have loved watching everyone’s videos and getting to know some awesome bloggers. 

Stop and Smell the Roses

Would you like to join in the Stop and Smell the Roses fun?  It is really easy to do.  All you do is film a short video about something you are thankful for, have been loving, or something that has made you smile over the past week.  Then link up your video to Mandy’s page on Wednesdays.  It is a great way to get to know other bloggers.  You can check out the details from Mandy here.

Did you have a good Mother’s Day?  As you know, I am not a mother to any human babies, but the cats do call me Mommy. Check out my video to see what they got me. 

Here is the poem I was reading in my video.  Yes, I did write it. It is not one of my best like I said, but Momma loved it and that is all that really matters.

I hope you all have a great week and don’t forget to stop and smell the roses everyday.

I found this about a month ago and thought it would be great to share with everyone.  I am just now getting around to posting it. It really puts things into a different light about thanking God for things.

Please check out this post and contact me if you are interested in guest posting for me.

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Guest Bloggers

I am looking for a couple more people to guest post for me through the month of July. There are some BIG CHANGES happening in the RCGG house.  I will let ya’ll know what is going on when it gets a little closer. 

I am wanting to do a series on God’s role in our relationships.  I am wanting one post on having God in a dating relationship (I might possibly have this one filled already), two on having God in a marriage (one might be filled already), and two on raising children in a Godly home.  If you would like to post for me during July please let me know.  You can direct message me on Twitter if you are a follower of @RndmCrftyGAGrl or you can email me at cmhutchison22@gmail.com Please put guest posting as the subject.  I look forward to working with you.

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Happy Mother’s Day

There are many women in my life that have helped shape who I am today. Aunts, cousins, grandmothers, and friends. These women have helped me in hard times and celebrated with me at happy times. No one will ever take the place of a mom. My momma is most  definitely my best friend. I may not have realized this when I was growing up and lived at home, but now that I live 426 miles away from her I know that she really is my best friend.  (I love my best girls, but they are not my momma.)
Sometimes it has been hard being so far away from her. There are still times that all a girl wants to do is hug her momma.  I love when I do see her and I get to hug her.
I wrote this poem to send to my mom this year along with the card I got her.
A mother’s love is a beautiful thing.
A mother is a child’s first friend.
Love from a mother has no end.
A child’s love for a mother has no end.
A mother is a child’s first friend.
All the happy moments
in a child’s life
a mother is there.
All the bad moments
in a child’s life
a mother is there.
A mother is there through it all.
A mother’s love is a beautiful thing.
Happy Mother’s Day Momma!  I love you more than a simple card, poem, or blog past can express. You are and always will be my best friend. My first friend.  Thank you for everything you have ever done and will continue to do for me.
Happy Mother’s Day to all the beautiful women in my life.  Thank you for helping me to become the woman I am today.

This post was originally written in 2012. The comments have been disabled.

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