Hey, RCGG Where’s the Crafts?

  I promise I will get some crafty type stuff up ASAP.  I am still working on the afghan for my cousin.  I promise to show that off once I get it actually looking like an afghan.  Right now it just looks like a strip of yarn.  I also have a few things that I can’t show off just yet.  They are gifts for people that might read my blog.  I have also been looking for some easy sewing patterns that I can use when I get my sewing machine started up.  My parents got me one for my birthday a couple of years ago and I did not have anywhere to use it so I haven’t yet.  When we get the basement finished I will have a spot to use it.  I am making sure of it.  =)  I have my t-shirt quilt ready to sew together so I think that will be my first project.  I cut up all my old t-shirts that have some special meaning to me.

I will also be trying to start up Crafty Tuesday again.  I am going to make it a little different this time though.  Instead of finding a tutorial and linking to it every week I am going to try to make something I have pinned on Pinterest and show the pin and my version of it.  I think that would be fun.  I have quite a few things on my crafts board that I need to make before Easter.  Like this little guy:

How cute is he? 

And I want to try this too.  It just looks really cool:

Is there anything you are wanting to make form Pinterest?

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5 Question Friday 3-9-12

 Time for Five Question Friday! 

1. Are you looking forward to the time change this weekend?
I didn’t even know that the time changed this weekend. The things you learn from 5QF.

2. Are you getting the new iPad/would you want a iPad?
I don’t even have a regular iPad. I don’t think I want one though.

3. If money was not a problem, what is the one thing you would splurge on?
There are a lot of things I would splurge on, but the question only asks for one.  I think I would get first editions of all my favorite books. I know that would probably cost a very pretty penny.

4. How did you and the Mr. (or Mrs.) meet?
Through friends

5. Summer is right around the corner. Bikini or one-piece?
bikinis.  One piece bathing suits look silly on me because my torso is too long.  I have been wearing bikinis or tankinis since I was 12.
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Stop and Smell the Roses 3/7/12 and other stuff

Time for another Stop and Smell the Roses with House of Rose!  YAY!  I had such a great time watching everyone’s videos and I am now following a few of you on Twitter.  I am @RndmCrftyGAGrl . 
I think I am getting more comfortable with vlogging.  I think I will probably continue to use the notes since it does give me some comfort knowing that I know what I am going to say. 

I mentioned that I live in Braves Country.  Just because I love the Braves I have not given up my Cardinals roots.  I was born and rasied a Cards fan and will always go to the Braves-Cards games in Atlanta.

I hope you come back as I have some other vlog posts in mind.  Some might be crafty and some might not be crafty.  I know one may involve me from Turner Field. =)

I am slowly working on my cousin’s afghan.  It is taking me way too long since I only crochet straight lines.  I am working on adding a couple of new stitches.  I can’t follow crochet patterns.  They are so confusing.

 I am an Indianapolis Colts fan.  Yes I know about their big announcement today.  Yes I am disappointed that Manning won’t be playing for them anymore, but I am looking forward to what they have in store for next season.  I will still be a Colts fan next season, but I will also follow Manning wherever he may end up.  ONCE A COLTS FAN, ALWAYS A COLTS FAN.

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5 Question Friday 3/2/12

 Can you believe it is already the second day of March?  It seems like last week we were celebrating Christmas.  Why does it seem like when you are a child the time goes by so slowly, but when you are an adult it goes by so fast?


1. Where is your favorite vacation spot and why?
My question yay! Haha!  My favorite vacation spot is Jekyll Island GA.  It is so calm and relaxed compared to the other Golden Isle location, St. Simon’s Island.  Everyone on Jekyll Island is so nice.  The Jekyll Island Club Hotel was built by the old millionaires of the past. Rockefeller, Firestone, Carnegie, and several others.  The historic district of Jekyll Island is great.  They also have the Georgia Sea Turtle Center where they rehab sea turtles that have been injured all over the country.  It really is a fantastic island.  Definitely my favorite vacation spot. 

One of the millionaire houses in the historic district.

2. What is your biggest guilty pleasure?
Cheez-its and milk.  I have no idea why, but it is soooo good. 

3. What is your favorite fashion trend right now? Or, in the past?
I don’t know if I have any favorite fashion trends. I am a t-shirt and jeans kind of girl, but trying to change it.  I like anything that the Duchess of Cambridge wears so I am trying to get some clothes like she wears that don’t cost an arm and a leg.

Duke and Duchess of Cambridge
She is so classy!

4. What are your spring break plans?
Honestly, I have no idea.  I am hoping we are going to be able to get to Jekyll Island soon, but I don’t think it will be for spring break.

5. What baby names do you hate? 
I can’t say that I have any that I really hate.  I don’t really care for what most celebrities name their children because they are just stupid names.  Names I like are Savannah Charlotte, Emily Kay (my grandma and my mom’s names) John Paul Eugene (John is N’s father’s name, Paul was my maternal and paternal grandfather’s names, and Eugene was my paternal grandfather’s middle name.  
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Jekyll Island birds

I took this video the first time we went to Jekyll Island.  I thought it was so funny how the birds were running away from the waves. 
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Stop and Smell the Roses 2/29/12

Hi Stop and Smell the Roses visitors.  I hope you are having a great day!  This is only my second vlog and I look forward to doing more. 

I hope you stick around and check out some of my other posts.  I already have in mind to do some craft vlogs soon.  Until next week remember to Stop and Smell the Roses.

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Hoo Are You? 2/28/12

1.  Do you fold your laundry right after it comes out of the dryer or do you wait?
I wait until all laundry is done and then fold it all at once
2. What kind of laundry detergent do you use?
I like Arm and Hammer Orchard Breeze.  It is a liquid detergent.  I usually don’t like to use powder detergents because they make me break out.
3. Do you use fabric softener?
Yes. We use fabric softener sheets.  I don’t use them on towels though because it eventually takes the absorbency out of them.
4. Do you have a front loading washer and dyer or a top loading?
Top loading washer and front loading dryer
5. On a scale to 1-10 (1 being the least and 10 being the highest) how well do you like

doing laundry?

I would have to say a 6. If it wasn’t for folding the clothes I would give it a higher rating.  I can not stand folding clothes.
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Pinterest Party

I love Pinterest. Who doesn’t right?  I thought it would be fun to share what I have found on there recently.  Would you like to join in the fun?  I would like to start a link up and call it Pinterest Party if anyone would be interested.

Here’s some crafts I have found recently:

Source: indulgy.com via Cate on Pinterest

Please comment if you would be interested in linking up with me to show off what we have found on Pinterest. 

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My First Vlog

I have decided to venture into vlogs.   This is my first one.  

I still have a lot to work on.  I have to figure out how to make them look like I am talking to a friend instead of myself.  I have to wite out what I want to say because I haven’t the slightest idea what to say without it.  =)  I hope to get better as time goes by. Hope you enjoy seeing them.

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A Few of my Favorite Pics

I wanted to share a few of my favorite pictures with you.

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