Looking for guest posters

I am looking for people to guest post on RCGG.  If you have a craft tutorial or a recipe you would like to share please email me at cate@nathansclearanceoutlet.com 

In your email please include the craft idea or recipe and a picture of the finished product.  You will include the step by step pictures in the actual tutorial. I would also like to include an interview as an introduction of yourself to my readers.  I will send questions for you to answer.  

I look forward to hearing from you!

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Still here

I am still here! I did not forget about you.  This week has gone by so slow.  I have been sick since last Saturday so N and I did not get to out for our Valentine’s day dinner.  Maybe next weekend we will have a belated Valentine’s dinner. 

I have gotten WAY behind in my 45 books in 2012.  I am reading The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.  It is really good, but it was hard to get into when I started it.  I have not read anything since I got sick and with today just being the first day I feel better I obviously haven’t started reading again.  I will start to read again tomorrow.  I have to find out what happens in this book. 

Earlier this month my cousin got married!  I am so happy for her.  I have watched her grow from a baby into the beautiful young woman that she is today.  She is planning a formal wedding for the fall.  One of the crafts I am working on is an afghan for her and the new hubby!  I am crocheting it and hopefully it will be done before they have their formal wedding.  I need to get pictures of it so I can post them. I will do that tomorrow while I am waiting for laundry. Don’t you love what you can do while waiting for laundry?  Haha!

I am ready for baseball.  I want to wear my Jason Heyward jersey that N got me for Christmas.  I want to go to Turner Field and see the Braves play. 

My mom and grandma both had surgery this week.  Nothing major, but please keep them in your prayers through recovery time.  My grandma had a couple of skin cancers taken off her face.  She has had them done before.  My mom had surgery on both of her hands Friday.  She had this done before but only on one hand.  Please keep her in your prayers as she will be home from work for about 3 weeks this time instead of the 1 1/2 that she was last time. 

Well, I think that is all for my updates.  I will try to get my crafts together and get some pictures taken so I can get this back to being a somewhat crafty blog.  =)

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Hoo Are You is back!!

I have missed doing Hoo Are You.  It hasn’t been up in a long time.

1. Are you married/in a relationship/single? For how long?
N and I have been together for 11 years. 

2. What are your plans for Valentine’s Day?
Since Valentine’s Day is on a Tuesday we are going out this weekend.  We will probably go out to dinner and then shopping. 
3. Do you have any Valentine’s traditions?
We usually go out to dinner.  For the past few years we have gone out the weekend before because neither one of us like horribly crowded restaraunts.
4. What is your favorite Valentine’s candy?
The Dove chocolate hearts.
5. Name 3 things that you LOVE!
My parents
the cats
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Craft Coming Up

I have not been crafting enough.  Well this weekend N and I went to Hobby Lobby where I got a round piece of unfinished wood.  I also got some new paint and a great idea.  So as soon as I get some time to paint it I will get it up!  It will be a great welcome to Spring.

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Go Giants!

Since I am a Colts fan, I have to go with the Giants to win tonight. 
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Still Reading…

I am still reading The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.  I knew this one would take longer than the others to read.  It is pretty good.  I have not read it in a couple days due to being a little busy with other things, but sometimes life gets in the way.  I will have my review up as soon as I am done with the book. 

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5 Q Friday, Fill in the Blank Friday 1-27-12

I found Fill in the blank Friday and thought it would be fun so here it is:

This week’s statements:

1. Nothing is better than   when you get that I love you text from your signifacnt other.
2. I love_my   fish sticks dipped in _ketchup_but never _tartar sauce___
3. Those ___people__ that are always _up right after their alarm goes off____ make me want to _scream________
4. My favorite _sound other than the ocean__ is when __the cats are playing and they are running across the floor.

It has been awhile since I have done a 5 Q Friday.  I thought I would start doing them again.
1. Do you swim in the winter?
No.  Our pool is not open in the winter. Otherwise I would.
2. Do you love or hate winter?
Sometimes.  I love Christmas and that is in the winter, but I don’t like cold weather.
3. Do you put makeup/actual clothes on when you know you’re going to be home all day with just family?
One of my goals for the new year has been to not wear t shirts and jeans as much and to do my make up.  So yes, I do even when I know I am just going to be home.
4. How old were you when you had your first alcoholic beverage?
sixteen or seventeen. I don’t remember.
5. How many ill calls in a 12 month period do you think are acceptable?
I think 2 sick calls in a 12 month period are acceptable.  I don’t really get sick days because I work for N and he works from home.
 I found another Fill in the Blank that looked fun:

1. My favorite place I’ve ever traveled to is Jekyll Island GA

2. Anzio Italy  is somewhere I’d love to go someday. (Italy in general, but specfically Anzio because I want to see where my Poppy was in WWII.)

3. I pass the time on a plane (or bus, or car ride or train) by listening to the 90’s channel on the satelite radio or sleeping.

4. My three must-haves when I travel are my Kindle, purple bear, and extra pillows.

5. My favorite travel companion is N.

6. The craziest thing that ever happened to me while traveling is when we were coming home from visiting my parents one time.  We were stopped in taffic right outside Nashville TN and we got off at an exit.  We stopped at McDonalds to do bathroom breaks and get food.  Then we went back on the road, but we went down a back road.  We were driving along and all of a sudden we passed a house with a huge gate.  If I hadn’t seen a special about this house years ago, I would not have known then that it was Barbra Mandrell’s house. 

7. The most exotic food I’ve ever tried while traveling is nothing.  I am a very picky eater.

8. If I could live anywhere else, I’d live in Jekyll Island GA.

9. I have been to 10 

states in the U.S.

I still am having problems getting link codes to show up so here is where you can find the Fill in the Blank Friday  Fill in the Blank Travel and 5 Q Friday.
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I have no idea what to blog about, but I feel that I need to blog about something.  Right now it is 10:07 and I am watching The Mummy.  I really like this movie.  It is one of those that I have to watch whenever it is on.   Another movie that I have to watch whenever it is on is Twister.  I have no idea why I have to watch them when they are on but I do.
 Do you have any movies that you have to watch when they are on? 

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The Help Review

I finished The Help by Kathryn Stockett Sunday night.  If you like historical fiction you might like this book.  It focuses on three women in Jackson MS in the 1960’s.  Two are the help and the other woman is an aspiring writer.  The three woman write a book using their own stories from present and past houses the two women have worked in.  Otherhelp finds out about the book and want to add their stories. 

The Help is a great book. 

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Dark World by Zak Bagans review

I started this book on 1-1-12. I finished it on 1-13-12.
  It is by paranormal investigator Zak Bagans from the Travel Channel show Ghost Adventures. 
He talks about the science behind paranormal investigation and the equipment that he uses.  He also talks about some of the locations he has been with Ghost Adventure Crew, his paranormal group which also includes the others from the show Nick Groff and Aarom Goodwin. 

It is a great book.  If you are a skeptic you should open your mind and read this book.  It will let you in on the behind the science of another world. 

Buy it now!
Barnes and Noble

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