
I have been getting way too many spam comments lately.  I will know only allow registered users to comment and I am going to be moderating comments. The spam comments have been happening way too much lately and it is really annoying.

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How to make a bunny

I found this bunny on Pinterest and thought it was so cute. 

Here’s how I made mine:

I hope you enjoyed my first craft vlog.  I will be making more soon.  If you make a bunny bucket please share your pictures with me.  You can send them to me at

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Cooper’s Furnace

Nathan and I went to Cooper’s Furnace yesterday.  It was an iron works during the civil war. It was built by Jacob Stroup in the 1830’s and then purchased by Mark Cooper, a politician, after losing the election for governor to George Crawford in 1843. Cooper sold his half of the business and built the Etowah Railroad that passed the iron works business. On May 22, 1864 it was almost totally destroyed by Sherman’s troops on his march to the sea and the town was flooded when the Corp of Engineers created Lake Allatoona.  All that is left is this furnace.

It is fun to explore our history.  Nathan loves the civil war and going to different places around us to explore the history.  At first, I didn’t really care for it, but now I think it is so much fun to find out about the places around us. 

On the way back to town from Cooper’s Furnace we came around a corner and there was a wild turkey standing in the middle of the road. We almost hit it.  It was huge.  We didn’t get a picture because it waddled away before I could get my camera or phone out.
There are many places that we are going to go to as well since the 150th anniversary of the civil war has started.  He wants to go to Gettysburg next year and will be making our reservations as soon as he can.

In a couple of weeks is The Great Locomotive Chase festival.  We are going to go to that as well.  I will put pictures up of that as well.

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Stop and Smell the Roses Week 5

This week has been beautiful outside.  The pollen count is still pretty high so I haven’t had a chance to get outside and film yet, but I am planning on it very soon!  Get ready for a couple of the cutest guest stars on my vlog this week. 

*Once again I am having problems getting the code for the link back picture thing to want to cooperate so here is where you can find the Stop and Smell the Roses link up.

Be sure to check out the other vlogs in the Stop and Smell the Roses link up.

If you were wondering about what I meant when I said I was putting Peachy back, Ollie doesn’t actually get along too well with Peach so we have them in our room at separate times.  I was putting Peachy back in the bathroom.  She usually comes out around six in the evening and stays out for about ten hours.  We will eventually have them out together.  Ollie is getting better with not hissing or growling at Peachy. She still bats at her paw but that is about it.  

Have a great week and don’t forget to stop and smell the roses every day

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5 Q Friday 3-23-12

I really am not letting my blog get consumed by all the memes.  It looks that way recently, but really I am not.

Here is this week’s 5QF:

1. If you were free to just hop in the car and drive, where would you go? Or, if you could hop a plane and go anywhere, where?
For sure Jekyll Island

2. What’s your most recently read favorite book?
I have several recently read favorite books.  The Hunger Games series is probably #1 on that list. Along with the first two books of Nora Robert’s Sign of Seven series. (have not read the third book yet, but it is next on my book list)

3. What’s your favorite Spring Break memory?
My favorite Spring Break memory would probably be from 8th grade.  I had a group of  5 friends. I don’t think any of us slept in our own beds the entire week. We were at home during the day until about 6 pm, then it was off to the next friends house for the night.  It was so much fun!

4. What do you put in your child’s Easter basket? Or, for those w/o kids, what was put in your childhood basket?
I always had cadbury creme eggs in my basket. Along with some kind of toy and a clothing item.  If I was still living with my parents I would still get an Easter basket.  N’s mom still gets us stuff for Easter.  Usually from her there is some candy and a movie or tv show season. 

5. Do you get a summer haircut?
I usually get a haircut when  my head hurts from the heaviness of my hair.  That sounds weird, but I like my hair long.  I am actually growing it out again from being cut in late January.
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End of an Era…

Chipper Jones # 10 of the Atlanta Braves announced today that he will be retiring at the end of the season.  The Braves have been his only team and he has had an awesome career here.  He is definitely going to be in the baseball  hall of fame someday.  He is a great player and will truly be missed in the ATL.

We love you Chipper!

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Spring Cleaning

I really should be doing some spring cleaning.  I should clean the closet, vacuum, and dust. I don’t really want to do these things, but I should. I have never actually done a deep clean spring cleaning.  Do you have any tips that can help me get started? 
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Stop and Smell the Roses 3-21-12

It is time for another week of:

Stop and Smell the Roses

Here is what I have been thankful for this week:

Please excuse the sunlight lines in front of my face.  I wanted some natural light this week.  I could have just gone outside but with all the pollen around here this week I didn’t want to start sneezing in the middle of my video. Also youtube was not letting me change the thumbnail for my video today so you are stuck with seeing that crazy face.  Just click play really fast and it will go away.

Have a great week!

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Five Q Friday 3-16-12

1. Will you run to the store or to pick up a kid looking a mess?

I will let you know when we have kids.

2. Do you finish a book if it’s boring or you don’t like it?
Yes, I have to finish a book no matter what.

3. Beach or mountain vacations?
Beach all the way.  I love hearing the waves crash into the beach.  I can’t wait to go back.

4. What thing/event says “winter will end and spring is right around the corner” to you?
When baseball spring training starts.

5. Would you prefer couples or family vacation?
Again, this is a we will have to see when we have kids.  I love going on vacation with just N.  It is so much fun to spend time with just him and I love that.
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Stop and Smell the Roses 3-14

Time for another …

Stop and Smell the Roses
With House of Rose
This vlogging thing is so much fun.  I am starting to get used to doing it and may not have to use my notebook soon. Although, I think I will continue to use it. It has become like a security blanket to me.  There are so many things I have been thankful for this week, but I decided to go a little different route this week.  Stop and Smell the Roses also gives you a chance to share something you are loving this week.  I thought I would go that route this week.  So here is what I am loving this week:

If you would like to join in the Stop and Smell the Roses fun check out this page from Mandy that explains what it is about. 

The Lord will guide you continually giving you water when you are dry and restoring your strength. You will be like a well-watered garden, like an ever-flowing stream.
Isaiah 58:11

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